This wasn't what y'alls was expecting, but I was inspired by two of my favorite fanfics; The Blade and the Embrace by galladefenrir44 and A Deal With A God by EmeraldDragon1.

As such, I'm introducing an odd character which travels through time and space; an instrument of Arceus' wrath.

So... I won't keep you waiting. I hope you enjoy.

Instrument of Wrath

Chapter 1: Creation (And the debacle thereabout)

Hello. You probably don't know who I am, so I'll tell you. My Name is Raze, and this is the story of how I came about.

After many years of seeing the humans build up empires to fight each other, create evil syndicates, and use the power of his creations for darker means, Arceus decided that something must be done, and called an emergency meeting among the legends.

After about a week, all the legendaries had arrived. Some, like Dialga and Celebi, arrived instantly, while it took smaller legends like the Regis, The Legendary Dogs, and the Musketeers longer to find a way to join us in the Hall of Origin.

Mewtwo actually came to this meeting, which both surprised and confused them. They feared he would once again raise his complaints against the humans.

Arceus, however, knew that Mewtwo's arrival was not the only disputed fact. In fact, his latest idea would not only cause quite the argument among the legendaries, but might even compromise his latest addition to their ranks; the Arceus Knights. Despite this, he knew that he had to share this idea now, or the opportunity would be lost. Arceus slowly called out; a cry of mystery and power.

Every Pokemon in the room immediately silenced and bowed before their creator. Arceus nodded, and all returned to their places surrounding the Alpha Pokemon.

Arceus spoke in an authoritative tone. "I have called you all here to discuss another of the ideas which the most knowledgeable among you, Uxie, has approved."

The small pixie nodded to the others before Arceus continued.

"As you know, we already have a program set in motion to act as guardians over the universal forces in tandem with some of the legendaries; the Arceus Knights. I have chosen to create a similar entity to use at my discretion.

Many of the legendaries nodded, except for Mewtwo, who stared at Arceus in Confusion. Arceus knew that the Lsychic-type legendaries would try to read his mind, so he quickly changed into his Dark form. As he did so, many of the Psychic-type legendaries, like Latias and Cresselia, sighed. The only ones who respinded differntly were Lugia, who knew better, Mew, who was off playing by herself, and Mewtwo, who clenched his hand (Fist? Paw? I quit...) in frustration.

Arceus chuckled briefly before frowning.

"I have seen the evil throughout my creation. By giving them free will, I have also doomed them. I have seen humanity antagonize the truth by creating evil syndicates which want nothing less than to rule over our universe. Each time, there has been a chosen one who has stopped them. However, Uxie's predictions as well as Celebi's experience say that the Chosen ones we have now cannot last forever."

The two legends nodded before Virizion spoke up. "You'd best not be suggesting more Knights. They take forever to train properly."

Cobalion nodded. "Least of all, a human. No more of those."

Arceus shook his head, "No. No more Knights. Thirteen is enough for me."

The Legendaries breathed out a sigh of relief; save Mewtwo, who still had no idea what was going on. Arceus continued.

"What I suggest is that we create a new Pokemon; one that will work for us. He will complete objectives as I see fit, and will bring down divine vengeance on those who oppose what is right in the universe."

Mewtwo glared at Arceus. "That's what I've been saying all this time! And what have you guys been doing? Ignoring me!"

Regice laughed its cold, piercing laugh. "I guess Arceus got tired of personally going down there and enforcing his Judgment on everyone himself."

Regigigas slapped Regice's face, glaring at it (Is that even possible? Just go with it, guys...). Registeel and Regirock snickered, having been on the receiving end of Regigigas' punches on more than one occasion.

Arceus sighed before speaking once again. "Mewtwo, this will not be a weapon of war. It will be a presence in the world I created which will deliver my wrath upon anyone who is not governed by a moral compass. He will be used for this purpose and no other, and he will respond to me only."

There were whispers among the legendaries.

Dialga whispered to Palkia, "Should Father have this much power?"

Celebi whispered to Jirachi, "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. I mean, the chosen one Ash Ketchum is still around, isn't he. and he's saved us on more than one occasion."

Darkrai, who was usually silent, spoke up for the first time in several meetings. "Beg my Lord's pardon, but I don't think this is the best idea. Although it will definistrate any ideas of deism, it will promote an image of duality. Humans will start to think that although you have blessed them with a wide world of Pokemon, it will make them live in fear."

Arceus pondered this for a second, then responded. "Not quite, Darkrai. What I'm about to do next will promote an image of duality."

The Legendaries widened their eyes, especially Darkrai. Darkrai was, in truth, surprised Arceus knew he existed, as Darkrai very rarely showed himself to people, and this was the first time he could remember that Arceus had said his name.

Arceus sighed. "I say that we create two beings to balance each other out; one will be of chaos; Raze. The other, however, will be of order and balace; Chiasmus."

Uxie nods to Arceus. "My Lord, this will only make people think that you are capricious; creating things at will, and not having any restriction. This will only make them live in fear, as Darkrai said."

Darkrai smiled, happy it was getting so much attention.

Arceus frowned. "True, but it will be the only way to control them both. Are there any other concerns regarding these two creations?"

Reshiram and Zekrom stepped forwards. Reshiram spoke first. "I could have sworn we were the ones supposed to represent Chaos and Order."

Zekrom glared at Arceus. "And now, we're going to be replaced by two new pokemon? This is just nonsense!"

Kyurem tried to hold up the peace between the two legends, but its icy wings began to crack under the pressure.

Arceus quickly spoke to them, glaring as well. "I'm not replacing you! In fact, I'm basing them on you!"

The black amd white Unovian Legendaries glowered at the Alpha Pokémon, Baring their teeth and roaring out their cries.

They continued to stare each other down, raging, until a song rang throughout the entire hall. The melody was soothing and calming, and everyone looked for the source of the voice, feelings of tranquility changing the atmosphere of the room. Once the song was complete, Meloetta revealed herself from under the folds of Kyurem's wings, which was one of her favorite hiding spots, in her Pirouette Form. She nodded to the three legends, who returned them in thanks. Cresselia spoke up.

"I hope you know that this isn't an issue to be arguing about. In fact, you and Reshiram should be honored that Arceus is basing his new creations on the two of you. Besides, I doubt he's going to make them legitimate legendaries, and only send them out on individual missions."

Arceus nods, then chuckles. "Yes. That and it'll probably go that Raze will be the attacker and Chiasmus will clean up the mess if Raze goes too far."

This brought on startled laughter from half the group and shocked expressions from the other half. Mesprit was the first to speak.

"Should a creature with this much power really have that much bloodlust? I've heard that power corrupts, and great power and war instinct is not really a good combination."

Most of the legendaries spoke in approval at Mesprit's statement. Mewtwo, however, had a moment of clarity. He didn't exactly want the ultimate revenge on Giovanni, he just wanted him to atone for his injustice to him.

Mewtwo sighed as the voices of the group of legendaries became a steady stream of opinions. In order to silence them, Mewtwo spoke to them all telepathically.

"I support this new creature. Perhaps it can being justice to those who have been wronged, like me."

Everyone was shocked into silence, staring at Mewtwo as if he was crazy. Arceus smiled, knowing that the majority of his creations would gradually come to support Arceus' plan after they saw how it changed Mewtwo.

Uxie spoke up once more. "I agree. It will be a great equalizer for the bond between trainer and Pokemon."

The Pokemon kept speaking their approval until only Zekrom, who was still skeptical, Genesect, who preferred Mewtwo as he was before this change, and Giratina, who loathed everyone there, disapproved.

Arceus nodded to the group. "Very well. Their creation shall take place now."

Arceus' plates appeared from him and began to whirl around him at an ever-increasing speed. Two orbs of light appeared, slowly circling each other, as in a dance, before separating and settling to the ground. Both orbs formed into bipedal creatures. The first looked similar to Zekrom, but with curved blades coming out of its arms, facing outward. The black, Zekrom-esque creature had a somewhat stocky build, with both legs looking similar to Dialga's, except for the fact they were red with a black metallic pattern.

The creature had long, dark blue, Lugia-esque wings coming out of his back. His head was black with demonic red eyes. Its head sloped downwards, so that the curved blade coming out of its head resembled a mohawk. Most of the legends stepped backwards at the frightening appearance of this creature.

Giratina, however, smirked. "Now this guy, I like."

The other creature resembled Reshiram in coloration and graceful form. Its head was sloped in the same manner as Raze, but had a curved head instead of bladed, with a Gracidea wreath. It had s trimmer build than its darker counterpart and had smaller, more blunted claws. Chiasmus had red wings and a tail resembling an unknown Pokemon, forming a "Y" shape, except outlined in white and with a white, fanlike end to both the tail and the wings. Although there were still whispers among the legendaries, they knew Arceus was omniscient, so they did not question this unfamiliar design.

Arceus smiled at two newest creations.

Mewtwo was the first to speak. "So it is done. May they serve their purpose well."

This elicited a cheer throughout the legendary ranks. Arceus smiled, seeing that his creations were good, and he called the meeting to attention.

"That will be all, my children. I will see you all soon."

As each of the legendaries went their separate ways, Arceus took one last look at his two creations before sending them to sleep. Arceus rested, thinking that the craziness of keeping these two apart and teaching them to control their urges to destroy and protect, respectively, would be a better chore to begin tomorrow.

So, what'd you people think? I hope it's not too bad.

Feel free to PM me with your questions; I will respond.

I'll try to post a chapter sometime this week, but no guarantees.

Characters from A Deal With A God and The Blade and the Embrace (two great fanfics... I suggest them to you all.) should appear in the near future of this fic.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Instrument of Wrath! Stay tuned for Raze and Chiasmus' first mission!


Oh, and one last thing. If any person dares to flame my story, I will send my Shiny Latias after the offender, Thunderbolt ready.

Thanks for reading!

-Emerald Dynamo