Chapter 1: The introduction
A/N: Okay, this is pretty much just a random thing I came up with. I'm still not sure if I want to continue this or not. This is a Big Four fanfiction, meaning Hiccup, Merida, Jack, and Rapunzel. Sorry, I love this crossover. No pairings yet, but possibly depending on what you guys think. (I personally love Mericcup. Just putting that out there.)
"He's back." North murmured, his voice as quiet as it could get without erasing its sound completely.
He was in his office with Bunny, sitting in his chair with his head bowed, looking defeated before the battle had even come. Bunny seemed to be the only one to respond to his call, Easter had just finished and he had the freest time out of everyone. Tooth and Sandy were both on a run, and Jack was off doing whatever he did during the spring months.
The office was dark and lifeless; the toys seemed to no longer hold their previous shine and joyful glow. It was as if they responded to North's mood, and as of today the workshop was absolutely gloomy. Even the elves were quieter than usual.
"What?" Bunny said incredulously, "You can't mean Pitch, we already killed the bloke!"
North shook his head silently, "Despite all our effort, fear always returns. We can only keep it at bay."
Bunny groaned, his long gray ears flopping to the sides of his head, "It's only been a few years! When will that guy finally just get out of here for good?"
North sighed, "You know as well as I do that we can never completely extinguish fear."
"Well, how do we even know he is back? He send ya another message or what?" Bunny asked
"Yes." North replied solemnly, "But this time I think he is even more powerful…"
"Woah woah woah, more powerful? We could hardly hold 'im off the last time and now 'es more powerful?" Bunny's foot began twitching in nervousness, "North, we can't hold off another attack so soon before the last."
"You right Bunny." North agreed, "That is why we need help."
"Help? From who? North, Manny aint pickin' any new Guardians any time soon." Bunny shot back.
"Then we just have to pick our own, hm?"
"What? Who?"
North had gotten a small amount of his energy back, and the workshop seemed just a little bit lighter.
"I have a few people in mind."
A/N: Good? Bad? I know it's super short. I'll make the next ones longer if I decide to continue this. REVIEW GUYS! PLEASE?