Hello everyone! This is my first fan fiction and I hope you all like it. I know that I really like the long stories, so ill try my best to add a lot of chapters frequently. Enjoy, and please comment!

Chelsea's Pov

Chapter 1, The Beggining

I wiped my brow, which was beaded with sweat. I just spent and hour hoeing out several plots so I would able to plant the summer crops. I had bought tomato and corn seeds from Chen yesterday. I knew it would take them a while before I would be able to harvest them, so I was heading out to Gannon's to buy a fishing pole, and then hopefully I could get Denny or Lana to give give me some tips to make things easier.

As I headed to Vendure island I made sure to stop by and say hello to everyone. I'm still surprised by how many friends I have at this island, being that I never had any friends growing up. Sure I had people I talked with, but never a true friendship.

All of the sudden I heard a loud neighing and the galloping of hooves. I shot my head up to see a horse running straight towards me. I scrambled backwards only to get my foot caught in a pothole and twist my ankle. But before I fell I saw a silhouette jump in front of the horses way. Whoever it was, they appeared to be wearing a cowboy hat.

" Woah, slow done there big fella" I heard a low voice say soothingly.

I sat up and saw a silver haired young man dressed up as a cowboy. He was petting the horse and whispering softly to the poor, frightened animal.

"Wow. Your really good with animals !" I said with awe in my voice. The man turned around and looked at me. I gasped when I saw his eyes. They were a bright, piercing amethyst.

"Hey" He said gruffly as he slowly walked toward me. "You should be more careful."

What the heck? The horse almost ran over me, not the other way around."Sorry, I was lost in thought" I replied meekly. He extended his hand to me, which I assumed was to help me up. As I let him pull me into standing position, I started to introduced myself.

"By the way, my name is Chel-" I was cut off my a involuntary yelp. He looked at me quizzically. Man this guy is unapproachable.

" I think I hurt my ankle" I said in a quiet, slightly annoyed voice. He looked at me with an emotional less face.

" Would you mind taking me to that house over there? It's Gannon's, and he will be sure to help." The stoic cowboy didn't say anything, but he complied. The stranger didn't even look the least bit fazed by the hulking figure that is Gannon that opened the door.

" Chelsea what's wrong!?" A worried Gannon said when he saw me leaning against this antisocial stranger.

" Did this man hurt you?" He said as he narrowed his eyes at the silver haired man. Ah, sweet fatherly Gannon. He's been like a father to me ever since I got on the island, as he says I've been like a second daughter to him.

"No Gannon, not at all. In fact, if it hadn't been for this stranger I would be a lot worse." After being reassured, Gannon lead us into his house. He walked over to his table and sat down, as did the cowboy after leading me to a chair.

"Would you care to explain to me how you hurt yourself and why you were leaning on this young man?"

I told Gannon the story off how the stranger stopped the horse, and of my hurting my ankle. Once I was finished I turned to the man with the purple eyes, who hadn't said a word throughout the story.

"Um what is your name?" I asked him. " I have never seen you around before. I'm Chelsea by the way."

"I'm Vaughn Stateson. Im the the new animal transporter." He explained briefly. "Let me checkout your leg" he said, completely changing the subject off of him.

"Um okay" I said uncertainly. He nelt down as I rolled up the pantleg of my jeans. He touched my ankle tenderly, and I jumped at his touch.

"I'm going to start adding pressure, so tell me when it hurts." He gently started pushing on my ankle is several different places. I yelped when he got to the back of my heel. Other than that it didn't really hurt.

" You should be fine in a couple of days. Try not to walk around much."

"Thats very unprobable" I said " You see I'm a rancher, and I'll have to water my crops and take care of my animals." When I mentioned animals Vaughn's purple eyes seemed to softened a bit, but they hardend just as quickly.

"Then use a cane" he replied, and then got up and left abrupt. Hmp. Well he is very rude. Or maybe just defensive. Either way, Julia will want to know about a new islander.

"So Gannon, can I get that fishing pole I wanted, and possibly a cane?"

"Sure thing Chelsea." He said and thing walked into the other room.

" How much will I owe ya?" I called after him.

" Not a cent for the cane, but a fishing pole will cost 100 G."

came his muffled reply."Are you sure abou that? That's an awfully low number for a fishing pole. Chen's seeds cost more than that!"I said playfully.

"That's 'cause Chen is cheap!" I chuckeled at Gannon's comment. Everyone on the island jokes about Chens cheapness. Even his six year old son, Charlie, does!

Gannon came back with the fishing pole and the cane, and his little girl, Eliza, came skipping in behind him. Her blue eyes light up when she saw me.

" Chelsea!" the little girl exclaimed as she jumped onto my lap.

"Don't I look cute today?" She asked me.

"I'm not so sure Eliza, you were a lot cuter yesterday." I teased her.

"Nuh-uh" Eliza said while making a pouty face."Alright Eliza, well I have to go home now" I informed her. Eliza made another pouty face but she complied and jump off my lap. Gannon handed me the fishing pole and the cane, and after paying him I walked out the door and headed to Julia's.

The bell above the door rang as I walked in. "Hello Maribell, hey Jules."

"Chels, what's with the cane?" Julia asked me suspiciously.

"I'll get to that, but first, have you met the new animal transporter?No, ok well then I will start with the horse." I retold the story to Julia.

"Ooh he sounds hot!" Julia gushed. "Tell me what this Vaughn is like."

" Well, he was REALLY tall and slightly tan. He had muscels, but not so much that he looked like he worked out." Julia was giggleing as I described him."But here is the really weird part, he dressed like a cowboy." Julia's eyes widened.

"Either way he sounds like a total hottie. " Julia comented. " Might I remind you Julia, you have a boyfriend. His names is Elliot, he has pink hair and the two of you are madly in love."I chided her.

" Oh-ho, you want him to yourself now do you?" Julia proded.

" First of all, Jules, he isn't the nicest person. He is sorta antisocial, but I'm going to try and see if he will open up. Secondly, you know I have absolutely no interest in dating anyone soon."

"Well that's too bad Chels. I'm sure my cousin could use a girlfriend " Julia said with a pouty face.

"Julia! You said you didn't know him! And you made all those weird comments!"

"If I had told you you wouldn't have said the same things to me. Same with the comments."

"We'll, if your done Julia I think I'm going to head home. It's almost five."

Before I could stand up the bell above the door chimed, signaling that someone has entered the room. I turned my head and saw Vaughn narrowing his eyes at me.

" I thought I told you to stay off your ankle." He said with a slight growl.

I was suprized by his malice. " While at the moment, I am siting, and I got a cane from Gannon, so I don't have to put much weight on it" I said with wide eyes. Vaughn's narrowed eyes turned into a full on glare.

" Next time someone takes the time to help you and give you advice you should listen to it." Vaughn then spun around and walked out the door. I hurried after him.

" I'm sorry" I called as he stormed down the path going in the opposite direction. If he heard my apology he didn't make any sign showing that he did.

I slowly shook my head and made my tedious way back to my house.

Later that night, while I was trying to fall asleep, my thoughts drifted to the strange events of the day, and how Vaughn acted. I decided that he might be antisocial, or he might have had a bad past like me.

Vaughn's Pov

As I slowly unbuttoned my shirt to get ready for bed I thought about what happened today. That lady was freaking annoying. First she almost gets herself ran over by a horse, forcing me to save her like a freaking damsel in distress, and then had hurt herself anyway forcing me, again, to help he being that there wasn't a doctor on this stupid island.

Hey it's me again. I'm adding this in after I put in the third chapter, just to tell you guys that At chapter three I started writing in third person so it gets alot better. Please bear with me through the second chapter- you won't regret it! ^.^