Hello everyone! Here's the promised sequel to He's Back but He's In Black! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my OCs Tate, Indigo, and King Blackfire. Ezio belongs to TheMysteriousWatcher.

No One's POV

How had he let this happen? All of his friends and family were all in the hands of the monster, the same monster he had promised himself he would never let touch his friends or family. As Brady stood on the edge of Mount Spew with the wind blowing all around him and a frown on his handsome features, he thought back to the times when everything had been peaceful, before that monster of a man came and stole everything away from him.

He thought of the many nights he had spent messing around with his brothers after the defeat of King Blackfire, the many times that the three had caused trouble, not to mention a few explosions, in the village, and the times when they just stayed at the castle and played video games all night long. He thought of the many times when he and Mikayla would sneak away from the castle together just to find a quiet place to spend time with one another without anyone interrupting them, or their make-out sessions. He thought of the hours he spent on Lanada helping to train Lanny's guards even though the war was over.

Yes, these were his thoughts, but even though he tried to escape it, the one thought he hated most kept taking over his mind: What if he couldn't save them in time? He had thought that saving everyone from King Blackfire was hard, but this was worse, much worse. No matter how hard he tried to dismiss this thought, to tell himself that he could do it: that he would do it, he still had his doubts. He wasn't some superhuman that could survive anything, and what he had to do to save his friends and family would need him to be just that.

What was happening to him? He had never doubted himself as much as he was right now in the past. Was it because there was more at stake now? Before, the only thing really at stake was maybe his public image, except for the King Blackfire ordeal, that had been life threatening for him and his friends and family, but even then, he had pulled through with a small amount of doubt. Then again, he had all of his friends with him up until the final battle where he faced King Blackfire by himself with the others were fighting the war in the throne room, except for when Boomer and Boz had saved him from being killed by the Evil King.

Even then, he still had little doubt that he couldn't win, except for the moment when he was almost killed by King Blackfire; the only thing saving him was Ezio's sacrifice. He still wished that he could have had it another way, some way that Ezio could have lived instead of dying. At least, that's what they thought had happened to the brave warrior. After the three Kings had defeated King Blackfire, Ezio had disappeared. Many people thought he was dead while others, such as Brady, thought differently. However, Brady knew that with every win comes a great sacrifice: This sacrifice just happened to be someone's life though, and Brady still didn't like the fact that he had lived and Ezio possibly hadn't. This was only a possibility though. Mystery surrounded the warrior and his disappearance, the same mystery that had appeared when the group first met him, and the same mystery that had been there all along.

This time around though, there was no one with him, no one to help try and guide him through these troublesome times. His parents hadn't appeared since he last saw them in his dreams, and all of his friends and family were being held prisoner by a mad man. Now Brady was truly on his own, and this scared him. He had always thought that he was strong enough to fight by himself since he's come back from Chicago, but right now, he was terrified. He'd always had someone with him, and now he was by himself. There wasn't anyone to help him fight his way out of this problem like in the past, something he had always taken for granted and never realized how valuable it was to have someone with you, someone to help you when you needed it.

How was he supposed to save the island and everyone he loved when he couldn't even stop doubting himself? How was he supposed to be the hero everyone needed him to be if he was terrified of the situation? He was turning back into his old self, the person he had been before he left for Chicago: the one who always ran from his battles, who always wanted someone else to fight for him, who allowed others to do everything for him so he could live life without a care in the world.

No. He couldn't turn into that kind of person again. He liked not running from a challenge, he liked fighting for himself, and most of all, he liked being able to control what he did and actually helping others instead of them helping him. He liked the person he was now, and he didn't want to go back to what he was before.

He had to do this himself. He could do this himself. He could save everyone and still defeat that mad man. Yes, he could do it, he just didn't know how yet. That was it. All he needed was a plan. Now whether or not his plan would work, that was another matter. This thought brought new doubts and worries to the boy king's mind, causing him further stress. However, he couldn't relax, oh no. He didn't have forever to save his friends. He had to go now. He had to go save them. However, in order to understand why he had to save his friends from a mad man, you have to go back to a few months after the battle against King Blackfire to learn the whole story.

Here's the beginning of the new story! Thanks for reading!

Lots of Hugs,

Bra-Kayla Luver4eva