Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or any of its characters... unfortunately.
Okay, here's how it goes, you read, rate, review, whatever, however it works, and you get more chapters. One every one to two weeks, depending. The Doctor WILL NOT come in yet, not until chapter 7 or 8, I'm not sure, I've not gotten that far yet. This is going to be - possibly - a really long story. Please, please, please, tell me what you think. I will upload chapter 2 today also, though.
Thanks for reading - in advance - an I really hope you like it! =D
Rose Tyler sat in her office at Torchwood, crying. It had been about a year and a half since the Doctor left her on Bad Wolf Bay for the second time. That second time though, he left her with John. She was grateful for John, she showed him that every chance she got. She still missed the Doctor though. However, she didn't miss the Doctor as much as she did John.
"M'kay, see you in a bit," she said as she kissed John's cheek. He was going to cash his pay check; John was a physics teacher, again.
"Bye!" John exclaimed on his way to their car with his trademark cheeky grin bright on his face as he drove off.
Rose closed the door and started preparing his favourite dinner – she was going to surprise him with the news of her pregnancy.
Twenty minutes later, the phone rang. "Hello," she answered.
"Is this Rose Tyler?" a man on the other end asked.
"Yes it is. Why?" she questioned warily.
"I'm afraid to inform you that John Noble has been shot fatally. We need you to come down to the hospital immediately," the man replied.
Rose was speechless. She dropped the phone before turning to run to the washroom and throwing up. Once she was done, she walked back and picked up the phone. "I'll be right there," she said shakily and quickly hung up the phone.
When she got to the hospital, the nurses were calling a "code blue". Fear coursed through every vein in her body. Rose followed the other nurses and staff to the room that had the coding patient in it. She let out a loud gasp and covered her mouth as her stomach muscles clenched at the sight of John being shocked repeatedly.
Rose stood there for what felt like hours but was merely fifteen minutes. Finally the doctors and nurses gave up and filed out of the room solemnly. She stopped the doctor before he could completely make his way out of her sight. "What happened?" she queried with tears streaming down her face and a hand on her stomach and the other gripping the doctor's arm tightly.
"He came in with a bullet wound to his leg and another to his torso. When we went in to remove the bullets, we discovered that the one in his chest was incredibly close to his heart and caused extensive damage in the areas surrounding it. We did the best we could to save him," the doctor paused. "Who are you, might I ask?"
"I'm his girlfriend, Rose Tyler." She glanced back at the room where he had died. "What… What happened on the scene of the crime?"
"You'd have to ask the officer over there." He pointed to a heavy-set man talking to another uniformed man. Rose let go of the doctor's arm and set off towards the policemen.
"Excuse me," she interrupted their conversation. "I wondered what had happened to that man – John Noble."
"Of course, and who are you?"
"I'm his," she struggled for the words now, "emergency contact."
"Ah, yes, Rose Tyler, am I correct?" she nodded her head. Rose suddenly realized that this was the man who had called her earlier. "He tried negotiating with a robber at the bank. The criminal wouldn't have it and shot him. I am so sorry for your loss," the man sounded disconnected, cold, or maybe it just sounded that way because, compared to the officer, John was her whole life.
"It was just like him." Rose turned, "Except, this time, there aren't any regenerations," she whispered as she ran off, sobbing.
A week later, after the funeral, she had a miscarriage. Rose told no one.
Three rasps on the door pulled Rose out of her reverie. She shouldn't be thinking about such things, she only just came out of her shell. John had died six months ago. Rose wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Come in," she said as strongly as she could. "Donna," she sighed as soon as she saw who it was.
"This package came in for ya," she stopped for a second, "Why's it so dark in here?"
Rose hadn't even noticed that night had fallen outside her window. Her lamp though, was still on, illuminating the clutter on her desk. "I like the dark occasionally," she lied. "Who's the package from?"
"It doesn't have a return address. Where'd you like me to put it?" Donna enquired, noticing the mess of the room.
Rose started shuffling through her papers to make room for the box. Donna set it down and waited silently for Rose to open the bundle. Rose cocked an eyebrow, signalling for Donna to leave. "Oh, fine, I'll go," Donna said annoyingly.
Once Donna was gone, Rose opened the draw to her left and pulled out a pair of scissors.
After much haggling with the scissors across the tape, Rose finally got it opened. Inside the box, was a fob watch with circles and intricate patterns traced on it, much like the Gallifreyan symbols she had seen in the Doctor's TARDIS. She turned the watch in her hands over and over before finally opening it.
Suddenly, a golden light enveloped Rose, weaving itself around every square inch of her being and lifting her from her swivel chair. She gasped as memories played across her field of vision. They were certainly not of her lifetime.
Red grass, two suns, a mountain, and an incredibly large city in the distance.
War. Daleks. Screaming. Blood. Death. Pain. Loss. Regeneration. Fear. Cowardice. Fleeing.
Fire all around her. Falling bits of a TARDIS.
A box. A very important box.
An objective: Keep the box safe.
The golden glow dropped Rose back in her seat. She dropped the pocket watch and stared at it while it clattered on the floor in front of her. The only sound was of two distinct hearts beating hard in her ears.
Rose Tyler was not human. Rose Tyler was not Rose Tyler. Rose Tyler was the Bad Wolf, or, Wolf for short. The Bad Wolf was a Time Lady.
Rose stormed out of her office, ruffling papers and shoving things that were in her way, all the while getting stares from her co-workers. The tears were coming the hardest that they could now, a million things flashing all at once in her head reminding her of things that had happened to her a lifetime ago – that should not have been there – and other memories that she had buried deep inside her mind, only to be released when she was alone. She could remember everything, the Time War, the GameStation, and everything that came before and after.
She exited the Torchwood building quickly and into the street, only to stumble backwards as a bus nearly hit her. Rose let her head fall into her hands.
Rose Tyler stood outside, in the rain, crying, for hours – until she figured out what she was to do with her life now. She was going to let the TARDIS that the Doctor gave John and her, grow. She was going to travel the stars. The Bad Wolf might even try to find a way back to her own universe.