Chapter 1: That heart breaking day

At Lucy's house: No one's POV

Today in Magnolia Lucy woke up as her normal, happy-go-lucky, self. She woke up and started to get ready to go to the guild. She took a bath, fixed her hair and put on some clothes. She had on a gold and white skirt that stopped a little above the knee and had on a white tank top with gold sparkles over it and some white combat boots that came up to the thigh. Her hair was put up into a messy bun too. After she was done getting ready she made breakfast. She started to hum as she cooked. As soon as the food was ready she sat down and ate. Then while she was eating she noticed was the calendar. "So it's been another year since you guys have been gone huh, Mama, Papa. Don't you worry I won't forget to visit your grave, and maybe all just ask Natsu and the team to come "she smiled as she thought about it.

" OH SNAP ITS ALREADY LATE I NEED TO GET TO THE GUILD" Lucy yelled as she grabbed her keys and whip and ran to the guild.

When she got to the guild she kicked open the doors and made her way inside. She saw team Natsu and Lisanna at a table. "Hey guys" Lucy said as she made her way to the table. "Hey Luce" Natsu said while looking nervous "What's wrong Natsu. Tell me."

"Ok … umm well … Can you leave team Natsu. We were all talking it over and we made the decision to replace you with Lisanna because we have enough members in our group already. We didn't pick Gray to replace Lisanna because he is stronger than you and can fight by himself. I mean you complain on how you always don't have money for your rent so now you can ride solo." He said with his toothy grin and in the background everyone else was smiling.

"Hey Natsu." Lucy said as her bangs covered her eyes "hmm?" "Do you even know what today is?" "it's July 7th,why?"

"well the since you apparently have to idea I'll tell you! " Lucy said as she raised her voice. Then she got closer to Natsu and grabbed him by his scarf. "TODAY IS JULY 7th. TODAY IS THE DAY YOU REPLACED ME WITH LISANNA. TODAY IS THE DAY MY MOM DIED!" Lucy yelled.

By now everyone in the guild was looking at her and Natsu. He was speechless.I forgot all about Lucy's mom and now I've hurt her.

"L-Luce I'm sorr-" Lucy cut him off "Save it Natsu I don't want to hear that word from you because I thought You, Me, Erza, and Gray were friends but I was so wrong, I was just a replacement for Lisanna."

Lucy walked away without turning around and said "Lisanna please take care of team Natsu because I'm leaving the team." "Ok Lucy if that is what you want the i will do it for you " Lisanna said with tears. Yes! Lucy is gone now Natsu is all mine!. Lisanna smirked, but no one saw it.

"Luce wait don't go!" Natsu said running up to her while grabbing her shoulder. Lucy slapped his had away "Don't touch me!" she snapped as she turned around. Lucy had tears streaming down her face and her eyes were filled with hurt "Ill get stronger! just you wait! and then ill come back to make you pay for all this". Natsu just stared at her shocked, unable to move.

I hate them. I'll make them pay for kicking me off the team. Lucy ran into the forest and then cried under a tree.

Time skip: After Lucy was done crying Lucy's POV

"Ok maybe I should head to mama's grave now" Lucy said. She started walking towards Magnolia but experienced some trouble on her way there. A bear was sleeping in the direction she had to go.

I could go around the bear's territory but then that would waste more time… I know! I'll just jump tree to tree over the bear.

I smiled to myself at how smart I was. I then climbed quickly up the tree and made it across, and I was far enough from the bear that I couldn't see it anymore.

"Now the only problem is how to get down..." I said as I looked around to see the safest way down.

Then I saw something on a tree branch. It was an egg, a silver colored egg with a single crescent moon shape that was a dark purplish color that was in the middle. I took a step closer to get a better view but then the branch broke! It was about a 12 ft. drop from the tree to the ground so the egg was guaranteed to go splat when it hit the ground.(didn't know what else to say xD)

"No I have to save it from dropping on the ground". I jumped toward the falling egg and hugged it tight to my chest making sure it's safe. Then I shut my eyes hoping for the worst to happen.

Yeahhhh this gonna hurt...

1 minute went by… then 2 minutes went by … then 3. Why is it taking so long to hit the ground? I then opened my eyes I wasn't falling at all. I was floating! The egg that I was holding on to started to glow.

"What is going on here?" i said to particularly no one.

It stopped glowing. Then there was silence. Somehow I had landed on the ground when the egg was glowing. Then I heard a crack and before I knew it the egg had hatched.

Hey guys this is my 1st fanfic so try not to be too hard on me and if you don't like my fanfic then just stop reading it. I mean honestly. To the people that do like my story THANKS! \^_^/ oh and plz remember to review. PS. Sorry for spelling errors

bold= thoughts


The only thing that can be seen in the shadows is a single scarlet flower