Chapter 1 – To leave a life behind

"But I have to sort this out on my own, without the council, and without you." She turned away from him.

"I understand, more than you realize. I understand wanting to walk away from the Order." Came his reply.

"I know", was her final answer as she began to walk away towards the Temple's stairs.

Anakin stood there, heartbroken, and saw his former padawan walk away. Disappearing along with the setting sun. It was her decision, he knew it. But still he had to fight to urge to run after her, to beg her not to go. But she was right, it wasn't about him.

Ahsoka felt Anakin's gaze on her back. She resisted the urge to look back as she made her way towards the stairs. She didn't want Anakin to see the tears in her eyes. Leaving him was a difficult and painful thing to do after all of the crazy adventures they'd been on, but she couldn't stay.

Anakin kept looking at the stairs for a few minutes, hoping that she'd change her mind and come back. After that he made his way back to their once shared quarters.

He sat on the couch they both had sat on so many times. R2-D2 rolled up to him, uttering a few saddened bleeps. "I know Artoo, it will never be the same again without her." He looked down at his, still holding Ashoka's padawan braid. "Artoo, could you give me my ring please?" He asked his faithful droid. R2 opened the secret compartment that held his wedding ring and gave it to Anakin. He took it in his other hand and looked at both items for a while. Eventually he tied Ahsoka's braid around the ring and gave them both back to R2. "Keep those safe for me, alright buddy?". R2 responded with a few positive beeps. "Thank you Artoo". Anakin replied at he laid down on the couch. Staring blankly at the ceiling, he tried to remember all of the good things he and his Snips had been through, hoping that it would dull the pain of her leaving.


Ahsoka finally reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped walking. She was considering to look back at the Temple one last time when she heard a female voice next to her.

"I had a feeling that you were going to leave". Ahsoka looked to her side to see Barriss' master, Luminara Unduli. "Master Unduli". She replied, trying to sound somewhat strong and respectful towards the Jedi Master. Luminara made her way towards Ahsoka, "I understand your decision Ahsoka, I do. We have wronged you severely without even bothering to listen to you or to look at things from your point-of-view." Ahsoka lowered her head and let Master Unduli continue. "After Barriss confessed…", a wave of sadness radiated from the Mirialan, "I felt that you were going to leave here, and I don't blame you. I blame us. I don't know what happened to Barriss, but what she said in the court does ring mostly true." She sighed and placed her hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, gently turning her around. "I took the liberty of packing a few things for you". Luminara told her while gesturing at the backpack and small suitcase standing on the ground behind her. She called them towards them with the Force and they stopped before Ahsoka.

Ahsoka looked at Luminara for an answer as to why the older woman would do something like this for her. She answered: "I can't help but feel that this is my fault as well. Barriss was, is my padawan. If something was troubling her then I should have noticed.". "I don't blame you Master," Ahsoka replied softly, "I have no idea what could have happened to Barriss. This… It's not like her to have done such things." "I know Ahsoka, I know." Luminara looked up at the sky. "I don't know what happened, but I will find out.".

Luminara pointed at the luggage sitting in front of them. "I packed some clothes from your quarters, as well as a moderate amount of credits. I won't feel right just letting you leave without anything." Luminara looked at the younger girl with a comforting smile. Ahsoka looked at the older woman, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Here, " Luminara said as she handed Ahsoka a small card. "this passport will allow you to board any ship in the spaceport without having to go through the extensive security protocols they have these days." Luminara said the last words with a small smile, sensing Ashoka's spirits increasing ever so slightly.

"I also want you to take this, " Luminara began, reaching into her robes. She took Ahsoka's hand and placing Barriss' lightsaber in her hand. "The galaxy is a dangerous place, you will need something to protect yourself with. Take good care of yourself Ahsoka…" Her voice was trembling a bit, strong emotions of sadness taking over. "Thank you, Master Unduli.", came Ahsoka's soft reply, a few tears now running freely across her face.

"I do not know where your path will take you, but I pray that you will remain safe. I hope that you will find the answers you're looking for. May the Force be with you Ahsoka.". After saying her final words Luminara went back towards the Temple. Ahsoka looked at her for a moment before facing the objects in her hands. She put the pass in a pouch on her belt and placed Barriss' lightsaber on her belt. She picked up the luggage Master Unduli had prepared for her and started making her way towards the spaceport.


First chapter of my second story. Hmm, shouldn't I be studying…? Oh well, more time for that tomorrow.

This is going to be part of a "dual-story". I am planning to do a similar story only then from Barriss' pov, as a follow up to my other story. Both Ahsoka's tale and Barriss' story will cross eachother several times. I have a few ideas, but it will take a while for the stories to develop to that point. I will need to think of a bunch of other things as well, so bear with me.

Hope you enjoyed. Until next time.