Hello all, how have you been doing? Hopefully you're not strung out on Halloween candy. Oh who am I kidding I actually do! I hope you enjoy this chapter and a new chapter won't be too far behind!

Chapter 17: Hinata's new home!

Naruto was racing eggs, well that's how it started off, more to the end of the race he began to chase after them. He felt bad for the eggs but he was hungry and there was nothing else around to eat. If there had been ramen around, the eggs wouldn't have had anything to worry about, but as fate would have it the eggs weren't that lucky.

Naruto took one giant leap and landed on top of the eggs, "I'm going to eat you all up!"

The eggs started to laugh evilly, "Not before I eat you Naruto!"

Naruto watched as the sunny side up eggs took a leap and opened its gooey mouth, "Nooooooooooo!"

"Umm Naruto?"

The blond haired boy opened his eyes, "Oh I must have been dreaming, hey Hinata." Naruto yawned before his eyes widened, "Hinata!"

Hinata fell on Naruto's wooden floor, "I'm sorry Naruto, I didn't mean to scare you it's just I made breakfast."

Naruto quickly helped Hinata up, "No, it's my fault I forgot you were here." Naruto's nose took in the intoxicating smell, "Hinata, what is that awesome smell?"

Her cheeks turned as pink as her soft lips as she adjusted her stance, "Well you were still asleep so I thought I'd make some breakfast."

Naruto smiled huge as he grabbed Hinata's hand and led her over to his table. His mouth began to water over as he laid eyes on crispy bacon, perfectly browned sausage, scrambled eyes with cheese, golden toast, and squared potatoes, "Hinata you made all of this? I can't wait to taste it!"

"Thank you for the food." They said in unison before they dug in, Naruto faster than Hinata.

After about 15 minutes Naruto sighed happily while patting his belly, "Oh man I'm so stuffed, Hinata that was great."

"I'm glad you liked it N-Naruto, It's the least I can do since you let me stay here."

Naruto laughed happily, "Hinata you can stay here forever!"

Hinata giggled, "I wish I could but my father would never allow it. I should actually be heading back home."

Naruto sat examining Hinata, her words contrast with her body language, "I'll come with you."

After the pair were dressed and ready they headed out, when they walked around the corner they ran into Neji and Tenten.

"Lady Hinata." Neji began, "I was just coming to speak to you in private."

Naruto and Tenten stood in the shade while the two Hyuga's spoke at a distance, "What do you think they're talking about?" Naruto asked Tenten.

Tenten shrugged, "How should I know?"

Naruto squinted Tenten, "Come on I know you and Neji's secret."

Tenten blushed furiously did he know about her pregnancy?

"You two have gotten closer everyone can see you two are dating." Naruto finished.

Tenten let out a heavy breath and smiled, "Wow Naruto we can't keep anything from you. Anyway, we'll find out sooner or later."

"What?" A distressed Hinata yelled as her cousin looked worried.

"I'm sorry Lady Hinata, well figure something out soon." Neji said before walking away, "Let's go Tenten, see you later Naruto."

Naruto walked over to Hinata, "What was all that about?"

Hinata looked up into Naruto's big beautiful eyes and some of her sorrow was lifted, "My father, Hinabi, and a great deal of our clan are gone on official clan business and they won't be back for quite some time; the minimum amount of time is three months."

"What! Why would your father leave you with no were to go?!" Naruto yelled.

Hinata dropped her head, "My father left before I was attacked by Tyai he intended for us to stay in my house together so we could get to know one another."

Naruto looked at her, "Doesn't Neji live with you?"

"Yes, he stays in the guest wing, but he will be staying with Tenten for the moment." Hinata said, "I'll just have to go back home Naruto."

"No way!" Naruto yelled with a fire in his eyes, "He will only attack you again Hinata, I promised to let you handle the situation but if he hurts you again I'll tear him to shreds!"

Hinata blushed at Naruto's outburst, "But I have nowhere else to go Naruto."

Naruto smiled showing all of his teeth, "You can live with me!"

Hinata blushed once again, "Umm Naruto I-I don't think it would be appropriate."

Naruto blushed while coving up what he said, "No, yeah I was just saying until you could find somewhere to go." Naruto remembering something turned to Hinata, "Oh I almost forgot Kiba wanted me to meet him in a few minutes. He said come alone but I'm sure he won't mind if you come Hinata."

She smiled as she walked alongside her hero.



Ayome had been tracking the lazy genius down for an hour now, and for someone who didn't like doing much he was hard to keep track of.

"Oh Hey Ayome, what can I help you with?"

Shikamaru eyes stared to water under her piercing crystal blue eyes, "Where is Temari?"

He didn't react on the outside but on the inside he was panicking, "Not sure, I'm not her babysitter you know."

He started to walk away but when he turned away Ayome was already there blocking his path, "No but you're basically her boyfriend." The girls face soften and she bit her soft pink lips, "And she was, is my best friend. Look if you can't tell me because of a mission, or because you think I'll betray the village fine but please just tell me she ismy best friend and not she wasmy best friend."

Shikamaru sighed, "Ayome, she is your best friend but if I would have taken Danzo's bait she would have been your past tense best friend."

"Danzo?" Ayome said shaken up by the name, "So he's as scary as they say then?"

"Yes, stay clear of him." Shikamaru said before leaving.

Ayome turned to see Sasuke entering the cemetery, "Wonder what he's doing."

She slowly followed after him and watched him hoping he would sense her presence. He only left a dozen roses before a grave marker and left faster than he came.

Ayome walked up to the resting place and couted the names on the grave marker, "So many, but they're all Uchiha's like Sasuke." She bowed her head and prayed for the lost lives before heading over to meet Kiba.


"Sorry I'm late!" Ayome said while jogging up to the rest of the group, she quickly spotted the bluenette that she didn't know would accompany them, "Hi."

Kiba sighed, "You don't have to act that way, I told you Naruto won't tell anyone and as for Hinata she's even better with secrets than I am." Kiba elbowed the girl softly, "If you just come out with it then it won't be so hard to say."

Ayome bit her lips before looking over both the blonde and bluenette taking a deep breath she finally spoke, "I- I have the three tails inside of me."

Naruto and Hinata gasped before a serious look that had a hint of sorrow in it painted their faces. Naruto clenched his stomach before biting his lips, "So you're like me."

"You're a jinjuriki?" Ayome stared at Naruto in awe.

Naruto giggled, "Yea the nine tails is inside of me."

Ayome's eyes widen, "Is Danzo threating you as well?"

"The guy who had Sai on a secret mission to kill Sasuke?" Naruto looked dumbfounded, "No wait he's threating you?"

Hinata's eyes widen as she put a finger to her mouth indicating for everyone to be silent. There it was again, she thought she saw root ninja heading in their direction but she didn't know how. Had her byakugan advanced in some way, or was she just imagining it?

"We should change the subject because our conversation will be watched in a few moments." Hinata declared after contemplating for a moment.

Soon after the others sensed the presence Hinata was referring too.

Naruto looked between Kiba and Ayome, "Are you two having a baby?"

Ayome, Kiba, and Hinata's mouth dropped at Naruto's word. They said change the subject not go on a total idiotic witch hunt, "Are you an idiot!? Where did you get that from?!"

Naruto giggled, "Well there has been a rumor going around about a young couple expecting a baby."

Hinata's body flourished at the thought of people finding out Tenten was pregnant before she was ready to share it. Luckily, Naruto's thoughts were cut short, "Kiba and I are just friends, besides I'm kind of seeing someone else."

"You are?" Kiba asked in surprise, before smiling, "Good for you."

"I can't wait to tell Temari!" Ayome said with joy in her heart but her smile quickly faded away, "Except I won't be seeing her for quite some time. Now who is going to live with me?" The girl was asking a hypothetical question, she was prepared to live on her own but she was happy that she had her friend to keep her company. Ayome bit her lip she was happy to know that Temari was safe but she quickly hopped no conflict would occur between the two.

Naruto's eyes lit up with happiness, "Hinata could live with you until Temari comes back!"

Both girls blinked at the young blonde boy then looked at each and smiled awkwardly. They had been around each other once or twice but, they had never actually spoke to each other unless another initiated a topic they both decided to talk about.

Hinata blushed lightly, "N-Naruto, Ayome probably wants someone closer to her. I'll have to find somewhere else to go."

Ayome was sure the girl lived in a mini mansion inside of a gated compound with plenty of servants, why couldn't she live there? Suddenly a memory of the girl appearing with ripped clothes and blood across her face appeared in Ayome's mind. If she remembered correctly Ino said it was due to someone name Tyai who Hinata was to marry. It all felt so familiar to Ayome, feeling trapped, and alone; she would never let anyone go through what she went through if she could prevent it.

"Hinata I would love if you became my new roommate."

Hinata looked up at the smiling girl who was the same height as her and smiled back, "Thank you but you don't have to-"

Ayome shook her hands, "It's not like that at all, I need a friend and from what I've learned about you, you seem to be a good one."

"Yes same for you, thank you Ayome." Hinata said accepting the black haired woman's offer.

Naruto was cheesing at what he had accomplished, however Kiba with his eyes closed sighed, "The spy is finally gone, we need to meet somewhere more private for this talk."

When the canine ninja opened his eyes, Naruto and the two females were already walking away.

"Hinata I can't wait for you to move in, we can stay up late, and watch movies, and talk about boys." Ayome bounced more with each step.

Hinata smiled cheerfully, "Yes and we can invite the others too."

Naruto poked his head between the two, "So am I going to get invited or what?"

Kiba smiled, "Yeah what about Akamaru and me?"

The girls stopped in their tracks, "Sorry guys, girls only."


Temari was currently sitting at a rest stop for travelers drinking tea and eating dango. As she reached for her cup it cracked, her eyes shook with worry. She was a believer of superstitions but she had a bad feeling and she knew she needed to get home as soon as possible.

She quickly payed her bill and dashed off in the direction of her home but slowed down as soon as she saw more travelers. Two figures with black cloaks with red clouds walked towards her but Temari only had one goal 'get home'.

One man was blond like she was except his hair was more golden than her own locks, he had half his hair it a high ponytail as the rest fell to his back, he also covered his left eye with a bang (Get it? Of course not because I'm corny).

The other man was short and Temari couldn't make out more than the fact that he was tan and quite large. The blonde man smiled at her looking her up and down, but Temari simply ignore him she wasn't one to go unnoticed by a man. It was when they got to know her that they run for the hills, but she didn't have to worry anymore because she had Shikamaru.

"Well, well aren't you quite the beauty? You know I could stare into those eyes all day if you'd let me." (1)

Temari felt a pang of discomfort as the man invaded her private space but the man's counterpart spoke before she had to draw her weapon, "Deidara, we don't have time for your foolishness, you know I don't like to keep people waiting."

Temari look at the large man something about him gave her the creeps and she shook on the inside. His eyes met hers and it's as though he tried to crush her heart with his eyes.

Deidara sighed with a decent smile, "Fine but when I end up alone know you were the cause. Until next time, sweetie."

Temari's nose crinkled at the blonde's kindness she didn't want to be his sweetie she wanted to pound his face in with her fan. She continued on her journey back to her village the feeling of something being wrong never settled in her stomach.


"Thank you for coming with me to get my things but." Hinata looked at Naruto, Kiba, and Neji, "Umm, well I don't think it's such a good idea for all of you to come."

"Well why not?" Neji asked his cousin modestly.

A pink tint grazed Hinata's cheeks, "W-well."

"You're all hot heads that's why." Sakura placed a reassuring hand on the shorter girl, "Don't worry Hinata that's why Ayome and I came along so nothing would get out of hand."

"What are you all doing here?"

Naruto balled up his fist when he looked into the eyes of the man who hurt his Hinata. How dare he show his face as if he had done nothing wrong? Just the thought of him touching Hinata made Naruto explode with rage. He moved to attack Tyai and prayed Hinata would forgive him for breaking his promise. Naruto was stopped in his tracks however when something weird happened.

"This is for hurting Hinata!" Ayome's fist met Tyai's face causing him fall back and land on the ground. She put her weight on him and began to punch him non-stop.

Sakura gasped and looked over at Hinata to see the girl had looked dizzy look about her so she took upon herself to calm Ayome down.

"Ayome we promised Hinata we wouldn't do anything rash." Sakura grabbed Ayome by the waist trying to move the girl away from her prey.

Ayome tried to get free of Sakura monstrous grip, "No you promised Hinata you wouldn't hurt him, I promised Tenten I would!"

Tyai sat up with anger and fixed his eyes on the two girls wrestling with one another. With one swift movement he tripped both girls causing them to fall on the ground. Sakura groaned as she looked at the pale man in anger, "Oh I'll make you pay for that!"

Sakura punched into the ground and it began to crack and lift around everyone.

Tyai for first time had a look of fear in his eyes, "What is wrong with you two, you're both beasts!"

A massive killer intent radiated off of both girls, so massive in fact it could be visibly seen and even birds knew not to get near the deadly aura.

All three boys cringe at the sight, they all knew about Sakura's wrath but they never imagined Ayome's would be just as fierce.

Kiba stepped back, "You know I finally figured out why Temari and Ayome are best friends."

Hinata shook with concern, "Oh no."

Ayome cracked her knuckles, "You think I'm a beast? I've heard that before and that person never spoke again."

"Yeah I don't take name calling lightly especially not from a pig like you!" Sakura chimed in.

Both girls jumped on Tyai and a puff of smoke formed around them, only screams could be heard from the man.

"We have to do something." Neji said.

"No way! He deserves every bit of what he's getting." Kiba scuffed out angrily.

"Yeah I'm with Kiba on this one." Naruto agreed.

Neji stared both of them down with the ultimate Hyuga technique.

"Fine." Boy boys said in defeat.

Neji smirked, "Nothing like guilting someone."

They boys quickly moved forward to dismantle the situation before it attracted the authorities.

"Hey let go of me I'm trying to help you!" Naruto yelled.

"Let go of my hair Sakura!" Neji yelled.

"Ouch Ayome that was my face!" Kiba yelled.


Everyone stopped and the puff of smoke disappeared revealing the entangled group.

Hinata's eyes were filled with sadness, "Please stop fighting Tyai-sama."

Naruto dropped Tyai's leg, "But Hinata he hurt you."

"Yea." Sakura agreed, "We're you friends and it hurts knowing we couldn't help you before."

Hinata smiled, "Yes but I got away unhurt by myself, I won't always have you around to protect me."

Ayome and Kiba looked at each other and threw Tyai's arm down, "You're right Hinata." Kiba said while smiling.

Neji walked beside her, "But promise us when you need our help you'll ask for it."

"I will." Hinata said before fixing her eyes on Tyai.

He smiled at her, "I think you really wanted me Hinata but you were too scared to admit it."

All of Hinata's friend's balled up their fist ready to attack him again but she shook her head.

She walked up to Tyai and bent down to meet his gaze, "Even you don't deserve the kindness I have given to my enemies. You certainly don't deserve the energy of my friend's beatings." She stood back up, "My things are this way."

Sakura and Ayome quickly made their way by Hinata's side smiling at how brave the girl had been.

Tyai sat up and dusted himself off, "Can I get a hand up please?"

Neji reached out and pulled Tyai to his feet, Tyai himself was oblivious to the fact that he was still in danger. Neji glared at Tyai before hitting him with his gentle fist as quickly as possible causing the man to fall back to his knees.

"What the hell?" Tyai asked angered by Neji's action, "You better be lucky I can't move or I would."

"Shut up." Kiba said before laughing and turning to Neji "What happened to helping him out?"

Neji smirked, "I help him out by not killing him for hurting Lady Hinata."

Kiba laughed punching Tyai in the head, "Yeah!"

Naruto only watched which made the two other men present look at him curiously.

"Go ahead and hit him Naruto, Hinata and the others aren't around to see you." Kiba said but got no response.

Naruto was still upset with the pervert who hurt Hinata, "No, he can't defend himself but when you can know that I'm going to come for you."


"Luckily we brought Naruto along to get your things Hinata." Sakura smiled as she watched a few dozen Naruto's carrying boxes towards Hinata and Ayome's house.

Hinata only blushed at her statement. Ayome looked at Hinata curiously, "Hey Hinata?"

Hinata looked over at to the dark haired girl, "Yes Ayome?"

Ayome smiled ear to ear, "Are you and Naruto dating?"

Hinata blushed as she began stammering, "N-No Naruto and I are." Memories of Naruto flooded her mind; Naruto pulling her into a tight warm hug on their mission, Naruto smiling at her, Naruto offering to marry her instead of Tyai, Naruto sharing a bed with her in his apartment, "We're, just friends."

Ayome and Sakura met each other's gaze before smiling at one another, they hadn't seen it very often but they knew what it look like. Hinata and Naruto had true love and nothing could change that fact.

"Oh." Ayome said holding back a giggle, "Well Naruto seems to think you're his girlfriend."

Hinata's face flushed a dark crimson before she did something she hadn't done in weeks, she fainted.

Sakura and Ayome looked down at the girl as her eyes were swirling.

"Ayome look what you've done!" Sakura scolded her not all the way upset.

"Ops sorry. I didn't know she would faint." Ayome stated.

The original Naruto who was on top of a rooftop hopped down, "What happened?"

Sakura looked at Ayome who only laughed nervously, "A little teasing gone too far I guess." She then smiled evilly, "Hinata's right she is lucky to have a boyfriend like you."

Sakura smacked her forehead Ino had definitely gotten to the girl but the pair needed a push. Sakura doubted, however Naruto was that dense to fall for Ayome's antics.

"B-Boyfriend?" Naruto smiled, "She said I was her boyfriend?!"

Sakura's eyes were huge as she plastered on a fake smile 'I stand corrected', "Yes something like that." The pink haired girl said while laughing.

"Hey wait a minute you're not teasing me too are you?" Sakura and Ayome looked at one another and smiled.

"Oh no." Ayome said slowly.

Sakura smiled, "Even if we tried Naruto you're too smart to fall for it."

"You're right about that!" Naruto yelled happy that people are finally noticing how smart he really is. He bent down and scooped Hinata up into his arms bridal style dashing off in the direction of the other Naruto's.

Sakura sighed, "He is really dense, but you have to love him."


"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN KANKURO HAS BEEN POISENED!?" Temari was out of breath and out of patients she wanted answers now, "Who did this?!"

"Temari please calm down, the medics are trying their best to save Kankuro. Come with me and I'll explain what has happened." Temari's mentor said calmly.

If it had been anybody but Baki Temari would have torn them to shreds but instead she followed him down a hallway.

"Temari I'm glad to see you are okay, how did you escape the Leaf?" Baki asked with as much concern as he could have.

"With no help from the village! I don't care to share the details just tell me what has happened to Kankuro!" Temari yelled in rage. (2)

Baki knew about Temari's temper so he thought it was best to not take too long to explain, "Since Gaara's absence, Kankuro has been on the edge. We received a description of what the people who took Gaara looked like and Kankuro took it upon himself to go and look for them. We found him outside of the village in the state he is in now."

"What do these people look like?" Temari asked biting her tongue.

Baki sighed not really wanting her to have the information knowing she might very well be compelled to go after the enemy like her brother did, "They wear straw hats with bells on them."

"Yea that can't be all! Spit it out!"

"They also wear black cloaks with red clouds on them." Baki finished.

Temari gasped as she thought back to her travels, "I saw them."

Baki looked at Temari with shock, "What?"

"I saw them!" Temari yelled louder, "We crossed paths and one of them tried to hit on me!"

"Until next time sweetie."

"He knew who I was, he was taunting me! I knew I should have killed him right then and there!" Temari clenched her fist, "They have Gaara and now they've poisoned Kankuro, I'll kill them!"

"Calm down Temari." Baki said placing a reassuring hand on her, "I'll go get someone who will be able to save Kankuro's life."

"We need to contact the Leaf! The Hokage will come and-"

"We're at war with the Leaf Temari, have you no faith in your people!" Baki yelled aggressively.

"Yes the same faith I had while waiting for you to send a rescue team!" Temari knew she was bluffing but she really needed Baki to feel guilty so he would consider asking the Leaf for help, "The leaf's Hokage is the best medic this world has seen."

"She's not going to leave her village and come to our aid Temari, wake up!"

Temari bit her lips with anger, "Fine!" She got closer to Baki and glared at him with killer intent, "I promise if I lose Kankuro you won't see the setting sun!"

Baki sighed, thankful that the conversation went so well, he then thought of the Kazekage, "Gaara where are you?"


"Where am I?"

A white haired man belched out a good laugh, "Don't worry Kazekage, you're in the hands of the most powerful sanin there is!"

Gaara looked up at the man realizing they were on a giant told, "Master Jiraiya, what is going on?"


That's it for this chapter folks! Are you ready to find out what happened to Gaara? I know I am! Ha just kidding I totally don't make up the chapters as I go along haha, that would be terrible of me ha. But if I did hopefully you still enjoy them. Later wonderful people don't forget to review this chapter for me!

(1) I feel like Deidara would be the flirting type. Am I the only person who thinks that?

(2)I think Temari would be a little pissed off that her village didn't try to come and save her! Who wouldn't be? Anyway she'll calm down.