Note: I do not own anything(Well, except maybe the storyline of this fanfic). Naruto and Fate/Stay Night are properties of their original writers, and aside from the plot I intend to use, as well as the few add-on ideas, concepts, OCs, etc, that I intend to insert along the way, the characters and mostly everything else belongs to them.

Wave Country, Present Day






"Interesting," mused a voice. It was a man of tall stature, with short and rather spiky hair, wielding a decently sized, larger than normal sword, as he continued to parry his opponent's strikes, generating sparks, as metal clashed against metal. "I have fought against and slain countless shinobi, and there were jounin level ones among the list... yet I have never met one such as you. Your skill with the blade is truly impressive. It would be a waste to kill one such as you... maybe I should take you with me instead..."

"FLATTERY WILL GET YOU KILLED!" shouted a female voice, as the pink-haired girl, who was wielding a sword that was made especially for her by the father of her friend, rushed forward on the water, matching the man who was also known as the Demon of the Hidden Mist in a battle of swords, while two of her teammates, a black-haired boy whose goal in life was to kill his brother, who had killed his entire clan, currently guarding the old bridge builder who hired them, and their Jounin team leader(who was currently trapped in a ball of water which was being maintained by three clones of the spiky-haired man with the sword), watched, the former's mouth open in surprise (It could not be determined if it was the same for the other one since his mask covered his mouth, although his eyes, both his normal one and his red ones, indicated that it might also be the case for him.), at the fact that a thirteen-year old kunoichi was able to go toe to toe with a high level criminal/missing nin, not to mention the fact that she was also releasing a killing intent that matched her opponent's own...

The only one who did not seem surprised was a blonde ninja with blue eyes, although he too, was watching in awe, while waiting for an opening he could exploit...

Sparks flew in the air, while two huge masses of water shaped like dragons collided, as Haruno Sakura continued to engage the A-Rank missing nin known as the Demon of the Mist, Momoichi Zabusa, in a battle of technique and swordsmanship...


Hidden Leaf Village, A Few Years Earlier

(Naruto POV)



"It should exiled from the village..."

"No that would not be enough... it should be executed..."

A blonde boy, about five years old, was being beaten to a pulp by five people, in a secluded area that was surrounded by trees. He was covered in cuts and bruises, as the adults continued their onslaught, beating the poor child mercilessly...

"Tch, it really is a pity," said one of the assailants, scowling, as he kicked the helpless blonde on the stomach. "Sandaime said that we are not allowed to kill you. However..."

At this, a cruel smile appeared on the man's face...

"...he never said we could not beat the crap out of it. As long as it lived, we won't have any problems..."

The blonde boy merely whimpered in pain, unable to escape, unable to do anything to help himself. He wanted to scream, to cry out for help, but did not do so, for he knew that it was useless...

In fact, the child with blue eyes could not understand why they had brought him to a secluded location before beating him up in the first place. Even at a young age, he thought that it would not be necessary. The people of Konoha hated him, and in fact, it would have made people happier if he was mugged publicly, and would definitely cheer on his assailants, if not join them in their entertainment.

It was the same wherever he went. Back at the orphanage, he was hated and bullied by the other children. To make matters worse, the kind-faced woman who was in charge of said orphanage encouraged the other children to keep up the good work, and from time to time, would slap and kick the poor blonde for every little fault she could see, though most of the time he had not done anything wrong at all, yet he was also blamed. He was always the one at fault...

After a while, the blonde was kicked out of the orphanage, and was forced to live alone, in an apartment, but things hardly improved for him. While no one tried to break into his room, there was plenty of vandalism painted on the outside wall...





It was the same. No matter what he did, not matter where he went, everyone shunned him. Everyone hated him. He was despised. He was loathed. The blonde-haired boy did not know why, but the people in his village called him a demon, and for whatever reason he could not understand, they hated him...

Many times, the blonde wished that he could just die, to put an end to his miserable existence. And yet, for some reason, no matter how many times people inflict pain upon him, he always survived. For some reason, even if he was badly beaten, most of his injuries would be gone the next day, and the blonde hated this fact. He wanted to kill himself, but found that he couldn't, for while he no longer feared death (perhaps just little), there was a part of him that prevented him from committing suicide.

For he did not want to be hated. He wanted to be known, to be respected, to be recognized. For even though he did not fully comprehend the reason why, he understood that the people of the Hidden Leaf Village blamed him for some tragic event, whatever it was.

True, part of him wished he were dead, but the other more dominant part was preventing him from killing himself, for it held on to the belief, the hope, to his one true wish, that there was someone out there who would love and accept him...

Sadness...despair...anger...sorrow...hate... Such were the emotions that were felt by the child with blonde hair named Uzumaki Naruto. Yes, he was struggling with himself, he wanted to keep believing, yet he was now losing hope...

The blonde looked listlessly at his assailants, his eyes open yet unseeing, as they continued pummelling him. Yet, to him, it no longer mattered, his senses numbed. He was used to the pain, to this kind of treatment.

Everyone hates me...

Everyone loathes me...

Everyone despised me...

No one would love me...

No one would accept me...

No one would care for me...

The blonde, pondering on these thoughts, closed his eyes, and was about to pass out, about to welcome the peaceful darkness that comes along with it, when...






The blonde opened his eyes, and was stunned, as he saw his assailants wandering about aimlessly, their hands held over their eyes, apparently unable to open them, one of them tripping on a root and falling face-first on the dusty ground...

Before he could comprehend what was happening however, the pain and injuries began taking their toll, and thus, the blonde, weary, beaten, and exhausted, was unable to remain conscious...

The last thing he saw, before passing out, was a pair of green eyes, on a face that was looking at him, not with hate and loathing, but with concern and worry...


(Naruto POV)

I am the bone of my sword...

He was standing in the middle of a wide hill. It was a barren land. No trees, no grass, no birds, animals. Not a single trace of life could be seen, not even weeds. All that was there...

Were blades... swords, spears, kunai, falchion, so many of them in fact, that it would have been impossible to count, scattered about the desolate wasteland that was devoid of life...

In the far distance, on the sky, were gears, turning in perpetual motion, as smoke came from the machination, which partly blocked view of the horizon where it was situated. The sun was not visible, undoubtedly hidden by the white clouds in the heavens, a metallic breeze continuously felt in the area...

Suddenly, the sky, which was blue in colour, began turning orange, as a grumbling sound could be heard, yet the blonde could not tell from which direction it came from, as if the source was there, yet at the same was not there, as if it were part, and at the same time was part, of the world...

The blonde child could not help but feel terrified as he looked up towards the heavens. He began shivering, trembling, for the sky now completely orange, as a pair terrifying red eyes appeared on it...

He wanted to flee, to run, to get away... Yet, he stood frozen, unable to move, as the pressure from whatever it was kept him rooted on the spot... He was shaking, trembling, unable to overcome the feeling of dread and power that emanated from the creature (although he was not sure exactly what it was, seeing as all he could were its eyes), an aura so frightening, that he could not even scream in terror. But then...

As suddenly as it had come, it vanished, as the scene changed...

He was now standing on another hill, similar, yet far different, from the one he was previously on...

For unlike the previous one, there were no swords scattered everywhere. Trees could be seen in the distance, the ground completely carpeted with grass...

The blonde boy could help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity, as the fresh, welcoming, gentle breeze slightly swayed the grasses... But what caught the boy's attention the most however, was not this fact, but something else...

For in front of him, stood a girl. A beautiful girl, with blonde hair and green eyes, looking straight at him. She wore a gentle smile on her face, and yet...

She was crying. Tears were flowing down her eyes, as she continued staring at him...

To the boy, the girl was a stranger, and yet she seemed so...familiar...

Suddenly the whole area engulfed in a white light, as the boy who went by the name Uzumaki Naruto opened his eyes, only to find himself staring at another pair of green eyes, which were strikingly identical to the one that was worn by the petite blonde girl he just saw...

"So you're finally awake," said a female voice.

The blonde boy was left speechless, and could do nothing but stare, unsure if he was already awake or if he was still asleep, as he recognized the pinkette, who moved closer to him until her face was only inches away from his own, which, as he now realized for some reason he could not understand, was strikingly similar to the one worn by the girl in that dream.

After a while, the Uzumaki found his voice again, and uttered, in a weak voice, the first word that came to his still disoriented mind...



Alright, this is the introductory chapter for my first Naruto-Fate/Stay Night Crossover. Now, for all those who are currently reading other fic, A New Fate, I am sorry to say that I am currently at a writer's block for that story, so my updates for it will be slower than before, not to mention the fact that aside from the numerous other important things I have to do, I will be focusing more on this one, although I will at least try and update it once every two weeks, while this one... well, I'll try and update it at least once a week.

Truth be told, the reason why I started on this particular fic was due to the fact that when I rummaged in my old bags, I found some pieces of paper which contained some of the crossovers I've written in the past, and boy was I happy to see them. Yes, it's true that they were roughly made and most of it was gone, but then I found this particular fic. The plot and the flow of this one will be different from the one I found, but the pairing, crossover style and main concept will be just about the same, with a few tweaks...

As I think you should know, while I am a Naruto fan, I am among the people who hate a certain pink-haired ninja who goes by the name Haruno Sakura. Yes, I hate her, I absolutely hate her. However, I got an idea from my previous write-up. What if said pinkette was actually... well, I will not mention it here since you'll just find out by reading this story as it flows...

And if you have any comments, suggestions, ideas, please do review, even if they are negative comments, so long as they are constructive criticism. It would be much appreciated...

And yeah, and for a bit more information on the character I intend to use here, I would recommend reading Chapter 50 of my other crossover, "A New Fate."

Anyway, like always, I hope you enjoy reading my stories...

Later then, people...