Hey guys, sorry about the wait. Things have been going on, went to a con, etc. so hope it hasn't been too long. Enjoy! - Frauggie

Chapter 3

Gilbert was the first awake in the wee hours of the morning, jumping up after a nightmare about Ludwig, and rushed to her room just to make sure the younger was alright. The dream had consisted of a tall blonde head walking away from him, the resounding clack of steel toed boots covering the painful thumps his heart was making. Those icy blue eyes had been wide with the thin lips in a very pronounced frown of disgust as Gilbert was left to fend for himself, all around him the ravages of half-dried blood, guts, and grime. War, and Ludwig was walking right into it, away from the safety of Gilbert's arms.

"West..." he panted, and instead of his dream he looked through the cracked door to see the sleeping form breathing slowly in and out. Quietly, he shut the door with a small click and slid down the wall, completely relieved. "Gott, that scared me..." Don't do that to me West... don't leave me too. His eyes shifted to the darkness around him before he let out a long, quiet sigh. "Maybe he was right... I am tired, maybe I am sick." It was quite a task to take a few minutes to chase the nightmare images out of his mind in order to settle it and his nerves.

As soon as he was comfortable however, he drifted right back off into unconsciousness until a set of blue eyes and blonde hair found him a couple hours and the ring of the alarm later. "Brother? Why are you-... are you sleeping?" Bending down to pick him up and put him back in bed, she wondered why he was out in the hallway in the first place, but no logical answer came. "I'll just have to ask when you're awake," she muttered, heaving a breath and lifting the man.

He was a bit heavier than years previously, though that was a good sign. In the past times he'd been much too thin, and she could only hope he'd gain more weight. Come to think of it, I haven't carried him in a while, she mused, turning to carry him straight to his room like a princess. "West... don't..." Ludwig paused at the words, knowing Gilbert wasn't one to talk in his sleep. "...pancakes." She silently snorted with laughter, realizing that perhaps she just hadn't heard it, since he was clearly fast off in dreamland now. Was that even a bit of drool? It took everything not to burst into laughter right then and there.

"But you like pancakes, don't you mean you want them?" She allowed herself to chuckle, only half waiting for a response. Without one, she dumped him into his own bed, pulled the covers back up, and relented to go make the desired pancakes for him. "Fine. But I want answers, and you aren't getting a single bite of your pancakes until I get some." With that, she turned out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen, resolute.

When Gilbert awoke for the second time it was to the pleasant smell of freshly made pancakes wafting throughout the house, and for the second time he threw back his covers and jumped out of bed. This time though, it was with a smile of joy plastered all over his face.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest!" he bounded down the stairs screaming, still clad only in his boxers and tackled the blonde, who thankfully knew to brace at the sound by now. Not that it helped because Gilbert was a full grown man with a lot of momentum behind him so when she fell down she at least made sure nothing would fall over with her, including the spatula she was using to flip the pancakes. It was then she remembered that in her haste she forgot to put the weighted padding on that compensated for her womanly curves since she was so distracted from finding her brother outside her door snoring. Verdammnt. "Man West, are you losing weight? Not only do you feel thinner, but you're lighter too." He was lifting her to her feet with a hand clasped in hers as he usually did, and she fought to keep her stoic face on.

"I must have lost a lot of it worrying about you, especially after last night." came the retort, the slight flutter of nerves not as audible as she thought it would be. It wasn't an answer, but hopefully it would distract him enough to not think about the overwhelming difference.

Gilbert frowned as his mood dampened, knowing she'd bring the subject of last night up and he made his usual attempts to skirt around the issue. "Can't be it. Must be my overwhelming awesomeness!" Just to show off, he flexed an arm at her and grinned. "Must be getting awesomely stronger!"

"I'm sure that's it." Stated with direct sarcasm, Gilbert took it as a compliment and cackled while his grin spread. She had to interrupt though, as he was blocking the entry back into the kitchen. "Now could you let me finish cooking? They're almost ready to eat by now, and I at least want to make sure they don't burn."

Looking over, he saw the splendid golden patch in the pan and on the plate and nearly squeaked. "Pancakes!" He then scrambled to sit in a chair and drool, and eagerly waited for his meal to come so he could wolf them down. If he had a tail, it'd be wagging with enough ferocity to knock the table over. In fact, Ludwig thought she imagined such a tail, it would have made more sense than some other things that had happened recently.

She went back to flipping the pancakes though, unfazed by his behavior. Her back turned to him, her voice held more confidence than she thought it would. "With one condition. You tell me where the hell you were last night and why you were so late."

Gilbert's stomach flipped. That was the last thing he wanted to talk about, especially as he didn't even know the answer himself yet. At least, not all of it. "What, were you that worried? I always come home late!" As the grin wavered, he played it off like it was nothing for him to come slinking back home at 1 in the morning after running out the window. Even he noted it was somewhat pathetic behavior, but this was the truth. Why did he spend so much time to get away from West? Sure he scared the bejeesus out of Gilbert sometimes, but it wasn't like he disliked being with this younger sibling. As one would think, he enjoyed living with West, so much so he couldn't imagine living with another. Then a thought struck him. What about West? Could West leave him and live with another? With... he hated to think it, but the idea stuck in his mind. Could West live with... Italy?

Ludwig's enraged voice brought him out of his thoughts though, and Gilbert offered up a slight exasperated thank you. "You think this is funny?! I was worried sick about you! And then you come home like... like that and start saying weird things? Not to mention I find you outside my door this morning? What in the world is going on brother? And do not try to tell me 'nothing'."

Her glare bore through him, and Gilbert's grin fell fast as his mind wandered back to the previous night and what Francis had told him: that his little brother was in love. And the only person he could think that it could be true for was Feliciano. Why else would he be there? The more he thought about West and Feliciano, the more they seemed like a couple in love. Feliciano snuck into West's bed more often than sleeping in his also took every opportunity and even made some of his own to hug West, once going so far as to burst in on West in the shower! Every thought turned the Prussian's mood darker, more disturbed, and even angry. He didn't stop to think about the feelings though. West was his brother, he'd never done things to hurt himself like that before... Unless West didn't think he was being hurt, a little voice in the back of Gilbert's head cooed.

"Brother?" Ludwig was confused at not only the lack of response from the man, but when she looked at him, she saw the ever darkening features. "Is everything... alright? I'd still like an answer."

Startled from his thoughts, Gilbert looked up suddenly at Ludwig's concerned face, his own lightening slightly with the angelic features. "Huh? Oh... yeah, just..." he felt himself go on, unsure exactly what he wanted to tell her.

"Just?" Ludwig questioned, not going to allow him to get away with changing the subject. She'd asked a question, she expected an answer, even if it was some excuse he usually gave. That's what was so disconcerting about the conversation, she realized. He wasn't giving her an excuse, let alone an answer.

"Just nothing," he mumbled, turning his eyes away from the piecing blue eyes and all too innocent features. "I feel like getting some air." turning away, the elder got up to go back to his room and brood, just what he did best. This was getting some air? Slinking back to his room and leaving both West and breakfast out there? How pathetic can I be? There were important matters to consider though, he reasoned as he shook his head of worrisome thoughts. Sorry West, I have to find out just how that little Italian is screwing with you. Then I can face you and- He stopped, then shook his head yet again as he ran up the stairs. Then I can face you and be myself. He wasn't sure if that was what he was about to say, but that's what sounded closest right now to what he felt.

"Brother? Gilbert! Get back here, you haven't eaten yet!" Ludwig, stunned, shouted after him but it was no use. "They're... pancakes." Her voice trailed off a little in defeat, deciding this was definitely odd for his behavior. If she had to guess who would know the answer, it would be him. Pulling out her phone, she tried to call Francis and ask just what in the world happened last night since she was absolutely sure her brother went out chasing after them to find out. All she got however, was a busy signal, and since it was about last night and not his usual nightly adventures, next on the list was Feliciano.

"Ve?" just waking up, Feliciano sounded groggy, airy, and clearly just waking up.

Ludwig didn't hesitate though, this was an important matter and she'd heard his groggy voice all too often to really care. "Feliciano? I'm... no... could you...," she paused, steeling herself more and swallowing a few nerves that threatened to show. "Would you be able to tell me what happened last night, after you and Francis left?"

As always, it was a pleasure to hear his friend talk, and though she couldn't see it a smile broadened across his features. She would have heard it in his voice though if she wasn't so concentrated on her brother, as it perked up a bit with the knowledge Feliciano was talking to her."Luddy? Eh, well, Gil-Gil came and demanded Fran-Fran to tell him what we were doing over at your place." He paused then, waiting for her next question. She was always on his case to get to the point, and with her this worried, it was only natural she wouldn't have as much patience. Was she really that worried over Gil-Gil?

Ludwig though, took a moment to recall just why she had Feliciano come over when Francis showed up to say he had found out her secret, and she panicked. How much did either of them know? How much did Gilbert know? "And did... " she gulped, nearly afraid of the answer. "Did Francis tell him?"

"Well yes," Feliciano slipped easily, sending Ludwig into an even higher state of panic and she froze, not even realizing she had started pacing in the kitchen while on the phone. He quickly realized his mistake there, and started to elaborate. "But Fran-Fran didn't say much, just that Luddy was in love with someone. I don't.. " and here he started to whisper, looking around himself, knowing Ludwig didn't like the next part being spoken at all. "I don't think Fran-Fran knows Luddy's a... Luddy's other secret." Pulling himself straight again, Feliciano's eyes still wandered around looking for those who might be listening.

At this, Ludwig was so relieved, her mind skipped over the entire fact Feliciano had just spoken about her other secret, and she focused on the first statement. "So, he doesn't know?"

"He knows Luddy loves someone," at this he giggled and jumped as Romano walked into the room. "But he thinks Luddy loves me! Your plan worked Luddy! Ah! Ve, I have to go, ciao!" and he quickly hung up, leaving Ludwig in a daze as he hid the fact he was on the phone from his groggy brother.

So that was why he went off about Feliciano. But, why would he be in such a bad mood if- her thoughts paused for a moment of realization and hopefulness. No, no, he couldn't be, could he? No, it's too much to hope for. He's definitely not jealous.