Light. It's all I remember before I woke up. When I woke up I felt alive, like I've never woken up before. I was lying on the soft grass. It felt weird; it was like I never touched grass in my life, either. I open my eyes. I stared at the dark sky, the stars were shining bright. They looked as if they were winking at her. I felt silkiness on her body; I was wearing a dress of silk. It was orange, red, and the colors of fire. It was beautiful. Then I heard whispering. I sat up quickly. A few feet away from me were three boys. The one that was farther away was kind of tall had sandy brown hair and amber eyes. The thing you notice most about him was the scars all over his face. The one in the middle was a little taller than the sandy hair one. He had hazel brown eyes behind glasses, with black hair sticking up in all places. The last was the most handsome, though. He was taller than the rest. He had black hair that curled around his ears, but the most enchanting about him was his stormy gray eyes. I stared at them for a movement then, back away from them. I pulled my knees to my chest. The boy with hazel eyes talked first.

"Um, are you lost? We found you here. We tried to wake you but you didn't wake. Are you okay?" he said. My eyes widen. I was so weird. I looked at them and moved farther away. They looked at each other. Then the handsome one knelt down next to me.

"We're not going to hurt you. What's your name?" He said. I stared at him. I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't. I ranked my brain, I still didn't know.

"I don't remember." I whispered. My voice was soft. I loved how it felt to speak. It felt good. It felt as though I never spoke ever. He looked at me for a moment.

"What do mean you don't remember?" He asked. His gray eyes confused. I wanted to roll my eyes at him.

"I don't remember my name or anything." I said a little louder, but it was still a whisper. They looked at each other again then the sandy brown hair one said, " Let's take her to Dumbledore."