I actually wanted to write a few more chapters before posting this one, but then I looked when I last updated this and thought, why not publish this now. I'm very inspired for all of my stories right now, so I'm very optimistic that I'll post at least one more chapter this year...

Yeah, that doesn't sound like much, but given my history it's a bit of an improvement, I think ^^

Chapter 3 – Friends?

Time in Hueco Mundo was never easy to tell. The starless sky remained the same no matter where you went. The moon served as the only source of light for the many, wandering and lost souls in this world. Some may even see it as a beacon of light. A sign of hope for those who had not yet found the true afterlife.

Ichigo knew better.

The moon was as treacherous as everything else in this land. Its light revealed you to many hungry predators as well as your own true self. Coming to this cursed land meant turning into an abomination. A hollow shell of what you once were. Mindless… and simply… Hollow. Destined to feed on other's souls to feel even a resemblance of your former self until the day you were finally freed and allowed move on.

"Ichigo-sama." a voice called from nearby. The Arrancar turned his gaze away from the bright light above and faced his companion below, feeling a slight wave of irritation wash through him at the suffix added to his name, which he repeatedly told her not to use but she did it anyway.

Aspasia stood between the wreckage of what seemed to be an old tower. It was the first sign of civilization they had come across since they joined together. Most of the building still stood, offered shelter from the harsh cold winds Hueco Mundo had been plagued with lately and most importantly, gave them the high ground in case some Hollow decided the two would make a good meal. Not that Ichigo had seen any of those since he met his travel companion.

Aspasia had already commended on it being a bit strange as Hollows usually would come after strong reiatsu source on mass. Especially after what may have been already a week or two. However, she had also concluded that it may be the strange feeling the Arrancar's reiatsu gave others. It simply wasn't natural.

"What is it?", he asked and jumped down in front of her.

"I simply wished to know if you would like to join me at the fire." Ichigo glanced at the small camp she must have set up when he was scouting the are from above. There must have been some leftover materials laying around. He sat down next to it without any further words. Aspasia joined him and sat down on the opposite side.

Comfortable silence swept over the pair. Only disturbed by the howling of the wind outside. Just as the both of them had come to enjoy.

In the short time Ichigo had known the girl in front of him, she filled him in on the vast desert. How the power was divided between the different kinds of Hollows, how they interacted with each other and even some information about the Shinigami currently residing the palace of this place, collecting powerful allies all throughout this world. She also mentioned that there was a chance he would soon come for Ichigo, if only for his vast reiatsu. But so far, neither had seen hide nor hair of this man.

Every time she explained new things to him, Ichigo paid attention, sucking in the new information like a sponge. He once asked if the girl would want anything in return. Hollows didn't help other Hollows without a reason, after all, so it seemed a bit peculiar to him why she was giving him all of this information so willingly. Aspasia didn't really surprise him, though, when she simply told him his company was more than enough for her.

Hueco Mundo was a lonely place, after all. And dying as a child before turning into a Hollow tended to leave at least some of the character traits of one intact, once you reached a higher stage of the evolution. Sometimes, Ichigo would see them. The girl tried to hide them, and damn was she good at it, but he could see it in the small things. The excitement that crept into her voice when she would explain meaningless things of the human world, or how quick her attention would shift from alert to curious if she saw something small hushing through the dunes.

It gave Ichigo a very familiar feeling. The warmth and protectiveness that crept into his chest every time he saw her act more like a human child was oddly comforting. Two happy voices would sometimes chirp happily in the back of his mind, however, those were probably just his imagination.

"Isn't it ironic?"

Amber eyes snapped up to meet the blackness of Aspasia's mask. She wasn't looking at him, though. Her blank gaze was directed at the crackling flames, slowly consuming the dry and dead wood inside of it. "What are you talking about?"

"I…", she started "don't really remember much of my time amongst the living. I know who I used to be and some fragments here and there, but nothing else." Ichigo watched as the girl took another small piece of wood from a small pile next to her and tossed it into the fire. She hesitated, seemingly lost on how she should continue.

"What I do remember, though, is that my mother and I used to go on numerous camping trips. We both loved the nature and sitting next to a warm fire under a star filled sky, far away from the big city… I remember the feelings the fire used to bring. But now, sitting in front of it here… I feel nothing. It's like the beings in this world are cursed to lead this shell of a life. You can only feel the cold, but not the warmth… You can light a fire in this darkened world, but you will not feel comforted by it."

"You're more likely to expose yourself", the Arrancar realized. "Instead of bringing safety, the fire leads predators to you. It reveals your location to something that wishes you harm."

It was true. While the flames were thought to bring comfort to the pair, it was only the harsh coldness of Hueco Mundo that was felt. No warmth, no comfort.

It dawned to Ichigo that the only reason Aspasia bothered with a fire in the first place was to honor the few memories she had left of her human life. The memories of her and her mother, probably more of her family, huddled together on cold nights under a sparkling night sky, comforted by each other's presence.

The solemn atmosphere was suddenly broken when the girl perked up and started shuffling around behind her. "This reminds me", she told Ichigo. Gone was the soft tone of mourning from her voice, replaced with her usual chirpy tones. "I found this wedged between a few fallen rocks. I thought you might like it."

As the Adjuchas said this, she pulled out a tattered piece of cloth out from behind her and presented it to the orange haired man, who carefully accepted the offering and inspected it. It wasn't much as it was littered with rips and holes, but it could be used as some sort of cloak. He appreciated the gesture and gave her a genuine smile. "Thank you."

A shift in the winds outside caught his attention and he glanced between the cracks of the tower and into the ouside world. The wind had picked up and was starting to carry more and more sand into the air. It was the start of a sandstorm. While Ichigo would have liked to move on soon, it now appeared as if the pair would be staying here a little longer. He had no desire to wander out in the middle of a sandstrom. Who know how big this one would get. And he had no doubt that Aspasia felt.

He lay the cloth over his shoulders and tied the ends together, creating a cloak that would at least give some protection from wind and sand. And together, the pair sat by the fire, waiting, and hoping that the storm would soon move on.


"So you're telling me," Ichigo stared at the Adjuchas with wide eyes as he procressed what she had just told him. "That there's an entirely other world just beneath our feet?"

Aspasia shook her head and explained. "Not quite. It is not a world, just a very big part of Hueco Mundo. It's more like a giant forest. The trees down there are so tall, they give the illusion of reaching up into nothing."

It wasn't long after they had left their small camp that the Arrancar and his companion found a new topic to talk about. After Ichigo had remarked that he would like to see more of this world, meaning more than sand, sand and even more sand, Aspasia had remarked that there was a enormous forest direktly under their feet. They simply had to find one of the many entrances and from there on, could simply explore.

"The sand is actually held up by ther crowns. The little ones you see up here are simply the tiniest parts of them. Just the tips. Think of it like the roots, but instead of holding the tree down, they are webbed through the ground we're standing on, making sure it doesn't fall."

Instincively, Ichigo looked down at the sand and wondered how in the world all of this was so solid.

Well... not exactly solid, but you know what he meant.

"Usually, when Hollows reach a higer state of evolution, they leave the forest and never look back. Because you'd actually be painting a big target on your back since down there, it's often an open for all brawl. They fight everything to consume as many souls as possible. If enough Hollows gather at one place to fight and consume, they will turn into spirit particles and fuse toghether. They are then called Menos. A Menos is far more powerful than the usual Hollows down there. Especially since they tend to walk around in bigger groups. That is what I was before I evolved and left that forest."

"I...," the Arrancar began, very interested in this world's structure and proceedings. "Can you take me to the entrance? If I've been down there, I don't remember any of if. And I'd like to see it with my own eyes."

Aspasia regarded him for a long time and Ichigo wondered if it was the right thing to ask of her. She litteraly told him a few minutes ago, that as soon as you left the forest, you never returned. Why would it be different with her? But the thought of such a place like the forest, despite the dangers it hid within, was simply amazing. For Ichigo, at least. The dessert seemed so dull and somber. He wanted to see something else for once.

Having the sand wander into places he didn't even think possible, of course, played a rather big part in this wish.

"Alright" the Adjuchas finally said. "I remember where one of the entrances is. I'll take you. Besides, you most likely won't be in any danger down there." Her voice sounded resigned. And Ichigo immediately felt guilty.

"You don't have to take me, you know. Just tell me and I'll look go by myself." The thought of leaving her behind didn't sit right with him as he had already grown fond of her in the short time he knew Aspasia. But Ichigo still didn't want to make her relive the memories of that place. Becasue despite her rather passive demeanor, she was still a child under that mask of bone. And that still brought and instinctive desire to protect her to the surface. The Arrancar looked to the side and lifted a hand to rub his neck. He really didn't want to go on alone, but he prepared himself for the inevitable anyway.

"It's fine. We're friends, aren't we? And I can see how much you want to get out of that sand." Her words stunned Ichigo. He looked back at Aspasia. She was standing not too far away from him, her body halfway turned to the side. She already considered him her friend? The way she spoke sounded careful, maybe even wary. Like she wasn't sure of the truth in her own sentence. Her bodylanguage only helped confirm it. The slightly tense shoulders and not being able to look him in the eye. Almost like Ichigo himself mere seconds ago.

But the tenseness left her quickly when Ichigo finally regained his posture and gave a warm, comforting smile.

"Yeah, we are."

So, this is it for now. I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to review.

Until next time!