A/N: Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing!

Traveling atop of trains is a convenient and fast way of travel for Yuri, but this time around he's less enthusiastic since he has company. Or to put it more correctly, he is being followed by a tengu he could really do without. Unwanted company is nothing new for him; when it wasn't Raven himself, the damn bird sends along one of his many crows to go with him. However, this time around he feels the need to allow Raven to tag along, because today is special...

Flynn is waiting for him...

The boy- no...it hasn't been right nor fair to continue calling him a boy over the years, since it greatly discredited his growth. The man had moved away from Tokyo after graduating from college, confessing that he could never see himself becoming a stuffy, suit wearing businessman. He really just wanted to get away from the city, and what better place to go than the countryside where his grandmother had grown up? After she had died, the woman had left the property to her family, and because he wasn't sure if his parents were going to keep the house Flynn took it upon himself to move in.

Since it had been some time since the woman's death, the house was dusty and in great need of repair. It brought him great amusement to watch the then boy clean every inch of the house, and even more amusement when he decided to remove the weeds from the backyard. Yuri made no attempt to help him and made sure Estelle knew not to as well. He wasn't trying to be mean; he just felt that if anyone stepped in to help Flynn when he hadn't asked for it, the poor lad's pride would've been hurt.

However, he did help take care of Flynn's various cuts and scrapes he had received from dealing with the backyard, and instead of making fun of him Yuri merely congratulated him on his hard work. Much like back in the city Flynn's main form of transportation was his bike, the then boy using it to move between the more populated areas and the small village. It was there that he found work as a delivery boy, and from there the two of them began to fall into a familiar rhythm.

At least for three month...

After long he was once again reminded of his duties in the city; one of Raven's crows had given him a status report of everything going on while he was away, and it wasn't anything good. The youkai in the city were taking advantage of his absence, causing all kinds of misfortune to any human that unknowingly crossed their paths. Parting ways with Flynn was hard...even if he knew that visiting him was possible, it would've be the same as actually living with him.

Yuri truly hated the sad smile Flynn had given him the night he returned to the city...and he was sure the image would be burned into his memories for as long as he lived.

Even if the guilt he felt lessened over time, it never truly left, the feeling always reappearing whenever he visited Flynn. He always made it a habit to visit on Sundays, holidays and the man's birthday. It wasn't enough...he wanted to spend even more time with Flynn, wanted to say 'to Hell with it' and give up what godhood he had left. But he didn't...because he knew Flynn didn't want that for him. So he tried his best to deal with it over the years, balancing both his duty and love life so that he didn't have to choose between either.

Today is Flynn's birthday, but this time around it would be very different from the rest. Lying back on the cold, hard roof of the train, Yuri finds his chest begin to ache; it's an all too familiar feeling, one that always appears whenever Osaka is near. The pain is a sad reminder of the things he wanted but could not pursue.

"Come on Yuri-sama! It'll be all-"

"Don't speak to me..."

Yuri hadn't meant to sound so harsh, even if the comment was directed at Raven, but he has a lot on his mind at the moment.

"I'm sorry...I just..." Running his fingers through his hair, he can help but become frustrated with his lack of words. 'He just' what? Loves Flynn so damn much that the distance between them hurts him damn near every day? He couldn't say that!

With a huff, he turns over, hating how lovesick he had become in front of the annoying crow. Love-sickness was a Hell of a thing; Yuri wouldn't go so far as to say that it has completely broken him emotionally, but he can freely admit that it has turned him into a mess. Maybe that's why he never bothered with relationships in the past...because he subconsciously knew he could never fully handle something like it.

That isn't to say that he hates being in love; no, it was more the fact that he had been reduced to a blushing school girl whenever he thought about Flynn. He is a god, and yet a single human had made him lovesick...the mere notion of it makes a smirk appear on his lips. Why? Because it proved that humans were not as helpless as they seemed, and once the day came for the world of gods and youkai to end...they would be just fine.

That was if the humans ever decided they weren't needed anymore, and Yuri had a feeling that time wouldn't happen soon. His mind is placed at ease when the train comes to a full stop at the station, Yuri's eyes scanning the crowed until they finally land on a familiar fox in a white kimono. The small girl always took Flynn's place when he couldn't make it due to various circumstances, and even if Yuri didn't mind at all it still didn't dull the disappointment he felt.

"Sorry if we're late," He hops down from the train as he speaks, feet gently landing on the ground as he points to Raven, "This one wanted food so we missed the first train."

"But I was hungry!"

"Then I should've left you there to stuff your face."

While they bickered he notices Estelle laughing at their antics, and who could really blame her for doing so? The two of them looked foolish. Because the whole thing was leading in a very pointless direction, Yuri decides to ignore Raven in favor of making his way towards the small village. Since it wasn't far from the station, he figured it was all right for the three of them to walk...even if he was sure the damnable bird would complain the entire way.

"How are the crops this season?" Yuri needed to hear the sound of something other than Raven's constant squawking, and Estelle's voice was much more appealing.

"Great! After last year's terrible harvest, everyone made sure to work overtime so Inari-sama wouldn't get upset." Even if she sounded cheerful, Yuri is fully aware of the sadness behind her worlds. As years went on the number of her siblings kept dropping, and last year was the absolute worst for her.

Out of the 25 siblings Yuri had known personally, only seven were left...

Given that Estelle had been around for some time, there was no telling how many siblings she had actually lost. Estelle tried to hide her hurt, but the poor girl had always had a terrible poker face. However, through the hurt she always seemed to push forward and continue with her duty of making sure the small village flourished. It was admirable, but he had to wonder if this was some kind of sick game Inari liked to play...

"That's good, though I'm still surprised such a tiny village could still be around for so long." It's true, especially in this day and age when modernization seems to devour everything that is considered 'old'. The entire walk is spent with the two of them conversing about agriculture and the economy, but Yuri can't help but be distracted.

Flynn is waiting for him...he has to keep repeating this in his head in order to calm himself down. He is a god; he had much better control than this...he needs to keep himself together. While so absorbed in his own actions, Yuri doesn't fully notice the distance between the two of them and Raven. He figures it's because the topic at hand doesn't interest the crow in the slightest, but it isn't until they make it to the village entrance that Yuri knows something is wrong.

"...Are you coming...?" Gazing over his shoulder, he finds Raven a good ten feet away from them and it really seems like he has no intention of moving.

"A-Ah, well..." Raven scratches the back of his head as he laughs nervously, "You two go on ahead, I'll catch up later."

Instead of questioning the crow, Yuri merely nods, because in the back of his mind he understood Raven's actions. The tengu didn't wish to deal with what was to come...As he and Estelle make their way through the small village, he feels the unfortunate heaviness in the air; feels that something about the whole situation needs to be said but neither of them seem willing to be the one to bring it up. It's wrong, because Yuri is a direct kind of god, but this time...this time he can't say what he's supposed to.

So instead, he says the only thing on his mind...

"Estelle..." He comes to a complete stop as he speaks, "...Thank you very much..."

"Huh? I'm not sure I understand- w-what are you doing, Yuri-sama?"

Yuri had turned around to face the girl, her obvious surprise due to the very deep bow he was giving her.

"Thank you very much for being such a good friend to Flynn...and to me. Also..." Reaching up he pinches Estelle's nose between his index and middle finger, "I keep telling you to drop the '-sama'."

She struggles a little before backing off, her fingers coming up to rub her abused nose. Yuri can't help but laugh at the pout she gives him, though he quickly closes his mouth the moment her confused face turns to that of realization. She opens her mouth a few times, but no words slip through her lips. Yuri feels this is the best time to leave.


He doesn't turn around...because the hitch in the girl's voice tells him that she is on the verge of tears. He hates that he's made her do so, but...he won't take back his words. His feet feel heavy as he walk, gut churning uncomfortably the closer he gets to his destination. Yuri doesn't bother with the front door upon arrival, his feet automatically taking him to the back of the large house instead. He knows where Flynn will be. Once in the back he takes a seat on the veranda, fingers quickly slipping off his sandals so he could proceed into the building.

He doesn't have far to go.

Sliding the door open he finds who he's looking for; there lying on a futon is Flynn, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. He had a thin blanket over himself because of the summer heat, and as Yuri walks over to his sleeping body, he takes note of the still full glass of water next to an unopened pill bottle. He shakes his head but says nothing; instead, he merely lowers himself to the ground, sitting on his knees as he gets himself comfortable.

Leaning over he hesitantly brushes his hands over dull, blond locks, fingers slowly coming down to run along the man's wrinkled face. When he stirs, Yuri pulls his hand back and waits, and when blue eyes meet his he can't help but smile.

"Happy birthday, old man, you made it to a hundred."

"And what an interesting hundred it has been."

The both of them share a small chuckle at this, because he knows there's no denying his words. Before saying anything else he scolds Flynn for neglecting the pills Estelle had left out for him, the old man scrunching his nose up as he tells him that they taste 'terrible'. If there was one thing that had never changed over the years, it was Flynn's stubborn attitude. Yuri just shakes his head and places the objects of their discussion to the side, eyes lingering on the pills for a few seconds before coming back to meet Flynn.

"Help an old man up, would you?" Without hesitation he takes the hand Flynn offers him, slinging the old man's arm over his shoulder as he slowly made his way up. He helped the him out of his room and onto the veranda, placing him down on a wooden chair a few steps away from the door.

"Ah, this old body of mine is such a hassle, how in the world do you deal with it, Yuri?" He can hear the joking tone in Flynn's voice, though it doesn't stop him from rolling his eyes.

"It helps that I don't age like you humans do. Buy I must say that Amaterasu-sama was so cruel to curse me with the looks of a twenty year old human."

"Now you're just bragging." They both laugh while Yuri kneels on the zabuton next to the chair, the cushion a bit beaten up due to its overuse.

This is their spot, where godly and humanly duties are put aside so the two of them can just be. From where they sit, they can see the entire village, Yuri always marveling at how little the it had changed. A few new roads have been paved and houses had been repaired, but the scenery was still the same. The forest had been untouched, much to Estelle and her sibling's relief, and from where they sat the two of them can see the many trees sway in the wind.

His wolf ears twitched as the cool breeze whipped past them, giving them a much needed break from the summer air. Much like with Estelle there was so much he needed to say, but when he's sitting next to Flynn like this, like they had so many times in the past, words fail him. And that's completely okay. When they are in their space, it's all right for important things to be put to the side. The two of them talk for a good while about random things, though it isn't until Flynn goes silent that Yuri knows something is coming.

"Ah, I know it's my birthday, but..." The old man pauses a bit before continuing, "I'd like to give you a present..."

Yuri's curiosity perks at this, though it wasn't that strange for Flynn to give him thing when they were supposed to be celebrating his day. He listens as the old man tells him that their relationship has meant the world to him, about how he had never once regretted meeting him. Yuri really isn't sure where the conversation is going...but he doesn't like it. In fact, he wants to stop Flynn from speaking, wants to tell him that his words weren't needed, but all he can do is keep his ass on the cushion below him and be silent.

"So...I wish to give you my next life, Yuri..."

He doesn't say anything, because Flynn's words just make the situation all more real...they remind him of why he's really there. Control...he needs to control himself. But dammit, this is Flynn, so he can't, he can't, Amaterasu dammit, he can't. Yuri can't help but be angry with himself, angry because Flynn has already accepted things for what they were, and here he was...so ready to deny everything. Yuri finds himself biting his bottom lip, because he doesn't want Flynn to see him so shaken.

When he feels a hand atop his head, he can't help tensing up, but when it gently strokes his hair he lets it all go.

"I'm so sorry, Flynn..."

"For what?"

"For not being able to do anything about this...I'm a god, I should be able to-"

He's slightly startled by the sound of Flynn suddenly laughing.

"Yuri, you've done more than enough for me, so much so that I couldn't possibly ask anymore of you. We'll see each other again, I promise."

If there was one thing Flynn was rather good at, it was keeping his promises. So the only thing Yuri can do is smile, because he didn't want the old man last image of him to be his depressed face. Getting up from his spot on the floor, he stands in front of Flynn, hands pressed firmly together as he bowed his head. The least he could do was offer him a prayer for his journey. Upon looking up his eyes he finds the old man smiling at him, his hand coming up to take one of his.

"Thank you...Yuri..." His smile never faltered, even as his eyes began to shut. The grip of his hand slowly began to loosen, but Yuri never lets go.

Reaching over with his free hand he gently strokes Flynn's cheek, not at all aware of his tears until he sees them fall to the ground. He isn't afraid when he notices his hand start to become transparent, wasn't afraid of knowing that this was the end of the line for him. Flynn is- was the last person to believe in him, and as such his existence was no longer valid. Yuri wasn't sure what would be awaiting him once he fully disappeared, but he was sure he'd see Flynn again.

No matter how long it took, he would.

"You better keep your promise, ya damn brat..."

-Many Years Later-

The Osaka heat was annoying as usual, so he really saw no point in running around with the other kids. His mother had said 'go outside', but she never actually specifically said that he actually had to do anything. So here he is, sitting in the shade of a large tree as he watches his pseudo-friends. No, he couldn't very well consider people who thought of him as strange as friends. The only friends he needed were the ones other people couldn't see.

For example, the small wolf spirit that had attached itself to him, its blue-black fur so very soft he couldn't help but pet it whenever he had the chance. It had always been around; he couldn't remember a day without it being near him, and he was rather grateful for it. He is taken out of his thoughts when a few leaves fall in front of him, though he doesn't take any action until he sees something rather large fall to the ground. He immediately hides behind the tree, his wolf spirit growling a bit at whatever had fallen.

"O-Ow..." Peeking over the side of the tree truck, he tries to figure out what exactly, or rather, who exactly had drop out of the tree. At first glance, it looks to be a person, but the strange feeling they were giving off said otherwise.

They are dressed as a Shinto priest, though he only knows this from his few visit to the local shrine. Their white kariginu had been dirtied by the fall, a few leaves clinging to it as well. The dark blue of their hakama shared the same fate, and upon further inspection he notices a khakkhara beside them. The staff looked to be made of gold, the rings around the much larger one clinging together when its owner grabbed it.

The most distinct thing about them is his hair, because he had never seen a blond priest before. Said priest really looked like a foreigner, though of course he couldn't really base it on looks along since he had seen spirits with stranger hair colors. He doesn't move from his spot, carefully observing the strange youkai or whatever he is with wary eyes. Not all spirits he could see were good, a lesson he had learned the hard way by almost being eaten by a few. But even if he told himself 'this guy is a weirdo...' it doesn't stop him from peeking his head out from his hiding spot, though only a little.

"Thank Amaterasu no one saw me-"

"Oi, you..." The stranger tenses but doesn't turn his way, so he figures being a bit more specific would help, "Blond priest..."

The stranger tenses even more as his body slowly begins to turn around, a look of surprise crossing his face as their eyes meet. Geez, even his eyes are blue...The two of them stare at one another for a few more seconds before the blond stranger rushes over to him, his most obvious reaction being to back away from the weirdo.

"You can...see me?"

"Yes..." He took another step back when the spirit crouches in front of him, a look of pure delight practically beaming off his face.

"Really? That's...great!" The smile on the priest's face only brightens, and he figures the spirits excitement if from his lack of human interaction. He had learned rather quickly in his ten years of life that it wasn't normal to see the things he did, and to point it out only lead to him being ridiculed.

"So, your name is Yuri?" He snaps out of his thoughts when he sees the strange priest petting his wolf, something he finds odd because it was always very cautious of spirits it didn't know. If anything, he's surprised that the priest can even understand his constant companion, especially since he himself couldn't.

"Yes...What's your name?"

"Er, well..." The stranger nervously scratches the back of his head, "I can't give a human my real name...Oh, why don't you give me a name? I wouldn't mind."

It's an odd thing to ask, though he figures that giving him a name is much better than calling him 'blond priest'. So Yuri thinks it over; he thinks of random names before moving on to things related to the stranger, like color or the fact that he had fallen out of a tree. However, no matter what name he thought of, one in particular kept popping into his head. He finds it odd because he has never heard of it before, especially since it was clearly a foreign name.

Though he thinks giving the foreign looking priest a foreign sounding name would be just fine.

"I'll call you...Flynn."


"It might sound strange, but I feel like it's the only name I can give you."

The newly named Flynn merely nods at his comment, a small smile on his face as he reached out and pats him on his head. Yuri doesn't back away from his touch this time, finding it oddly warm and inviting.

"I've been the god of this city for 200 years, but you're the first human I've ever spoken to. It's...quite a nice feeling." And it's for this reason that Yuri feels he can connect better with youkai and gods better than humans; they understand what loneliness is.

He was sure this was a pretty screwed up way to live, being unwilling to interact with other kids, but he hadn't really experienced anything pleasant to make him think otherwise.

"What were you doing up there...?" He points to the upper part of the tree and Flynn laughs nervously as he looks away.

"W-Well, I was reading over a few prayers from the shine and then a random crow started harassing me." That sounded so lame, but he's sure the true embarrassment came from the fact that he had fallen from a tree because of it.

"Since you're down here, you might as well stay." Yuri plops back down on the grass as he speaks, a part of him deeply wishing for the other to stay.

"I do need to get back to the shrine," The priest's eyes linger on him for a moment before speaking, "But, it's not terribly important for me to be there right at this moment."

That's a relief, but Yuri makes no motion to let Flynn know this. He wants someone to talk to, so they talk. He feels oddly comfortable opening up to the priest, telling him about how his parents weren't home all that much, that the kids at school thought he was strange and how he just didn't feel like he belonged anywhere. It was a lot for a mere ten-year-old to feel, he knows, but when you weren't like everything else thing became a bit complicated.

Flynn gave him suggestions every now and then; like that he should at least try playing with the other kids, because it was not only the 'right thing to do' but because 'human bonds were an important thing'. Yuri snorted at this. Humans could keep their bonds, and as he said this the priest gave him a blank look before speaking again. It was then that Flynn brought up a very important fact: he was human too. Biting his lower lip he tries to think of a comeback, but nothing comes to mind.

"I'll tell you what; I'll stay right here and if you don't like playing with them, just come back."

"...Do you mean that?"

Flynn nods as he smiles, though Yuri still feels a bit apprehensive about getting up and going over. He didn't want to be called weird again, or for that matter to be looked at as if he is an alien creature. But...Flynn had said he'd stay and wait, so at least he had something to come back to. He picks himself up from the ground begins to walk over, but not before giving a glance over his shoulder to make sure the priest was keeping his promise. Flynn just smiled at him again, and this time he feels it's all right to do the same.

However, just because he feels a little better did not mean he was comfortable speaking with the other kids. His nerves kick in when he begins speaking to them, voice low as he asks if he can play with them. It's hard to watch them stare at him, so he brings his gaze downward; waiting for what he was sure would be rejection-


He snaps his head up so quickly that he really hurts his neck, though he completely ignores it in favor of giving the group of kids a look of shock. He stands there for a few seconds just staring, and he doesn't snap out of it until he is handed a soccer ball. Yuri didn't really care much for the game, but when given this opportunity, who was he to turn it down? Before going off with the other kids he looks over his shoulder one more time, rather pleased to see the priest still sitting under the tree, hand gently stroking the wolf pup that rests on his lap.

Flynn makes a hand gesture for him to continue on his interactions, and he only hesitates for the moment before doing just that. Yuri spends a good deal of time playing with the other kids, though of course it wasn't without a few incidents. He was hit with the ball at least twice, and when the third time happens he accuses the kid of doing it on purpose. They get into a fight after yelling at one another for a good five minutes, Yuri retreating over to Flynn where he refuses to move no matter what the priest said.

It's only after he has cooled off does Yuri finally go back over and apologize, the boy in question admitting to his unfair behavior. He stays with the group until the sun had set, Yuri being the last to leave since there wasn't really anyone waiting for him at home.

"Did you have fun?" He watches as Flynn gets up from his spot on the ground, dusting off his clothes before giving him a small smile.

"Yeah...I did," Yuri can't help but return the gesture, though it falters a bit when he remembers that he has to go home.

"Well, I should probably take my leave-"

"Wait." He knew he was too quick to grab the priest's sleeve, but he doesn't care. However, it doesn't stop him from blushing slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Um...can you walk me home? And..." He fidgets a bit as he uses his free hand to tug at the bottom of his shirt, "Let me hold your hand..."

Flynn smiles at him again, the priest crouching down as he extends his hand to him. Yuri stares at the other's hand, finding the whole thing to be strangely familiar. Hesitantly he takes Flynn's hand, the warmth from it causing him to relax a bit. They don't say much during their walk, the only sound being that of Flynn's sandals hitting the ground and the light 'pitter-patter' of his wolf pup's paws next to him. Yuri doesn't mind this at all. He likes having Flynn around; likes that he feels warm and that he smiles at him all the time.

When the reach his apartment complex, his stomach churns a bit, because he had said for the priest to take him home not to stay with him. He doesn't move for a while, debating if he should actually tell Flynn to stay. Would he be asking too much if he did so? Flynn had said that he needed to get back to the shrine, so to keep him any longer just seemed wrong. But...he really doesn't want to be alone. Squeezing the priest's hand a bit to get his attention, he figures it's probably better to just ask then constantly worry.

"Um, Flynn-san...could you stay until my parents come home? I mean...if you have somewhere to be, I understand." He fidgets again; hand squeezing Flynn's a bit tighter. Yuri isn't really sure what he'd do if the priest decides to leave, but he's sure it would involve feeling empty as he waited for his parents to come back.

He wonders if Flynn's constant couching is so he doesn't have to strain his neck to look down, or because Flynn just wants to look him in the eye. The priest strokes his hair slowly, and deep down Yuri knows what the other is probably going to say.

"I'll stay by your side as long as you want me to."

"...What if I say 'stay forever'?"

"Then I won't go anywhere." He watches as Flynn hooks their pinkies together, "It's a promise."

Yuri nearly topples the priest, arms wrapping tightly around his neck as he hugged him. He had never been so happy before, and it was like...he had been waiting for this moment his entire life.

A/N: Thanks again to all the readers and reviewers! Also, I finally made a tumblr, the link is in my profile if you want to follow me.