The moon shone brightly threw the window that night almost illuminating the entire room, Orihime looked around the room that served as

her prison cell and sighed. Suddenly she was hit with an uneasy feeling, she gasped, 'something was not right.' She could feel it. Then she

heard footsteps outside her door accompanied by a pair of male voices, but she did not recognize either of them to be Ulquorra's. She slowly

crept closer to the door so she could hear them better, Ulqiorra had been gone for quite a while, and even though she had no way of telling

time she was pretty sure dinner had come and gone and he never brought her anything to eat. Not that she really cared to eat; it was just

odd that she hadn't seen him. She could see some light coming through the key hole in the door, and the closer she got the better she could

hear the voices. She slowly and quietly leaned down to try and peak threw the key hole to see who was talking. There stood an average

height, fairly muscular man with blue hair. He was talking to a very tall and slender man with long black hair that she thought looked like a


"C'mon Nnoitra!" snapped the blue haired man, "you can't tell me you never wanted to kill that little teacher's pet." The spoon man

shrugged, and seamed to ponder something when an evil grin creped onto his faces "Okay I guess I'll help you hunt him, but first I think we

should pay his little pet a visit."

Orihimes eyes widened, 'they were coming for her.' She stood up and quickly made her way to the back of the room when she heard the

door knob turning. The door slowly began to creep open allowing the glow of light from the hall way to enter, she slowly backed away from

the growing light when suddenly it stopped. She could hear a different voice, Ulqiorra maybe? Then the door slammed shut, 'what was going

on? The teacher's pet they were referring to; was that Ulqiorra?' she thought.

As Grimmjow began to open the door an Arrancar came racing down the hall towards them. "We think we have found him sir!" the masked

creature yelled. Grimmjow slammed the door shut and looked at Nnoitra, "you comin' or what?" Nnoitra nodded and the both of them took

off down the hall.

Ichigo, Rukia, and Nel all sat around the camp fire, Nel was curled up in a blanket and sound asleep. Rukia looked down at Nel on her right

and smiled, then looked back Ichigo with a stern stare. He was glaring into the fire with a look of determination on his face. "Ichigo what are

we going to do?" he sighed, "wait for him to wake up I guess." "That's what I was afraid of. And what if he decides to kill us first thing." He

looked at her with steal eyes, "if that happens than I want you to take Nel and run, I'll hold him off so you guys can escape." She looked at

him with a sad stare, that's not how she meant it; she had full intentions of staying to fight if she had to. Ichigo turned and glanced over at

Ulqiorra, who was lying behind him away from the fire, 'still passed out.' He thought to himself as he turned back to Rukia.

Ulqiorra could hear voices, first they were muffled and he could not understand what they were saying. His body felt warm; slowly he

became more aware and realized he was laying on a blanket in the sand, 'I'm still alive and in the desert, but why?' he caught the glimpse of

a slight glow coming from his right, he turned his head to see the blurry view of a camp fire, he could see salutes of people. When a slight

tinge of fear shot threw his body, he did not know who they were, then panic set in; had never been in a helpless state before and it terrified

him. Then the instinct to escape rushed over him, Ulqiorra slowly rolled over on his left side in an attempt to get up when suddenly pain

seared threw his entire body and a moan escaped his lips as he shut his eyes tightly and curled up clutching his left side. But quickly the pain

became so intense he began to scream as tears and sweat ran down his face. "He's awake!" Ichigo screamed as he jumped up and ran over

to Ulqiorra, standing over him he grabbed him by what was left of his shirt collar, "where's Orihime!" he screamed. Ulqiorra was in so much

pain he could not understand this person was saying or even make out the blurry figure. Ichigo then began to shake him, "WHERE IS SHE!

ANSWER ME!" Rukia jumped up, "ICHIGO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" He stopped, still holding on to Ulqiorras' shirt collar with his

head hanging back, then he looked at her. "Ichigo he's still injured; and unconscious now." He looked at Ulqiorra then laid him back down

with a sheepish look on his face. Rukia ran over to inspect Ulqiorras state, he had a thin layer of sweat coating his face; she felt his forehead

to find that he had a fever. She stared closely at his form for several minutes, 'what did they do to you number four?' she thought as she

began to look over his wounds. The one on his right for arm was not bad, but the one on his side was pretty deep. She peeled away his shirt

to take a closer look at the wound on his side; it was beginning to heal thanks to Nel, but he was still in so much pain, it didn't make since.