Disclaimer: GrimGrave does not own Lucky Star or its characters - They belong to Kagami Yoshimizu. GrimGrave doesn't earn money for writing fiction.

A HiiragiFamily Tale: Sisterly Passion

Chapter 2

It was time to put her plan into action.

Matsuri grinned to herself as she paced around her room, thinking up just how to approach her sister. Despite the taboo, and the dangerous consequences of her actions, she felt the adrenaline beginning to flow through her. All these years of overflowing love for her sister would soon be expressed thoroughly; tonight was the night, if she could wait that long. She thought back on how Kagami had spontaneously given her a tight hug, how much she had told Matsuri how much she appreciated her and the moments they had shared. It was like a fairytale, and Matsuri wanted her happy ending.

So she plotted, she schemed and she conjured up with various ideas for attempts. It had to be perfect, flawless, and convincing enough for Kagami to be hers.

´I have to bet everything on a single card…´ She thought. ´If Kagami is to realize my true love for her… my so far unrequited affection for her… Then I cant beat around the bush. But I cannot afford to be too rash either. No.. It has to be just right.´ She settled with that for now. She headed downstairs to check on Inori and her cooking only to be met by Inori´s shouting from the kitchen. "Matsuri! Kagami! Dinner is ready!"

"Alright!" Matsuri shouted back from the base of the stairs. She headed back up; Kagami apparently hadn't heard, giving Matsuri the perfect chance to interact with her. Maybe soften her up a little. A thought that made the brunette all giddy inside as she made her way to the door.

She knocked. "Kagami? Dinner is ready!"

"Oh, okay! I'll be right there!" The purple-haired teen said through the door. There was a few shuffling noises, accompanied by the sound of a few springs in the bed that either got compressed or loosened up. A few footsteps later, Kagami opened up the door with a startled expression as she met Matsuri´s gaze.

"Matsuri-neesan..! Are you still waiting.."?

"Figured I might as well." The brunette said with a light grin. "We cant eat until you arrive anyway, so why not wait so I can at least walk back with a pleasant company." ´Yep, I am a real lady-killer aren't I?´

"Aw… T-Thank you neesan…" Kagami´s face flushed with a light embarrassing scarlet, her eyes wandering towards the floor, or the ceiling; anywhere that wasn't Matsuri´s eyes, which the brunette felt proud of, victorious even! She had even managed to make Kagami stutter a little, that itself was an accomplishment. She definitely had an effect on her. "A-anyway! Lets get down before the dinner gets cold…"

"Right behind you sis." Matsuri said, a small grin displaying on her lips as she followed Kagami down the stairs. She thanked the gods above that her little sister had changed into a pair of jeans, allowing her to check out her petite, firm butt that was tempting to her eyes.

´I guess I can call that the first step…´


After their delicious dinner, on the courtesy of Inori, the three Hiiragi girls was satisfied and content as they spent their time under the blankets of the kotatsu, resting while watching a rerun of a comedy show on the TV. While the jokes were old, they managed to bring a lighter, relaxed mood to the girls as they shared some quality time together in the calm evening. The time was now 19:46.

"Man, these shows may be old, but they sure remain hilarious no matter what." Matsuri said with a giggle, which her sisters joined in. "I agree, these shows have a knack for not getting old." Inori added. "But I still wished they would bring something new…"

"I think a new season will start airing tomorrow night." Kagami said nonchalantly. "Might want to check the newspaper about it though."

"That's great!" Inori replied. Before silence took over for a longer period, the oldest Hiiragi sister arched her back, her arms stretching high into the air with a light groan. "I think I will take a shower… I'm still warm after taking care of dinner and the dishes.." She slowly got up, stretching her legs a little. "You two have fun okay? I might take my time…"

"No worries, I think we will manage!" Matsuri replied with enthusiasm, giggling a little in her grinning form with Kagami joining her with a light giggle of her own. Inori smiled at them before she took her leave to the bathroom, leaving her younger sisters alone. The brunette was pleased by the outcome of the unexpected event.

´All alone with my darling little sister… I will thank you properly later Inori! For now, its time to properly begin my crusade…´

"Say Kagami," Matsuri began. "why don't we go to your room and play a game together? We have already seen this show after all."

Kagami glanced back at her, smiling almost slyly. "Well, I don't mind… But you might regret it." The brunette grinned back at her sister. "Challenge accepted!"


Matsuri slumped with her shoulders, her controller leaving her hands right onto the floor. Kagami had bested her in the racing game she had, and while the brunette had been feeling confident and relished in spending time with her, the defeat tasted bitterly. She sighed deeply, glancing over at her sister who smirked back. Mockingly.

"Oh, so you feel all proud huh?" Matsuri said in mild irritation. Kagami giggled. "I am not the person to brag, but.. Yes, I had great fun!"

Matsuri grinned back. Coyly, she crawled over to Kagami who, much to Matsuri´s joy, began to back away, cowering at the sight of her older sister's advance. "Oh, so you had fun huh? Completely winning without as much as a bead of sweat? Rub it in my face why don't you. Now you're just asking for it~" She tackled her younger sister onto the floor, pinning her down. Before Kagami could ask what she was planning, she felt Matsuri starting to tickle her something fierce. She squirmed mercilessly in laughter under as Matsuri loomed over her, tickling.

"N-Noooo! Hahahaha s-stop neesa-ahahahah!"

"I don't feel like it." Matsuri replied. She grinned sadistically as she kept up her assault, watching her sister squirm and struggle under her lithe touch. ´If only she was squirming for another reason…´

She stopped. As she withdrew her hands, and Kagami´s laughter subsiding, she looked down at her. The purple hair that was scattered across the floor around her head and her firm, young body sprawled out beneath Matsuri. It was as if she stared at a painting. A fragile, beautiful painting that was not to be touched, but yet so tempting. Those indigo-coloured eyes that slowly began to fully look back at her, petite lips that emitted a dying laughter, begging to be ravaged with kisses. Skin that was exposed to be marked by her lips, leaving a trail of love-bites.

Her original plan had been taking a turn. For better or worse, this was an golden opportunity, regardless of the rush. Matsuri stared into Kagami´s eyes, her playful visage fading away.

"..Neesan..? What's the matter?"

"Kagami…" Matsuri replied weakly. "You know that I love you right?"

"What? I… Of course I know! Matsuri-neesan, you're scaring me a little…"

"Don't be… Its just me being greedy for once…" Matsuri leant down towards Kagami who was still lying on the floor. Brown bangs of hair fell down in front of her, but their eyes remained locked on one another. It was just her, and Kagami, and the faint sound of the TV.

"Kagami… My little sister… Neesan loves you very, very much.."

"M-Matsuri.. n-neesan.."

Her lips hovered over hers. Just a little more, and Matsuri would finally taste the forbidden fruit, its sweet, prohibited nectar against her tongue.

"Matsuri? Kagami? You two in there?" Inori said loudly, knocking heavily on Kagami´s door seemingly out of nowhere. Matsuri felt fear engulf her heart and with a quick jolt, she was off her little sister and on her feet, eyes widened like she was mad. "Y-Y-Yes! Yes we're h-here!"

"Oh, good! I was wondering for a second there…" Inori replied. "I was just wondering if you two are in the mood for dessert? Its nothing fancy, but since its Friday and all.."

"Y-Yeah s-sure! I think we would like -that!" Matsuri yelled back. She heard Inori reply with a light "Okay!" before walking away, her footsteps slowly fading. Matsuri glanced fearfully back at her little sister who remained on the floor, meeting the same shocked expression she was sure was adorning her own face, and mentally cursed Inori for her unknowing intervenient. Her plan had been ruined. Whatever moment she had managed to build up was shattered like ice.

She tore her eyes away, giving her back to Kagami. "…We should head downstairs." She said before walking out of the door.

She kept avoiding eye-contact with her. During the whole time as they ate dessert, Matsuri engaged in conversation with Inori only, ignoring Kagami who remained silent. The only times she would say something, it was when Inori talked to her, and even then it would be short answers of the barely incoherent sort.

Matsuri sighed. It was all ruined. With a low sentence of gratitude towards Inori, the brunette left the table and got to her room. She fell down on her bed and buried her face into her pillow. That would at least wipe off the tears before she felt them run down her cheeks.

´Damn it… Damn it! I was so close..! If only Inori hadn't… I would've … Inori, I love you. But right now, I wish I could strangle you. Stupid dessert…´

Matsuri sighed deeply into her pillow. It was warm. "Maybe its for the best… If anything, someone would probably try and stop us either way… But at least then we - I - would've had a chance… Its not fair."

It felt like a light trance. As if she had just rested her eye a bit after voicing her thoughts. Matsuri blinked her eyes repeatedly. It was dark. Too dark. She felt groggy and tired as she lifted her head up. Her lamp was turned off. It was darker outside, and an eerie silence had washed over the house.

Bewildered, Matsuri glanced over at the alarm clock; it showed 22:12, much to her surprise. "I must've fallen asleep.. Oh well. Not that-" She felt something next to her as she stumbled in her bed. Startled, she let out a loud shriek, upon doing so caused whatever was in her bed to move as well, concealed in the darkness. It groaned. "M-Matsuri-neesan..?"

Matsuri´s eyes widened. "K-Kagami..? What are doing in my bed?!" There was a pause. Kagami shuffled in the bed, but made no effort to get up. "I… I did some thinking.. And I came here because I wanted to talk to you… but you… you had already fallen asleep by then and…"

She paused again. "Matsuri-neesan, did you… Were you going to do what I think you were going to..?"

"Kagami, I… It wasn't supposed to end like that. Please, forgive me… I just love you too much. Its sick, and wrong on so many levels but for so many years now have I just wanted to embrace you, love you a person to another… Without boundaries… But I guess it cant-"

She felt Kagami´s arms embrace her around the waist. She pulled her close, creating a warmth that was comfortable. "Is that why you've been so nice to me over the years? You always had this in mind?"

"… I wanted to be a better sister for you. But I suppose, my taboo desire for you served to fuel that. Or vice versa… Not that it matters now. Now that you now of my deranged affection towards you-"

"That's not true!" Kagami said loudly. "I mean… Yes, its weird, and I was shocked earlier.. Frightened even! But… Matsuri, I could never hate you. Not after all you have done for me. I just… I guess what I mean is…" Unknowingly, they stared at each other in the shadows. Their hearts beat against each others chests, loudly and excitingly and with a sudden movement, they leant in. Alone in the dead of night, they shared the forbidden taste of the taboo nectar that danced between their lips.

Tongues probed, teeth nibbled. Lips opened up and allowed access.

"Kagami… Oh my sweetest Kagami… My little sister…"

"Mmh… M-Matsuri…" They whispered lowly, loud enough for their ears only. They shared endless amounts of kisses between them, each being treated as fragile porcelain, and tasted with divine sweetness. Matsuri gently pushed her sister down on the bed, trailing her kisses down her neck to the collarbone whilst Kagami moaned lightly, squirmed under the touch of the lips against her skin.


"Kagami… my darling little sister…" The brunette trailed her hand down the collarbone until she felt the fabric. "Pyjamas, Kagami?"

"Y-yeah..? S-so what..?"

"Oh, nothing…" Matsuri said. Thankfully, Kagami couldn't see her sly grin. "But its in the way. Off it goes…"

"H-hey! Wait!" The purple-haired teen struggled against the unbuttoning fingers. "I-Its too soon! I- .. w-we just- Its going to be cold!"

"Nonsense… Our bodies under one cover will keep us warm enough.. Especially when I'm done with you~" Matsuri tossed away the upper part of the pyjamas, immediately working on the pants against the almost kicking legs.

"N-no! Matsuri! Stop! We shouldn't-"

"I cant hold back any more Kagami! I … Forgive me." Off came the pants, followed shortly by the yanked off panties, tossed away into the darkness. "I love you Kagami… Let me prove it to you. Let me show you how deep my love for you runs.."

The younger Hiiragi sister's eyes widened considerably. She grabbed locks of brown hair, trying to push her sister away. "N-No! Don't! Matsuri! I-"

Until Matsuri positioned her head right between Kagami´s legs. Kagami felt her arms and hands relax, burrowing her fingers into the brown mess of hair as she arched her back further against the soft pillows. "Oh, G-God..! M-Matsuri…!"


Concealed in the darkness, the two sisters shared the bed. Solace within, satisfaction around them and the dreaded weight lifted off a pair of shoulders, they embraced each other. Naked bodies under one cover, a shared warmth that was equal to their burning passion that was their love. A tale of two sisters that after many years has reached its happy ending.

In the hidden shadows, they smiled.

And that brings an end to that story.

I hope you all enjoyed it! See you folks around!

- GG