The Spark-Crusher

Chapter One

More Than Meets the Eye

In the beginning, before I met Adrian, I had no real name. In the beginning, I was nameless. Until my deadly reputation of my fatal battle move become highly popular in the southern parts of the galaxy, I became known as the Spark-Crusher. Because when I fight, once I get my prey on the ground, I use my claws and pull out their sparks and crush them. It assures immediate death with very, very little chances of survival- and that's if they have any chances of survival at all.

I am neither Autobot or Decepticon. Well, in my early years, I was Autobot. That was my origin. I traveled about space with my brother, both of us not really classifying ourselves either Autobot or Decepticon. But, however, we always fought a 'con whenever we had the chance. But then Crimson was killed in a spacebridge explosion. I still remember how I felt when I watched the nuclear explosions from miles away. I had hoped he was still alive but deep down inside, I knew he was dead. Crimson was dead...And I was alone...

I guess, one could say, I went rogue, and wasn't Autobot anymore. But at the same time, I wasn't Decepticon either. I crawled about the whole of space killing both whenever I felt the need was is when my reputation began to grow as I crushed the sparks of others. Brutal way to kill yes, but very necessary when it comes for a quick kill. In a place where you're alone and don't can't afford to trust anyone, the rule is quick and simple: Kill or be killed.

Now, I don't know how in the name of the All Spark I decided to go to come here, to Earth, and aid the Autobots. Like I said, I went rogue. Why'd a rogue all of the sudden get up and return to the group that it had fled from? I guess instinct guided me here. After I lost my brother, I relyed on instinct a big lot.

This is the planet where I met Adrian. I landed on the solid land mass of the United States of America, in a region that they call southern California. Adrian was a hispanic boy who lived in a poor home with an alcoholic father. This is also where I learn that alcohol is bad and this is where I decided I didn't like alcohol. Adrian's father abused him. I eventually took Adrian away from him. But that doesn't happen until two months later.

When Adrian first discovered of my existence, I was trying to save him from a 'con. At the end of the scenario, I killed the 'con, of course, but I couldn't bring myself to leave the innocent human youth. No, my work wasn't finished yet. And it still isn't finished. I took Adrian home. But then get this. I couldn't bring myself to leave him behind. I don't know why. There was something about that boy...I felt the need to protect him...I feel that pull now even as I speak...

After two months of our secret, strong-bonded friendship, Adrian came to me and he looked very, very different. He had spots of bluish-purple about his golden skin and he was crying and the skin surrounding his right eye had a blackish look to it. His bottom lip was busted and he his clothes were dirty, torn, and stained with the human body lubricants that is called blood. I felt anger surge within my spark when I seen this. I couldn't understand how one could hate their own offspring in such way. Didn't Mr. Sanchez care? I did. I care for Adrian. I still do. And the day I took him away, was the day I forgotten my vow to my brother and I made a new promise: That'd I'd be there for Adrian forever and ever.

"Sega!" a high-pitched voice snapped Sega's attention. She turned to see the golden-skinned human youth boy jumping around her feet. Adrian was 9 years old, almost 10. It was dawn, perhaps 7:50 a.m, and it was friday. A school day, for Adrian- which means a duty-day for me. Over the weekends, I am with Adrian around the clock. But when Adrian's at school, she was at the army base, with the other Autobots.

"Time for school?" Sega asked, shoving her thoughts of nostalgia to the deep depths of her mind.

"Yeah, sleepy-head!" Adrian huffed teasingly. About them, several other Autobots and soldiers watched them blankly. "Wake up already. You're gonna have me late!"

Sega chuckled. "Fine, fine," she said as she transformed into the blue and black mustang. Her car door opened. "Come now, youth. You don't want to be late."

"Sega," said a voice. It belongs to Ratchet. "I don't think you're-"

"Fit enough?" Sega demanded. "I'm fit enough to bring Adrian to school."

"I don't know," Ratchet said hesitantly.

"I know," Sega said. She was very touchy around these Autobots. Especially around Ratchet and Optimus. They both were demanding when it came to orders. "I'm just going to bring him to school and come right back. What's the harm?"

"The harm is you breaking something or losing a bolt," Ratchet retorted softly."

Sega sighed. "I'm not going to lose a bolt."

"Take Mirage with you, just in case," Ratchet said.

Sega felt her cables tighten. "I don't need an escort, Ratchet," she said coldly. "I'm very familiar with this city."

"Yes and so are the Decepticons," Ratchet said.

Sega suppressed a growl. She didn't like fighting in front of Adrian. But that didn't mean she minded be treated like a mere sparkling either. Ratchet, you blasted bolt-head!, Sega thought frustratingly.

"I'm not taking Mirage," Sega said stubbornly.

"Oh, why so hostile?" the french accent of Mirage slightly startled Sega.

"Sega!" Adrian whined. "What are you doing? We gotta go."

Sega growled one last time at the pair of mechs. "Fine, just stay out of my way!" And with that, she pulled away out of the lot. She failed to notice Optimus watching nearby. Ratchet met the Prime's gaze and shrugged his shoulders. Sega, a.k.a Spark-Crusher, had just came to the Autobots three months ago. She had landed in Southern California, where she stayed for two months due to growing a strong friendship with the young human boy, Adrian Sanchez. Sega protected that boy more than her own self.

Sega led the way through the maze of the city. It was a chilly morning and Adrian wore his long sleeved bright red shirt and white skinny jeans. Sega chuckled at the pants that were tight on the human's legs.

"Tell me again why humans like these skinny jeans? I prefer you wearing the normal jeans that don't show the true thick of your legs."

"Because their comfortable!" Adrian exclaimed.

"That's what they all say," Sega giggled, rolling her icy-blue optics dramatically, though she knew no one could see.

"Why do you wear white striped, black wheels?" Adrian suddenly asked.

Sega saw instantly where he was driving at. "Because it's pure fashion!" she couldn't resist exclaiming.

"What is?" Mirage suddenly asked.

Adrian laughed. "Her wheels!"

"What? Those?!" Mirage laughed. "Lemme' show you some real wheels!" The hot, cherry-red Ferrari sped up ahead and showed off his golden-streaked wheels. "How do you like my kicks? I had just installed them last Earth week."

"Really nice, Mirage," Sega retorted sarcastically, teasing the mech. She pulled into Adrian's new school. She sighed. It had been settled. Adrian was going to school, giving Sega time to help out with the Autobots. But today was the first day of putting the plan into action and Sega was already worried that something would go wrong. Sega shone her hologram in the front seat, shaping the person to appear to look like Adrian. She pulled to a halt right outside of the elementary school. Several kids were about the school yard, but surprisingly, Adrian didn't seem shy as he normally did. Perhaps he was relieved to be around kids his own age again. Sega wouldn't be shocked, if that was true.

"Have a nice day, Adrian," the hologram said as the 9-year old boy jumped from out of the back seat.

"Bye, Se- Mama!" Adrian called to her, waving his hand.

Sega suppressed the urge laugh and watched her dependant walk up to the school. When he disappeared inside, she pulled away, trying to linger around the school for a while longer incase a Decepticon would pop out or if Adrian would come screaming out of the school. Mirage was waiting for her near a curve.

"What are you worried about?" he asked. "It's just school."

"Anything can happen," Sega said quickly. "C'mon. We'd better get back to base. We've work to do."


Sega grunted as she allowed the soldiers try their new battle technique on her. She had at least a dozen of them on her. But what amused Sega the most was the way how they thought a few strings was going to pin down a big former like Megatron and Optimus. Mirage, Bumblebee, and herself maybe. But there was some huge doubt for a former like Optimus.

When the humans finished praising one another over having Sega pinned to the ground, the freed the fembot and Sega stood to go report to Optimus. "Drilling complete, sir," Sega said.

Optimus glanced up from his data pad. "Good," he said. He returned to his work.

Sega didn't like being left to stand there looking awkward. "What do I do now, sir?" she pushed.

Optimus glanced up. "You'll join Bumblebee and I on patrol. And we'll be departing as soon as I get this report through with Ratchet.

Sega rose one optic ridge. "It must be very important, to say it has the Prime and the well-known scout to retrieve it," Sega said, her choice of words dragging the Prime's attention. Optimus was staring at her through the tops of his optics. Sega, knowing she was being watched but had her head turned away, continued. "Why am I included? Why not Ratchet? You do, after all, trust him best. Why me? I'm but a mere, weak ex-rogue. There's a reason you're trusting me, Optimus. Why just trust one who has recently left the road of a rogue and devotes all of her actions for the sake one mere human's fate?"

Optimus thought for a moment. "Sega...You are more than meets the eye."

Sega blinked once, not revealing no emotion. "That...Is a response...But not the response I had expected." She was trying so hard to control herself.

Optimus rose his head and blinked as well, but he showed the emotion of interest. "What did you expect?"

Sega held his gaze without a flinch, despite he towered over her perhaps a good ten feet. "I'd expected you to say something like, 'You are a rogue; you can not be trusted.'"

"No, I would not," Optimus said. "I wouldn't say that to no fellow Autobot."

"Fellow?" Sega scoffed in disbelief. She lost it. "You've known me for only three Earth months."

"Sega," Optimus sighed as he typed out of the data pad, clearly finished with the reports. "I have told many of the Autobots this- I shall repeat it once again to you. I care for all Autobots."

Sega felt anger boil within her spark chamber. "Perhaps you've forgotten I wasn't an Autobot."

"You were in the beginning," Optimus said. "And so long as the rogue showed good in his or her own self, I'd care for them too."

Sega hissed in frustration. "I'll be out waiting over there whenever you're ready to go," she said stiffly and she turned her back on her leader and stalked away. She pretended not to notice Bumblebee approach the Prime, giving her a curious look as she passed him.

Sega transformed and sat at the entrance of the base. Five minutes later, Optimus and Bumblebee joined her, both of them in alt form. Optimus took lead. Bumblebee offered her to go first, but she allowed him to pass. She didn't want to be anywhere near Optimus for the time being. Optimus led the way from the city into a country like area. It was 1:30 p.m when they reached their destination: a pile of rocks and debris. Sega's optic ridge twitched.

"Transform," Optimus ordered.

Bumblebee and Sega transformed. Bumblebee was clearly interested in the pile. Sega was ticked. "Um, quick question," she said rather tartly, grabbing the attention of both mechs. "We were driving for two and a half hours for a pile of rocks?"

Bumblebee was the first to speak, with the aid of his radio "This isn't any kind pile of rocks, madam," he said. "We're here to retrieve the a very special weapon from a well-known Prime."

"Who? Him?" Sega jerked her head at Optimus.

"No," Optimus said. "It is the shield of Zeta Prime we've come for."

"So how is it different from any other shield?" Sega asked. Bumblebee stared at her. "What? I'm being completely serious."

"Zeta Prime's shield has legendary power, Sega," Optimus said. "It wards off all attacks and heals mortal wounds."

"Ah," Sega said. "Well then. What are we standing here for? Let's retrieve it and go."

Bumblebee shook his head. "It won't be that easy," he said in a warning, almost teasing tone.

Sega frowned. "Why?"

"Because we don't know the exact location," Optimus explained.

Sega sighed. Great! This is going to to be a lo-oong day!

Sega picked Adrian up two hours late. "Adrian, I'm sorry. I didn't forget- I was just a little caught up. I was helping Optimus."

"It's okay," Adrian said. "I actually had fun."

Sega grinned, even though nobody could see so. "Did you?"

"Yeah!" Adrian exclaimed. "I got to meet the track team! We raced and I came in third place. Coach is interested in having me now."

"Oh, Adrian that's great!" Sega exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you. Are you going to join the team?"

"Yes, Sega," Adrian said, his eyes shining.

Sega's engine purred, the sound that she couldn't stop herself from making when she was pleased. She pulled into base and allowed Adrian to climb out of her interior. It was 5:27 and Adrian had homework. Sega transformed and picked him up and sat him in his small compartment area where he could sit along with the other human soldiers. It was a good place for the humans to go where they didn't have to worry about being squashed under the massive feet of the Autobots. Sega had made it a requirement to Adrian to stay on that platform at all times.

While Adrian to do his homework, Sega transformed and sat parked there, keeping to herself, and feeling whole again now that Adrian was there. She almost slipped into recharge before she felt the comm link trying to make contact with her. She recognized it as Optimus. She sighed and allowed the comm link to try to break through her barrier for a moment. Then she opened, feeling satisfied that she had her point across to the Prime.

What do you want, she demanded hotly, still a little ticked about their conversation earlier that day. How dare he, judge her and call her an Autobot!

I must speak with you, replied the red and blue mech.

I'm not interested! Try again later. she told him.

Sega, it will hold you only but a few Earth minutes, Optimus said.

You'd best make those Earth minutes quick!, Sega spat.

Sega, listen. What I said earlier this Earth day. I did not mean to upset you. Forgive me. Optimus said. You may not have been Autobot before, but you are now. And as leader of the Autobots, their well being is my responsibility. I do care for you Sega. I don't rank the value of my fellow comrades. I never have, and I never will. You are like all of the other Autobots, Sega, you are more than meets the eye.

Sega thought for a moment. That was exactly what she'd been waiting to hear. She smiled, despite she was in car form. Apology accepted, Optimus.

I am pleased you accept, Optimus said.


Yes, Sega?, asked the large 14-wheeler.

I noted that you spoke as if you were not part of the Autobots. Optimus, you are no different from us. You may be Prime, but you are more than meets the eye.

Optimus was slightly surprised by her words then he said, Agreed, Sega...But not as much as you and the rest of my fellow comrades.