This story is just for fun its sorta a what if story. Like what if Hayden never existed this might be the turn out. Elena and Klaus are happy together and it is an alternate universe where Hayden never exists and Elena and Klaus never broke up. There shouldn't be more than three chapters to this story.
Elena ran up the stairs being chased by a shirtless Klaus since it gotten ruined at their latest victims house. "You look hot with blood on you." Elena said when he caught her and pinned her to the wall. "Well thank you love, I'll have to remember to hit the femoral artery again next time." "You know you got some blood on your face." Klaus said leaned in so close they were almost nose to nose.
"Where at?" Elena asked bringing her hand up to her face to get it. "Right here." Klaus said engulfing her lips. "Klaus!" "Ah come on Elena, I know I'm a hell of a kisser, but damn can't you at least wait until we get to the bedroom?" "I was referring to the fact you just tricked me. And no, I can't wait." Elena said taking a kiss from him like he did her.
"Well there's no one here to stop us so come on!" Klaus said pulling her with him by the hand. "Oh, I plan to." She said walking in the room. "And you will trust me." Klaus said taking off his pants and boxers. "Now let's get you out of that dress. Wait you did get blood on you it was on the very top of your dress." "Who cares I'm sure you'll buy me a new one, now lay back!" Elena said taking her bra and panties off herself since Klaus was taking too long. Instead of laying back Klaus pulled Elena to him and layed her down.
"Elena tell me what you want me to do to you." "I want you to fuck me." Klaus knew when she said that it meant keep going until my legs are like jello. Klaus gave her a light simple kiss "That's the last thing that will be gentle tonight." He whispered directly above her then positioned himself to enter her. Elena moaned as Klaus slammed into her. "Oh fuck Klaus!" Elena screamed as he did it again, but Klaus moaned with Elena this tim. "Yes, right there! Oh God that's the spot Klaus harder please! Elena screamed gripping the sheets as if she would disappear if she let go.
Klaus knew he was at his release with Elena shouting and throwing her head back the way she was. "Fuck!" They both shouted as they both reached their climax. "Did I do you justice?" Klaus asked Elena. "You went way beyond justice." Elena said leaning over to kiss him. "Round two already?" Klaus asked surprised at how frisky Elena was being. "No I just wanted a kiss." She said and layed her head on his chest. "Klaus?" "Yeah?" "I want my knife back." Klaus smiled like the day she did her first kill. "You want to start killing with me again?"
"Yes, unless your scared I might be better at it than you." "I've been doing it for three years Elena I'm sure I'm much better than you at killing than you." "If that's what you think." Elena gave him a kiss on the cheek then went into her closet to change into her nighty not without grabbing onto the bed post to steady herself since her legs weren't were like jello just how she wanted though. "You look so sexy in that Elena, I think your just teasing me." "Oh Klaus it's only a piece of clothing designed to sleep in, no teasing involved." Elena said getting under the sheets and closed her eyes after saying "I love Klaus good night." "I love you too Elena."
Elena woke up before Klaus the next morning, she was sore like normal when they had sex like that. She saw Klaus was still sleeping so she got up quietly and went to get dressed in short blue jean shorts with Klaus' favorite green tight tank top that says I will not be naughty. She then went downstairs for breakfast. Mason's eyes bugged out when Elena walked in the room. "That's an interesting choice of... wow just wow." He said not able to finish his sentence. "Oh Mason you should be use to me wearing revealing clothing by now." Elena said walking towards the kitchen to make some breakfast.
She started with bacon and had Mason cook scrambled eggs. "Ah, shit!" Elena shout jumping back as the grease popped up and hit her in the chest. "You ok?" "Yeah the grease popped me that's all." "You take the eggs and let me cook the bacon then." "No I'm ok, you just keep going with those eggs. "Well your bacon is about to burn with you talking to me." Mason said noticing the bacon starting to turn black.
"Damn it!" Elena said tossing out the bacon and going over to the fridge for more. "I don't see anymore." Elena said checking all through the fridge even the bottom draws and shelves causing her to bend over which she knew Mason would stare even if she didn't want that. "Guess we're stuck with eggs." "I'm going to go wake Klaus up and I'll be back." Elena walked in her room to see the bed empty and Klaus wasn't anywhere in view. "Klaus? Where are you?" She called out entering the room. "If you would have come all the way in the room you would have seen I was getting dressed." "And I missed it." Elena said sad.
"I missed you getting dressed, but you were apparently thinking of me since you chose that shirt." "I thought you might like it. I need you downstairs, Mason and I made breakfast. Well Mason did he made me burn the bacon by talking to him."
"I thought I was going to have to come get you two." Mason said giving them a plate so they could put their almost cold eggs on it. "That's not necessary, now lets eat." Elena said. "I have good news Mason. Elena asked to start killing with me again, what do you think?" "I think as long as you don't stab a main artery then it will be just like old times." Elena giggled remembering Klaus being covered in blood.
"What's funny love?" "Nothing, I just remembered last night." Klaus knew she didn't mean the killing it was more along the line of when all their clothes were on the floor was what she was remembering she just would say in front of Mason. "Ok! I think I'm going to go do anything else but be here." Mason said feeling as if e was intruding on a private moment.
"Look what you did Elena, thinking dirty ran Mason off." "Your point?" Elena asked. "Elena we just ate, at least let our food settle." She poked her bottom lip out and took it to the kitchen where Mason was doing the dishes. "Have you seen Kol or Elijah?" She asked. "Yeah they had to go get all new seat cover for the back of the SUV after last nights blood spill in the back seat" Elena still couldn't hold her giggle in, "I'll be upstairs if you need me."
Elena walked upstairs to busy herself until her food settled like Klaus wanted. She went straight to making up the bed even if she knew it would probably end up all messy again with in the next thirty minutes. When Elena was bent over to smooth the sheet out she heard someone clear their throat, making her stand up straight quickly. "I thought we were going to end up there again soon so why make it up?" "Busy myself until you come to your senses and have your way with me."
Klaus smirked and closed the door and locked it. "Klaus I thought you wanted to wait." "Waiting gets you nowhere." Klaus said pushing Elena backwards onto the bed. "I'm glad I didn't finish the bed or we would have a comforter to go through." Elena said through a giggle as Klaus kissed her neck. "I wouldn't care, as long as I could get these shorts and this very inaccurate shirt, because you have been very naughty by seducing me."
"I did not! I was only making up the bed, you seduced me." Elena said stopping Klaus. "I'll make a deal who ver gets the other naked first is the one who seduced the other." Elena's shorts were already off so Klaus had the advantage. All Elena got off was his shirt and pants halfway down by the time Klaus had all her clothing gone except her bra which he was going for next.
"I won, you seduced me. What do I get?" "Me!" Elena said rolling on top of him and pulling the sheet over them. Elena kissed random spots on his chest then moving up to kiss his lips. Then went back to his chest lightly biting his nipple. Klaus groaned when she did that making him place his hands on her and start to roam her body making Elena moan herself. "Klaus if you want me to take care of you then you've got to take your hands back." Elena said moving out of his grip and taking his member in her mouth.
"Fuck Elena! Ah God!" Klaus moaned as Elena's head bobbed back and forth. Once she made a mmm sound making a vibration feeling go through him. "Elena." He moaned as his hands ran through her hair. "You like that?" Elena asked as she came up to lie next to him. "Oh I love it." "Well you'll get more tonight, for now lets get up and go downstairs.
Theres your first what if chapter second should be posted when The Mikaelson's Halloween Party is updated again.