Hello! I present :A new story!
For some reason I have been obsessed with the Crow/Arianna pairing (I call it ARROW), so decided to write this.
Um... that's about it really. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Crow pulled his coat closer round his body as he made his way down the market's main pathway; the air seemed to be getting colder by the minute. He wished he could have just stayed at home, but the business came first. He had a quick rifle through his bag to make sure that he hadn't lost any of the items. They all seemed to be there: An old coin, A broken necklace he'd found on the street and a half blunt penknife. There was nothing particularly interesting about the objects, admittedly they were all junk, but Crow was pretty sure he'd be able to make a good profit out of them. The people who attended the auction were such morons that they'd probably buy an old spoon if he told them it was valuable.
He fastened the bag and made his way down the back alley. Everything was silent; Crow could hear his footsteps pounding against the floor, his heavy breathing echoed around him. Usually the silence would be quite relaxing, but tonight it felt strange. Crow shrugged off the uncomfortable feeling and turned the corner, picking up the pace of his walking. That's when he saw them.
There were several men there, all quite large and obviously drunk; a few of them had various scratches across their faces. They were storming down the alleyway singing a ridiculously off key version of an old love ballad. He couldn't help but stare at them. Crow made a move to slip off unseen, but one of the Drunkards noticed him before he could make it.
"Oi, what're you starin' at?"
"Nothing, I just-" Crow didn't have any time to answer; the man ran towards him and soon had him pinned up against the wall. He leaned in closer to Crow; he could smell the alcohol on the man's breath.
"I said- What. Are. You. Starin.' at?" He accompanied each word by slamming the boy against the wall, he then dropped him. The other men cheered him on. Crow could feel himself getting fainter, He screeched in pain as his body hit the floor. He tried to stand up but it only resulted in a punch to the stomach.
"Come on, leave the kid alone. He ain't worth it". The man grumbled but eventually went over to his drunken companions, not hesitating to kick Crow on his way. He lay on the ground until they were out of sight, then tried to prop himself up on his elbows and failed miserably. It was impossible to describe the pain he was in. Crow couldn't fully see all of the damage, but he was aware of a searing headache and the fact that his entire body ached.
Why had they chosen to attack him? He hadn't done anything to them. Crow suddenly felt someone grabbing hold of him under his arms, pulling his body off of the ground. He resisted and yelled out in pain, but the person was persistent. He began to feel dizzy, grabbing onto the mysterious person's shoulders for support. The next few minutes were a blur; he could remember only a young boy's voice. And then darkness.
Okay, there was no romance in this. But there will be. Soon.
Like it? Please send me a review! They make me feel very happy!