A/N: Well, lucky 13 it is! Time for this story to come to an end. Thank you all so much for your reviews and follows. I am forever grateful for your support!


You are pacing from window to door, unable to keep still. You keep running your hands through your hair, keep licking your lips in anticipation, and this whole process has only just begun. It's going to be a long day.

"Gabi, can I get you ice chips? Or another blanket? Or change the playlist on your iPod?" You know you are rambling, but you have to offer to help somehow. Gabi watches you pace the room a few more times before she responds.

"Sonny, thank you, but I'm fine. Why don't you sit down? This could take some time you know." She grins openly at your apparent terror. "And I have done this a few times before...so no worries, okay? We're all in this together."

You wonder how she can possibly be so calm at a time like this. She does have a point though; this is technically the 4th child she's giving birth to, and Will was a part of the very first one. This is brand new to you and the idea of helping bring a child - your biological child - into this world hasn't ceased to freak you out any less over the last 9 months.

Trying to settle yourself a little, you sit, close your eyes and focus on how far you have all come over the years. Not too long ago you despised Gabi. You felt she was manipulative and naive and hated the idea of your boyfriend fathering a child with her. Now, after several confessions, time spent incarcerated and a real-life epiphany, Gabi is the donor and surrogate for your soon-to-be-born child.

You and Will were both completely floored when she offered. Will had custody of Arianna as Gabi ended up delivering in prison. You happily joined with him as Arianna's other papa. And that's exactly what she called you now. It started out as a joke; she was trying to get your attention and you weren't responding to daddy or papa or anything. So, Arianna yelled out "hey, my other papa!" and that's all she wrote, so the saying goes. She sometimes calls you "OP" for short but most often you are Other Papa. And you love her special name for you more than anything.

Until about a year ago, you were also very content being a family of three. There were times early on that were such a challenge, you thought you could possibly only survive parenting one child. It took so much of both of you...between school and work and family and changing diapers, feedings, boogers, ear infections, teething and potty training...it was all you could do to just keep your head above water. Will seemed to have an easier time of it. He didn't get nearly as worked up as you did when Arianna would cry or have trouble falling asleep. He took it in stride, and she calmed so easily in his arms. You know how Arianna feels. You've never been so calm in your life as when you are embraced in Will's arms. He - and that little girl - are everything to you. And now you'll be adding another little person to your family. The Horton-Kiriakis trio will soon become a quartet.

"How is everyone doing in here?" Will peeks his head in the door before entering. He sees Gabi resting comfortably, panting her way through another contraction and you, nervously bouncing your leg and chewing on a thumbnail. He comes directly to you. "Babe? Are you alright?" He frames your face with his hands and gives you a tender kiss. You immediately calm knowing that he is back here with you.

"Did you get Arianna and the boys settled?"

"Yep," Will responds happily. "Our girl, the boys and Miguel are at my Mom's having a pizza party and watching movies. They have enough food and redbox rentals to last through tomorrow night!"

Gabi perks up hearing her babies being mentioned. "Thanks so much, Will. And thank your Mom, too. So, little Rafe and Owen are doing okay? And Miguel, too?"

"They are doing great, Gabi. There are sleeping bags all over and they are all super excited for their pizza-movie-sleepover! I told Miguel that he could sleep in my old room if it came to that, but he said he'll probably just stay out on the couch near the kids." Miguel, Gabi's husband, is an extremely kind and protective father. He has brought out in Gabi what so many never saw. In fact, they met while working with the same youth project in Chicago four years ago. You initially thought the change in Gabi was an act to impress the older, attractive man. But it didn't take too long before you saw a side of her you never thought existed. Miguel awakened in Gabi a softness, and selflessness and passion that even Gabi didn't know she possessed. Three and a half years of marriage later, followed by two boys, two dogs and a house on the east side, Gabi has become a really great person and one of your best friends. It was actually when you were at their house just about a year ago, when you were playing with Owen that she approached you and Will with the idea.

"Why not give Arianna a sibling?" You and Will were unable to suppress your shock. Shaking your heads and looking at her flabbergasted, Will was the first to speak.

"I-I don't think so, Gabs. But thanks for the offer...that is if you're actually serious." He smiled lopsidedly at her, trying to discern whether or not she was for real.

You surprised everyone the most. "Why not?" you wondered aloud. Two wide open mouths and sets of eyes met yours immediately. "Will," you grabbed his hands in yours, "don't get me wrong, I am so happy with our family. You know how much I adore Arianna. But playing with Owen earlier...watching him toddle around, babbling, drooling and laughing at me, well, it made me actually think about adding to our Horton-Kiriakis clan." You paused to let your words sink in. "I know this is unexpected; we've haven't discussed this in a long time. But babe, I want to have another baby with you. And with Gabi offering, I mean it seems like the perfect way to do it. Then both of our children would have the same donor - sorry Gabs for how that sounds."

"It's okay. That's all I'd be. Well, maybe a favorite Auntie someday!"

"Miquel is okay with this?" Will finally broke in, his senses regained.

"Yes, Will. Jeez! I would never offer something like this without first discussing it with my husband." As if on cue, Miguel stepped back into the room and sat down next to his wife.

"We've actually been talking about surrogacy for a while now. There are several couples we know - gay and straight - who are unable to have children. Gabi has had three fairly easy, healthy pregnancies and we don't want anymore children of our own. We want to encourage adoption and fostering as much as possible, but we also know how important it was for us to have children together. We feel like we can give that same gift to others who are truly ready and committed."

"Wow," you squeeze Will's hands just a bit tighter. You are so moved by your friends' generosity, you are stunned by their selflessness and compassion. You are sufficiently blown away.

"Babe," Will turns to you, "are you sure this is what you want? I remember you being a fairly reluctant father, oh, some seven years ago or so. This would mean starting again with diapers and formula and sleepless nights. Are we in for this?"

"Yes, Will, I'm sure. I want to add to our family. I want to give Arianna the little sister or brother she's been asking for all these years. And it would make my parents extremely happy to become grandparents again."

"Well," Will had taken a very deep, pensive breath before finally agreeing. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's do it! Let's have another baby, Sonny!" He pulled you to him in a tender, loving embrace, whispering 'I love you' over and over again into your ear.

"I love you so much, Will. I'm so excited at the thought of seeing you hold a baby - our baby - in your arms again. And I can't wait to tell Arianna!"

"Tell me what?" your almost 7 year-old daughter appeared in the doorway of Gabi and Miguel's living room.

Looking from Will to Gabi to Miguel to Arianna and back to Will again, you give her the news. "We're going to have another baby." Arianna squealed with delight and leaped into your arms.

"Really Other Papa? Daddy?" she glanced between you anxiously awaiting your answer.

"Yes, dear Ari, it is true. Gabi offered to be a surrogate for us so we could try to have another baby. It'll be a little while, we'll have to go through the proper channels, but if all goes as planned, you may have a little brother or sister in a year!"

And here you are, actually less than a year later, pacing the delivery suite floor waiting for your precious new bundle of joy to enter this world.


"Sonny? Son?" Will is calling your name.

"Wh-what?" you are jolted from your happy memory by Will and then Gabi shouting out for the first time in pain.

"The Dr is here, he says we're about ready to push. We need to clean up and get scrubs on. Gabi is dilated and her contractions are coming fast. We're about to have our baby, Sonny!"

Oh my God. You are about to have your second baby. You pull Will closer, hold him tightly to your chest and place your temple against his. Looking him directly in the eye, you say to him, "Will, I love you more and more everyday. Along with your marriage proposal, Arianna's birth and our wedding day, this is already one of the best days of my life. Thank you for being the most wonderful husband, friend, lover and father. I can't wait for this little guy to be a part of our family!"

"Little guy, hah? Is that a prediction?"

"Just a feeling I have. But you know girl or boy, I'll be equally as overjoyed. But I'm betting on a little William."

"Or a little Jackson?"

"Hmmm. We'll see."


At exactly 9:48 pm, Calvin Gabriel Horton-Kiriakis came into this world screaming, weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces and measuring 21 inches in length. He was long and thin and despite having the thick, brown-haired genes from both sides, Calvin was born with not one hair on his bald little head.

You are holding him, marveling at the miracle that is your child. Will stepped out to share the news and a picture or two, and Gabi is getting cleaned up after an intense but not too difficult delivery. Calvin's little head ended up being pretty big, and for a while the Dr was afraid Gabi wouldn't be able deliver him naturally. But with one concentrated push and some targeted massaging by the Dr, Calvin made his appearance, big bald head first.

"He's really beautiful, Sonny." Gabi's voice is tired but happy.

"Gabi, he really is. Thank you so much. Here," you bring the baby over to her, "meet Calvin. Calvin, meet Gabi, she helped to give you life and your Daddy and I will forever be grateful."

Just then Will walks back in and smiles at the two of you sharing a moment. "So, what do you think of Calvin Gabriel Horton-Kiriakis, Gabi?"

She first looks at Will and then at you. "I thought you were leaning towards William or Jackson?" She's shaking her head, still groggy from exertion.

"We were...originally." Will responds quietly.

"But then when we couldn't decide, we talked about what was most important about his name. Then it came to us. Neither of our children would be here without you Gabi, so it was easy to agree on Gabriel as his middle name...to honor you. We can never thank you enough for this gift."

Gabi's eyes fill with tears as she reaches out to hug the three of you to her. "He's a very lucky boy. He has two of the most wonderful fathers and the most amazing sister. You both have been so understanding and forgiving of me over the years. You were two of the few people willing to give me another chance. So, this my way of thanking you." She lets go and swipes at the tears that have fallen down her cheeks. "Now, why don't you get big sister Arianna and Grandma Adrienne in to see him?"

"They are already here and waiting. Grandma Sami, too." Will explains with a smile.

"Well, bring them on in. They need to meet little Calvin!"

You lean over and kiss Gabi on the forehead. She settles in under the covers and winks at you. "Thank you," you mouth to her. She smiles contentedly, and you walk towards the door, anxious to introduce your son to his new loving, crazy, Horton-Kiriakis family.


Two days later Will is driving, Arianna is in her booster seat buckled in the back next to Calvin's car seat, and you can't stop looking at each of them in complete awe. This is your life. They are your life. Your amazing, unpredictable, chaotic and incredible life. You can't help but think back to the time pre-baby, when you and Will first did it in his car, when he got locked in the handcuffs, when he tried combining you with a little champagne and it resulted in surprisingly staggering pain. When you asked him to move in with you and he first told you "no". And then when he apologized, and explained why and then proposed to you in his Grandmother's pub. You remember each of those times with a certain fondness, thinking that back then, that was really all you wanted. But that changed. Maybe it didn't really change, maybe Will just brought out the best in you - your true self.

Now your Fantasyland is filled with toys on the floor, endless laundry, family picnics and school conferences. It is filled with tender moments stolen during an afternoon nap, trying to stay as quiet as possible and shared morning showers before Arianna wakes up. It is coming home from work to be greeted with a hug and a kiss from your daughter and the same from your beloved husband. Your Fantasyland has become your family.

Who knew? You think to yourself and shift back forward in the passenger's seat. Chuckling, you shake your head, still in complete amazement of your current life. As if reading your mind, Will reaches over and rests his hand on your knee. You cover his with yours and smile in total happiness.

Pulling into your driveway, Will puts the car in the garage and shuts the door. "We're home Daddy, Other Papa!" Arianna shouts excitedly, unbuckling her seatbelt before reaching to undo the one around Calvin's carseat.

"Yes we are, Horton-Kiriakis Family. We are home."