Summary: L is about to get the shock of his life when a child appears at the doorsteps of Wammy's Orphanage in Winchester, London. A young girl of seven years old, with raven black hair...and blood red eyes...occasionally. Mello, Watari and L are all three surprised by the familiar appearance of the girl, and all they can take her in as an Orphan...especially after L had her father thrown in jail...
Anime: Death Note/InuYasha
Pairing: Final Pairing is Kagome/Near (Slight Mello/Kagome/Matt)
Rated: M for Mature Content in Later Chapters
Genre: Romance/Drama
XII - If you have traded the eye power of a God of Death, you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the Death Note, once you lose its ownership. At the same time, the remaining half of your life will not be restored.
"Why! Why is it gone?!" A woman with flowing black hair and bright blue eyes cried out angrily.
"I can't answer, you no longer hold the ability...and I no longer do eyes did not return."
She shook her head furiously, clutching the book in her hands. Those who hunted her would continue to do so, and she would be left defenseless. Those eyes had given her the ability to read their names, their birth names...not those aliases that they used as a cover up. With those names, she could kill them with a pen and this notebook...the Death Note. "They'll come for me..."
"You're right."
"I'll die..."
"Not yet."
The woman cried silently as she subconsciously rubbed her abdomen.
Six Weeks Later
The woman sat with the Shinigami and ex-owner of the Death Note she still held, he had long ago admitted to having feelings for the woman who held his notebook, which is why he 'accidentally' dropped it before him. The Shinigami held onto a very human form, one long ago forgotten, as the King of Shinigami, he was able to procreate in a unique way...through a human...and he'd chosen one. Shinigami could not have sexual intercourse, not with other Shinigami's, and not with humans, but that did not mean they couldn't breed. All he had to do, was feed his powers to her, and push them into her womb, help it grow until its birth.
"The long till I give birth...Daio?"
"...the child will be born in a few more months...much like a human child. Your body will need to adjust to the child, you cannot rush this process."
"Why did you choose me?"
"Because you alone were not afraid of flee it now, only to keep the child alive."
She sighed..."There is no end to life, I am sure that there is life after death...I mean, you are here, yes?"
The Shinigami nodded. "Indeed,"
Six Months Later
The woman stared into a pair of red eyes and smiled sadly. "You have no control over these eyes now, right, Daio." It was no question.
"...they are his now...he is a human born Shinigami, and when, if he dies, he'll be a Shinigami like me."
"...a name, Miss?"
She looked up to the doctor and smiled, he had no idea who she was talking to, for he could not see the Shinigami by her bedside. "His name...will be, Beyond Birthday..." She gazed at the baby, a tuff of black hair and crimson red eyes, 'because from beyond your birth, you have been given a gift...and until you will be with you. I wish you luck in life, however long it may be. I cannot see your lifespan...and neither can the Daio...your father, but you must live, no matter what.'
Six Years Later
The woman stared fondly down at her son, "Beyond, love...shouldn't you be out playing with your friends?"
"No...they aren't fun. Mama?"
"Yes, love?"
"Why are there not many numbers above your head anymore?"
The woman smiled sadly, to know that she would be the first death her son would have to bear witness to...she knew she couldn't lie though, she couldn't deceive her son any longer. "How many numbers does mommy have?"
"I see nine, four seven, zero four and counting down."
She nodded; the numbers he saw were not like that of a Shinigami, they were simple, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. "You see, mommy is going to die soon,"
"What...? Why!?"
"I don't know, but I'm prepared to die...I will have you sent to a friend nearby once that's happened, I'll have it prepared once its closer to that it stands, I have nine hours, what...forty-six minutes...and some odd seconds left."
"...are those numbers all your life?"
"Yes, you are smart, you'll figure those numbers out someday...for now, be good and promise me you'll become a strong, smart and brave man. I want you to live a long life, Beyond...promise me."
He nodded, "I love you mommy..."
"I love you too."
(Ten Hours Later)
Beyond Birthday sat on a swing outside his home. At six years old, he'd witnessed his mother get shot down before his eyes. The killer gave him a look, a smirk, laughed and left. Despite his mother telling him to leave in her soon-to-be dying moments, he stayed. Perhaps she knew the scars that seeing the countdown of his own mothers life would cause...maybe she was just scared. In the end, his white shirt was stained a crimson blood which had splattered against him in the shooting, a little which had also gotten on his cheek, and all he could do was wait for the police to come, and wait for the 'friend' to get him. He was thankful...he hadn't had to wait long.
As an older man, graying a bit, with spectacles and a small frown of despair, stepped up to him and held out his hand silently. "Rue Ryuzaki?"
The name he went by in school and around the neighborhood. The one even his mother referred to him by in public. She would always tell him that his real name was precious and by no means was he to let anyone know, unless he was sure they could be trusted. Beyond nodded, "Yes..."
"I am Watari, your mother was an old friend of mine. I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend an orphanage and school for geniuses which I am putting together. You would be the second to be brought in, if you are interested. If you are, then you would partake in the L Program too."
"What's the L Program?"
"L is an aspiring detective, a symbolic icon to change the world for the better. This program will help me decide who will be the best candidate to replace L if a cause for such thing arises. The top three in grades and rank will be his to speak."
Beyond looked at the extended hand in front of him. He gave a nod, and took the old man's hand, "I will become the next L, then."
Watari smiled, "We will see,"
The Year: 1984...Beyond Birthday, Backup, B.B...join Wammy's House as the second orphan to start in the L Program.
Me: So, I wanted to send this to Yuki so she could read this first and tell me her thoughts on the fic, BUT SINCE SHE WONT RESPOND TO ME ON YAHOO….-.-….ehem…I mean, since she's asleep right now, most likely, I will just post it. I'm sure she'll either laugh at what I wrote when she reads this note, or glare at me mentally and say "Really, Akuma?" or something akin...anyways, REVIEW!