Naruto: Send her in.

Hey guys heres a new story, about a femNaruto x Sasuke, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Prologue: Darkness

Deep below the Hidden Leaf many secrets lie. One was a room with a single occupant. The room was in an ANBU compound and constantly under guard. The room itself was small, cold, make of stone, and had no light, no windows. It was darkness itself.

The prisoner sat curled up in one of the corners, shivering from the wet cold of the room, thought it was nothing that they were not used to. Hands and feet chained, mouth gaged, and eyes covered by a sack the prisoner couldn't do anything or make a single sound. Nor did they want to, for fear of another binding and beating session.

But this was her life.

Her mind calm, the young girl knew the patterns of the day by the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. Soon it would be time for the guards to change shifts. Maybe they would talk and she could try to learn some new words. It was what she'd come to learned to do to pass the time; some days she even was able to understand what they said. However most of her guards were tightlipped, so it was not often that happened.

Better yet would be if the Voice would talk to her. Though she could barely respond, sometimes the Voice would talk to her. Never really anything nice to say but at least it talked to her.

She heard the guards talking outside her room, something about outside. What was outside? Vaguely she remembered something about that word but…

One of the guards slid open the window and peered in. He didn't say anything but she could feel him staring into the room. She felt like she could almost feel the warmth from the small amount of light that was creeping into the room from that tiny window; but then the guard shut it and that was it.

The prisoner wondered if she would get to eat today. She hadn't had anything in a day or so, so she was getting hunger, but the chances of eating again until tomorrow was…

That's when she heard those steps. The steps that told her the he was coming. Step, step, clink. Step, step, clink. She curled in on herself even more. If he was here that meant she had done something wrong; she was going to be punished again.

The steps stopped right in front of her door; in some part of her mind she had hoped that they would have kept going, but they hadn't. "Open it" she heard from the other side, that voice making her cringe.

The door slid open with a loud bang that echoed down the hall. He entered the room; step, step, clink.

She could feel the man glaring at her, his eyes digging into her; wandering over her; trying to get into her mind and ever little thought that might be her own. He stood there, just watching her, as she just sat there in silence.

Even though she couldn't see the man with her eyes she knew he had an expressionless look upon his face; he always did, never did it change. At least that how it was the few times she did see him.

Danzo looked at the young girl, calculating, and then motioned for the two ANBU with him to move her.

The came in and roughly pulled her up, holding her under her arms; because her hands were bound together by shackles, the force that they used made her wrists ache. The chains that bound her feet, that hung an inch above the ground, clanked against the floor; it was really the only sound you heard, but the girl wouldn't make a sound. They held her up in front of Danzo.

He moved forward placing the handle of his cane under her chin and tipped her head back.

With a cold unfeeling voice he spoke to her "Time to go Naruko, we have a little test for you."

Hey all thanks for reading, hope you like and I know it was short but is a prologue, they next one will be longer. Please review and comment.