Gah, this summer's been busier than expected. I've been spending time with close ones since I'm going away in a few weeks. I've also had a lot of preparing to do. Point is I'm busy, but here's a little something. Not very long but please enjoy.

I do not own Dick Grayson, but if I did the Fourth of July would be everyday XD

Red, Black, and Blue

Dear Notebook,

So far summer has been pretty eventful. I've been up to something pretty much everyday. The Team decided to kick-off summer fun with a 4th of July barbeque on our beach. We invited our mentors and Flash invited Captain Marvel who of course blabbed and we ended up having one of the biggest parties in League history.

But we all know good things must come to end, especially in the League business. I don't if it's a lack of patriotism or an overabundance of it but for some reason, there always seems to be a huge amount of villains carrying out their schemes on the 4th of July. Penguin thieving home to museum to bank, Queen Bee trying to claim another country, Black Manta reigning terror on beach goers all over the west coast, you name it. It was like all the baddies schemed to wreak tons of havoc on Independence Day. Luckily the League was well prepared. I had never seen so many superheroes suit up and split into teams so quickly. Everyone knew where to go and who to team up with, it was amazingly awesome.

We basically spent the day kicking butt. Whenever we defeated one villain we moved on to the next. Of course the Team had to handle all the minor or not as dangerous baddies. We handled Icicle Jr., the Terror Twins, and several other misfits. We also fought the Riddler and Penguin, but obviously with a hacker, a speedster, and a telepath we beat them quickly and efficiently. Eventually all that were left were the more diabolical and powerful villains like Lex Luthor, Vandal Savage, and Queen Bee. But even they couldn't stand a chance against the League and the Team combined. Oh the sweet victory when all the bad guys were totally crushed under the foot of justice!...I've been reading too many comic books.

Even with all the time that fighting crime consumed, it wasn't even midnight when it was all over. After everyone was medically cleared and good to go, we resumed the party we had started hours earlier. Burgers were cooked, shish kebabs were grilled, weenies were roasted, and it was delicious. We sat around a huge fire pit but we didn't light an actual fire out of respect for our two favorite martians. Everyone took turns telling jokes and stories. We all listened intently, realizing that there's so much we don't know about each other. Booster Gold had really cool stories about the future and Red Tornado knows a couple of good jokes. It was a great night. At one point, everyone began to disperse. It was then that Kaldur, Conner, Wally, and I were standing together. The girls had gone off to do their own thing. We realized that we ended the night the same way we had ended it 2 years ago, standing together, surrounded by our mentors. This team started on an Independence Day, and every year we celebrate it the best way we can, fighting together.

I just realized that the 4th of July has become my favorite holiday.-R.G.W

I feel like a liar. I wanted to update regularly but it obviously didn't happen. Please forgive. As long as I have readers I will keep on writing I swear. I wish I could make you all understand my struggle. I don't remember the last time I even got to READ fanfiction, just for fun. Please keep reading and please review!

~Miss Walls