Twilight Fan Fiction
Chapter 14: Acceptance

Hey everyone final chapter! It's really steamy and really intense! It's also shorter but don't worry a sequel will be on the way shortly! More twists and turns to come and what would be life without drama! Please continue to review and keep a look out for the sequel!

Bella sat in the study looking out of the windows. She had just finished looking over the book Jasper gave her. How was she suppose to feel about all this?

Her whole life she had never felt comfortable with herself and no one wanted her. Now, she was suppose to be some sort of vampire to rule all vampires.

Bella hadn't left the study for two hours and knew she would soon have to. Tanya would be home soon from her shopping trip with Alice.

Irina and Kate were downstairs discussing some plans about her father's room. She didn't know what to say to them and going down there without a plan wasn't an option.

Bella suddenly heard a door slam and heard her mate greet her sisters.

She stiffened when Tanya asked for her and decided to call out to her, "I'm in the study."

Bella spoke normally knowing her mate would hear her. Tanya rushed through the door and pounced on Bella.

Kissing her passionately Bella pulled her legs around her. Tanya moaned and giggled. "I missed you, love. How was your day?"

"It was alright. I missed you though." Bella placed Tanya on her feet and kissed her sweetly.

"Well, at least you had Irina and Kate to keep you busy." Tanya said calmly.

Bella pulled away but stopped when she felt Tanya's hand on her arm.

"You know I love you, Bella. Alice talked to me about it while we were out shopping. I know it's a lot to take in but it makes so much sense."

"No it doesn't! I'm not someone who can do this Tanya! I'm nobody! I'm just Bella with a dick not some super vampire!"

Tanya pulled Bella close and kissed her passionately to stop her rant. Bella grabbed the back of Tanya's neck and ran her other hand over Tanya's ass. Tanya nipped at Bella's lower lip playfully.

Bella pulled away and growled low. She rested her head on Tanya's and held her close.

Tanya pulled away and stripped off her coat letting it fall to the floor. "Bella, you are so incredible. I wish you could see what I see in you."

Tanya kissed her once again and unbuttoned Bella's shirt sweeping it off her shoulders.

Running her hands down Bella's side she pulled back and bit her lower lip.

Looking into Tanya's eyes she allowed herself to be pulled to a mirror hanging on the wall behind one of the leather couches.

Tanya circles around Bella and wrapped her hands around her waist. Looking over Bella's shoulder and into the mirror they stared at each other.

"Look at your eyes Bella. They show how special you are to the world... And to me..." Tanya kissed her shoulder sweetly and ran her hands up Bella's back.

Bella looked at herself and truly was amazed at how she had changed for once in her life she didn't feel unattractive or unwanted by others. She felt whole. Bella looked down as she remembered the feeling of excitement she felt with Irina and Kate and instantly felt guilty.

Turning around Bella placed her hands on Tanya's hips. "I love you so much and I don't want to hurt you. Just say the words and it will be us forever."

"As much as I appreciate that, I would never make you suffer like that." Tanya placed her hands on the sides of Bella's face. "Besides, if my sisters had to be happy with anyone they deserve to be happy with you."

Bella smiled as she heard Tanya chuckle, "It's not like we haven't shared before anyway."

Bella growled and pulled Tanya closer. Kissing each other passionately Bella lifted Tanya up and flitted them to their room.

Laying her on the bed Bella hovered above her just enjoying the feel of Tanya for the first time in hours. Before they could get to lost in themselves there was a knock on the door.

"Tanya, it's Irina. May I speak with you on the porch when you have a moment." She sounded nervous which was not very common with her sister.

"I will be there shortly." Tanya said giving Bella a few more kisses. "I will be back why don't you get in the shower and I will meet you once I'm done, it shouldn't take long?"

"Ok, but don't take too long." Bella kissed Tanya once more and headed into the bathroom.

Tanya flitted down the stairs and to the porch. Irina was sitting on one of the couches playing with the hem of her skirt. Kate was leaning against the railing and saw Tanya first.

Irina lifted her head as Tanya stepped onto the porch, "Tanya, we just wanted to apologize. We don't know what came over us."

"Honestly, we didn't mean to cause trouble it just felt-"

"I know. I was reading about the prophecy from one of Eleazar's books. It seems that Bella is not only my mate but yours as well."

Irina gasped and Kate smiled.

Kate moved toward Tanya and gave her a hug. "I love you but I know that this is hard on you and I know that it would be difficult but we could stop."

"No, I will not let Bella suffer and I will not be the cause of my sisters' unhappiness."

Irina stood and walked to her sisters. "Tanya, did you feel what we felt earlier?"

Kate looked at Tanya and explained it further. "When Bella kissed me, it felt like some sort of energy took us over. It was as if our bodies were coming alive somehow."

"I did. When I was with Alice I felt a pull and it felt as if Bella was in my spirit somehow. Reading on it further I discovered that it joins us all as one." Tanya spoke confidently.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Irina asked nervously.

Tanya smirked and grabbed her sisters' hands leading them inside. "We are going to go comfort our mate because she is feeling overwhelmed and undervalued and it's our job to fix that."

Bella was letting the water run down her body. The warmth against her cool skin felt wonderful. She was lost in thought. Tanya had been willing to accept Irina and Kate being with her but she was unsure about how to feel.

Her heart felt whole with them all but she didn't want them to suffer especially Tanya. They had been through a lot to be able to be together. Would all this wipe it away?

Bella sighed contently as she felt her mate's arms around her waste. Tanya kissed her shoulder sweetly and moved to her front to kiss her passionately.

Bella pushed her into the wall and kissed her strongly. Tanya nipped her lips playfully and moaned at the feeling of Bella's throbbing member resting against her thighs.

As Bella ran her hands over her mate she felt a hand on the back of her shoulder. An electric wave came over her and her length hardened further.

Looking over her shoulder she saw Irina and she was confused.

Tanya looked at her deeply staring into her deep blue eyes, "Just let it happen. You are ours and we need you."

Kate came up behind her and kissed her stroking her length as she groaned at the contact.

Irina kissed down her back and massaged her shoulder as she had Tanya pinned against the wall.

Bella hissed as she felt Irina pressed against her back with Tanya pinned between her and the wall. Kissing Kate was electric it made her body come alive.

Irina watched as her sister's head rolled back to the wall as Bella ground into her.

"Mmm, Bella, please." Tanya moaned as she lifted her legs around her waist. Bella pulled her mouth from Kate to kiss Tanya passionately, slowly pulling away.

"Bella, take us please." Irina whispered in her ear.

Kate giggled and pulled Bella's mouth to hers once more. "I wonder who she will take first sisters?"

Bella chuckled and let Tanya's legs once again rest on the floor. "Perhaps I will take you last since you seem so questioning over it all."

Tanya laughed as Irina giggled behind Bella. Kate pouted and tried to pull away but was brought back in by Bella's hand around her waist.

"Come now, Kate. Let's not be silly. I will take you all, you just have to be patient, ok?" Bella said as she placed a longing kiss on Kate's throat.

Irina ran her hand through Bella's hair as she began to nip at Kate's throat.

Kate moaned and gasped as Bella sunk her teeth into Kate. Irina and Tanya gasped as they held onto Bella feeling a surge of energy pulse through them.

Pulling away from Kate, Bella licked the wound and looked at her mates.

Bella was taken back by what she saw in their eyes. Each of them had a shimmer of blue in their eyes around the amber. Bella pulled them all close, "My loves, your eyes have changed."

Each of them looked at each other and saw the difference in their eyes. "What does this mean, Tanya?" Irina asked as she looked at Bella.

Bella looked at them, "It only seems to happen when I drink from one of you."

Kate moaned as she felt her center throb. Thinking about Bella's mouth on her neck was making her yearn for her.

Bella looked to Kate and kissed her slowly. She grabbed Irina and brought her to stand next to her with Kate and moved to kiss her.

Irina moaned into the kiss. Bella bent down to Irina's shoulder and bit into her savoring the taste. They all once again gasped and moaned Bella's name.

Pulling Irina close she guided her out of the shower. Tanya and Kate followed as they all flitted to Bella's room.

Irina was pushed back into the bed and moaned as Bella laid her body against her own.

Tanya crawled up to Bella's back and kissed her shoulder sweetly. Kate laid on her side watching Bella kiss Irina with Tanya bent over her back.

Bella kissed down Irina's body and pulled Tanya down to lay on her side so they were each laid down on the bed.

Bella kissed them all slowly, taking her time as she caressed them. She took this time to lick their cores savoring their taste and the differences between them when she they started squirming she stopped wanting to finish them while she was inside them.

She pulled Tanya's legs around her waist and eased herself into her. Feeling Tanya's tight center wrap around her throbbing member she moaned. Bella looked deep into her eyes and kissed her passionately.

Kate moaned as she felt Bella reach her hand down to her center. As Bella rubbed her clit with her thumb she plunged two fingers deep inside of Kate making her hiss.

Bella moaned as she felt Irina run her fingers down her back. She moved her mouth from Tanya's and kissed her deeply.

Tanya threw her head back and gasped as Bella pounded into her harder. Grabbing the pillow behind her head she screamed as she came hard around Bella who wasn't slowing down in the slightest making her orgasm take longer to recede.

"Oh Bella, yes! Mmm!" Tanya felt euphoric at the moment and savored a final kiss before Bella emptied herself into her.

Bella pulled out and instantly picked Irina up and bent her over the edge of the bed.

Irina moaned as Bella grabbed her hips and squeezed them gently as she placed herself at her entrance. She could see Kate laying down in front of her smirking at her along side Tanya.

Irina gasped as she was filled suddenly and threw her head back moaning. "Bella! Oh!"

"Be careful, my love. Irina is the baby and she's not as rough as Kate and I." Tanya explained patiently.

Bella moaned as she slowly rocked them back and forth allowing her to reach the deepest places inside of her.

Irina leaned against Bella's chest as she was being taken. Her mind was cloudy and unfocused. All she knew was that Bella was taking her to impossible heights.

Irinas eyes rolled into her head when she felt Bella pinch her nipples. She arched her back only to scream when Bella's cock stroked her g-spot. "Mmm! Bella! Oh, yes! Please take me, my love! I'm yours!"

Tanya chuckled beside Kate, "Why I don't think I have ever heard her sound more like a possessed slut in all my life, have you Kate?"

"No, never." Kate crawled to Irina placing her hands on her shoulders. She reached to Bella and kissed her sweetly and then moved back to Irina as her eyes followed her.

Kate moved to Irina's ear, "How does it feel sister?"

"I-i-in-cred-edible." Irina gasped.

Tanya moves beside Kate and teased Irina. "You have to say it louder than that, my dear. How will Bella hear you?"

Irina moaned as Bella continued to fuck her. As Kate and Tanya tormented her she felt shy. She was never one to do these things. Of course she had sex but never like her sisters.

Bella swept Irina's hair to the side and kissed her gently on the shoulder. Irina turned her head and received an amazing kiss. Her toes curled slightly against the carpet of the floor and she screamed into Bella's mouth as they both came.

Bella eased out of her and lifted her onto the bed bridal style. As she kissed her head Irina closed her eyes and relaxed.

Turning her attention to Kate and Tanya she growled playfully and they yelped. Bella threw them down on the floor together.

Bella positioned them on top of each other, "Now, be good and don't move or things will just get worse for you two."

Bella had Kate on top since she was the main culprit. She was going to teach them not to make fun of each other sexually and this was how.

Her hand came down at vampire speed and Kate yelped as it hit her left cheek. "Bella, please!"

Bella continued again and again until Kate was a shaking mess above Tanya. Kneeling behind her she grabbed her hips and without warning slammed her cock into her center. Feeling the wetness she moaned, "Mmm, acting like such a dirty whore. Getting all wet from a simple spanking."

As Bella thrust harder Kate moaned, "Mmm, there was nothing simple about that spanking, love."

Kate began pushing back into Bella's thrusts. She rolled her hips and heard Bella moan. She brought her hands up to the back of Bella's head and ground into her dick.

Tanya watched as her sister enjoyed Bella's member and couldn't help the happiness she felt in that moment. She slid out of beneath Kate and kneeled in front of them.

Tanya kissed each of her sisters cheeks and then placed a kiss on her lips. Kate opened her eyes and pulled her sister into her kissing her deeper.

Bella moaned at the sight and saw Irina come to join them on the floor. Kissing both of her sisters lovingly.

Bella thrust hard into Kate making her bend over the floor once again. Her head landed on Tanya's lap. Tanya ran her fingers through her hair as she continued to be pounded.

Kate always enjoyed rough sex and what is better than newborn sex? She laid there taking it all in moaning with every stroke. She was truly blissful in this moment and couldn't want it any other way.

Irina moved to Bella's side and kissed her passionately. Bella felt connected to them all. She felt in believably alive and accepted.

With one final stroke she made Kate cum, "Bella, oh!"

Bella came at the same time and moaned deeply. Leaning against the bed she sat on the floor as Kate lifted herself off of her dick.

She was spent and her member had finally stopped growing hard, for the time being at least. They came to sit around her and snuggled into her. They knew that they had many struggles to face but as long as they had each other and their family by their side nothing would stand in their way.