A/N: Just a little drabble about what happened with Korra and Mako right after Amon flew out a window.
"It's over."
He held her tightly as he gazed out the broken window into the waters below. She had closed her eyes and was resting her head against his collarbone, finally allowing some of her tension to ebb away. Below them was a ruckus of yelling and shouting and noise; the crowd was completely dumbfounded by what they'd just seen, and many of them were pointing at the two benders standing in the open window of the tower above, staring at them while arguing with each other. The two of them moved away from window to get out of the public eye, and out of the paths of the hundred eyes that were focused on them. Neither of them were particularly keen on having everyone see this private moment.
As they walked away, Mako tried and failed to hide his wince and the pained gasp that escaped his mouth as he let his arms fall. It didn't go unnoticed by Korra, who said quietly, "Your back...Amon slammed you against the wall. How bad is it?"
"It's nothing. I'll be fine."
She shook her head, disbelieving. "As soon as I can, I'm giving you a healing session."
Wait. Wait a second...
With a start, she realised that there was a problem with that promise. "Oh...actually, I can't," she said. She stopped walking and looked down instead, refusing to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry."
The awkward and painful silence that ensued almost cut a rift in between the two of them, but Mako found the courage to speak.
"Korra..." he began. "I chose to come with you. It wasn't your fault."
She took a deep, shuddering breath, but said nothing; she was trying to avoid the greater issue at hand, and they both knew it.
"Korra, are you sure that... "
She nodded once. "My bending's gone. I forgot for a second that I can't heal anymore, but...I'm sure of it," she said, answering his unspoken question. The fireballs Mako had torpedoed into the water just moments ago, and the water and earth below them, she felt no connection to them. They no longer spoke to her like they had done since she was a child. She felt the strong urge to cry, and when Mako pulled her head down to his shoulder, she buried her face in it and gave in to the urge.
"I was so scared," she sobbed. "It felt terrible, like...like the life was being sucked out of me."
He patted her back and her hair soothingly, and rested his chin atop her head. "Shhh. It's okay. You're safe now."
Eventually, the clamoring of the crowd died away, and the sunset's warm glow cast itself over them. Once it was peaceful and quiet again, Mako said gently, "It can't be gone forever. It can't be. There's got to be some chance. Korra, if there's anything you can think of, if there's even the smallest possibility..."
She wiped her eyes and thought for a long moment. "There might be a way...Master Katara is the best healer I know, probably the best healer in the world. She lives at the South Pole, but..." He was right. She was the Avatar, and she wasn't going to give up so easily. An inkling of resolve started to trickle into her.
"See? There's still hope yet." He took her hand and led her away from the scene of the crime. "Come on, let's go find the others and regroup." Then he gave her a serious look. "Korra, you defeated Amon. That's got to count for something."
"We did it together," she replied.
As they descended the stairs, she allowed herself the smallest of smiles.
A/N: I refuse to believe that Mako didn't sustain any injuries from Amon's bloodbending attack.
Anyway, this will probably end up as a dumping ground for my arbitrary plot bunnies, so more to come.