Demonic Beginnings

What If Kagome was a hanyō, had meet Inuyasha when they were kids and was not the Reincarnation of Kikyō but Midoriko and had three sisters all powerful in their own right?

All Japanese Words will be translated at the end.

Pairings: Kagome Higurashi/Inuyasha, Miroku/Sango, Sesshōmaru/Kikyō Higurashi (OC), Kōga/Konami Higurashi (OC), Kimiko Higurashi (OC)/ Yoko Kurama/Kuronue, Yusuke Urameshi/Keiko Yukimura, Hiei/Kazuma Kuwabara

~ Time Skip ~

(POV and Place)

Chapter 1

Master Bedroom, Kuroi Inu Shiro, Reitō Shinju-Mura, Feudal Japan:

"AHHH!" Naora screamed in pain as she brought her first child into the world.

"It's a girl Lady Kuroi." said the midwife Arisa as she hand the newborn to another midwife to be cleaned.

"AHHH!" Naora screamed as another contraction hit.

"Oh My! Lady Kuroi, I see the head of another child, Push!" Arisa encouraged as Naora screamed and gave birth to three more children.

"You have four healthy children Lady Kuroi." Arisa said as she put the youngest one down next to her mother and sisters.

"Do you have any idea what you will call them, my beloved Nao?" asked Shiro who laid down next to his mate and daughters.

"Youngest to oldest, Kikyō, Konami, Kagome and Kimiko." Naora said softly while Arisa wrote it down as fast as she could.

"Right, I will leave you two alone." said Arisa as she walked out, leaving the mated couple with their newborn daughters.

~ Four Years Later ~ (Main Gardens, Kuroi Inu Shiro, Reitō Shinju-Mura, Feudal Japan)

"Welcome, Izayoi, and you must be Inuyasha." Naora said.

Kagome looked up from where where she was playing with a ball.

Kagome saw a little boy with long silver hair, wearing red robes clinging onto a pretty woman with long black hair and a beautiful colourful kimono.

"Kagome, this is my good friend Lady Izayoi and her son Inuyasha" Naora said.

"Hi." Inuyasha said shyly trying to hide behind his mother.

"Hello!" Kagome said happily. "Want to play with me?" she added holding out her ball.

Inuyasha looked up at his mother for permission, Izayoi nodded with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Yes." Inuyasha said stepping out from behind his mother and sat down in front of Kagome who happily started to explain the game.

"It must be hard raising Inuyasha, on your own." Naora said as the sat down on the porch with Izayoi watching the two hanyōs playing.

"It is Nao but I wouldn't have it any other way." Izayoi said.

~ One Year Later ~ (Forest Outside Kuroi Inu Shiro, Reitō Shinju-Mura, Feudal Japan)

"Mama, Papa!" Kagome yelled "Look what me and Inu found" she added as she came running towards Shiro, Naora and Izayoi where sitting.

"What is it Kagome dear?" said Naora.

Kagome held out her hands showing a small glowing orb.

Shiro's eyes widened at the sight while Naora and Izayoi let out gasps.

"The Sacred Jewel," Naora breathed.

"Sacred Jewel?" Inuyasha and Kagome asked.

"The legendary Sacred Jewel is a magical jewel that is said to grant grant a single wish and grants whoever possesses it with immense power, where did you find it Kagome, Inuyasha?"

"We saw a bright flash of light and then the jewel was there, but it was black when Kagome, picked it up then it turned pink."

"It was black when Kagome picked it up then it turned pink?" Izayoi questioned.

"I think the jewel wants you to guard it Kagome." Shiro said as he kneeled down in front of his daughter and closed her hands over the jewel.

~ One Years Later ~ (Hallway Outside of the Pups Bedroom, Kuroi Inu Shiro, Reitō Shinju-Mura, Feudal Japan)

"Mama, Mama!" Kikyō yelled running with her sisters right behind her through their house trying to find their mother.

"Mama!" Konami yelled as she spotted her mother.

"My daughters." Naora said relieved wrapping her arms around her daughters.

"Mama, where is Papa?" asked Kimiko.

"Papa is busy trying to defend our home." Naora said. "We must go to my time." she added.

"Why?" asked Kagome.

"We are in danger, my pups." Naora said sadly standing up.

"But we don't want to leave!" Kikyō protested.

"I don't want to leave either but we must so your father can fight at full strength."

"Why can't Papa fight at full strength with us here?" Kimiko questioned with her sisters agreeing with her.

"Papa can't fight at full strength because he is worried he may hurt us." Naora replied.

"But Papa would never hurt us!" Konami protested.

"I know that my pups, but he is worried he may accidentally, without meaning too." Naora clarified.

"Ohh…" the pups said.

*BOOM* The explosions, roars and pained cries that we sounding all over the castle were beginning to get even louder,

The pups involuntarily flinched at the loud noises. Hiomi started to usher her pups down the hallway.

"No more questions, we need to leave now!" Naora yelled worried for her mate's safety, yet knowing deep inside that this was the last time she would see her mate.

Naora ushered the young pups into a dead end before quickly moving and twisting the lantern mounted on the wall, revealing a secret passage.

"Wow…" breathed the pups amazed.

Naora allowed herself to smile at the amazed expressions on her pups faces before ushering them into the passage and closing it behind them.

*BOOM* Yet another explosion sounded causing rocks in the passage to crumble and fall.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Kikyō questioned.

"Come on!" Naora pushed.

"Where does this lead?" Konami asked.

"Though the Sekiei no Dōkutsu." Naora replied.

~ A Hour and a Half Later ~ (Outside of the Sekiei no Dōkutsu, Kōri no Mori, Feudal Japan)

Naora and the pups had finally reached the end of the passage. Naora quickly moved the bushes hiding the passage aside.

"My feet hurt!" Kimiko whined, the other pups would have glared at her for that comment but their feet hurt as well.

Naora was honestly proud that her pups didn't start whining until they left the passage. She also couldn't blame them as her feet were starting to get sore and they were only 6.

Naora chanced a glance over her shoulder to look at the castle that was her home. A giant black dog yōkai was tearing into the enemies, a second past as the dog's eyes locked with hers.

Shiro was tearing into the yōkai who dared attack his home, trying to harm him, his mate and their pups. Shiro looked up pausing his attack locking eyes with his mate who was standing at the very edge of his vision but he knew he would never mistake her. Shiro couldn't help the whine that tore out of his throat at the the sight of his mate and pups.

Shiro knew that his mate would take their pups to her time, and this would be the last time he ever saw her. That thought brought a loud growl out before he attacked his enemies with renewed vigor, taking out his anger on them.

Naora felt tears well up in her eyes at the whine her mate released before she stubbornly wiped them away and turned away and began to lead her crying pups away.

The pups followed their mother's line of sight and saw their Papa in his true from attacking the yōkai who attacked their home.

"We won't see Papa again, will we?" Kagome whispered shaking. This was all her fault, if she hadn't found that damned Sacred Jewel, this wouldn't have happened.

The other pups exchanged looks knowing their sister was blaming herself.

"I don't know." Kikyō said honestly.

~ Hours Later ~ (Bone Eater's Well, Nōritān no Mori, Feudal Japan)

Naora sighed, They had finally arrived at the Well.

"Alright, remember what I told you about the well?" Naora asked.

"Yes!" the young pups chimed.

Kikyō sadly stepped forward, knowing why they had too but she didn't want too. She sighed taking her time as she climbed up the well, knowing she could have just jumped up. Before climbing down using the vines rather than jumping.

Konami, Kimiko followed their older sister's lead.

Kagome looked around before pulling the necklace containing the Sacred Jewel from her neck and looking at.

"Kagome?" Naora questioned her second youngest daughter.

"I don't want to guard the Jewel anymore…" Kagome said quietly.

Kagome spinned around before tossing the Jewel into the woods ignoring her mother.

"Kagome…" Naora mumbled.

Kagome quickly jumping onto the well before for jumping down.

Naora mused over going after the Jewel for a moment before sighing. She took one last look around the clearing remembering all the good times she had here.

She met her Shiro here, 10 years ago when she was merely 16.

Naora remembered the day she first fell down the Well.

~ Flashback ~

"Oww…" Naora moaned rubbing her backside. Where was she?

Naora looked around finding herself in a cramped well? How did she get here?

Finding some vines she grabbed some and tried to climb out, as she did so she noticed something odd… the roof of the well house was gone, and replacing it was the clear blue sky.

Reaching the top of the well she glanced around finding herself in a clearing.

"Where am I?" she quietly asked.

"You are in the Nōritān no Mori." a male voice startled her causing her to fall back against the well.

The man standing in front of her had long black hair and glowing silver eyes. He was pale, he had pointed ears, fangs, claws. He has two purple stripes on his cheeks with darker purple sun on his forehead (1 & 2).

The man glared at her with his eerie eyes as she shook in fear.

"How did you get here?" The man asked her coldly.

"I-I do-don't know…." she trembled.

"Hm." the man examined the strange human and her even stranger attire.

Naora was wearing her school uniform. A white short sleeved top covered by a black blazer, black checked pleated skirt, biker shorts, long white socks, and her leather school shoes.

Shiro grabbed her arm pulling her up and glaring at her as he brought his other hand up and let his hand light up with blue light.

"Eeep!" she yelped as she wrenched her arm out of his grip and scrambled to hide behind the other side of the well.

*Crack* Naora looked up from where she was hiding to see the side of the well were she was frozen.

"H-How d-did y-you?" she whispered.

Shiro frowned but felt compelled to answer the frighted human's question.

"My clan, can create Ice." he explained beginning to walk around the well towards her.

"W-what a-are y-you?" Naora stuttered out.

Shiro's frowned grew. Did this strange human know nothing? How could this be? Even those who lived for all their lives in manors or palaces knew of yōkai.

"What is your name?" he asked.

Naora was bewildered, this day was very strange, she woke up in a well, and when she had climbed out ending up in a forest, with this strange man or was he a yōkai? Who tried to freeze her and then asked her what her name was?

"M-my n-name i-is Na-Naora b-but m-my fri-friends c-call m-me N-Nao." she stuttered out. "U-um, w-what i-is yo-your na-name?"

Shiro felt his eyebrow raise, the human who he has just tried to kill wanted to know his name. Like before he felt compelled for some strange reason to tell her.

"Shiro." the man said calmly.

Naora blanched as he swung his clawed hand in her direction again and scrambled to the tree line to hide.

Shiro sighed. Humans were all the same, even if this one was strange.

"W-Why a-are y-you t-trying t-to ki-kill m-me?" he heard from the young human hiding behind a tree.

"I feel like it." Shiro answered honestly.

Shrio walked towards the tree silently, wondering why he felt the need to answer the human's questions. He didn't mind humans honestly he let humans live in the village where his castle occupied as long as they paid their taxes. But he did sometimes feel like killing them.

Shiro walked around the tree looking at the woman who was shying away from him with annoyance. The pull he felt towards her…. Shiro realized with shock, joy, frustration and a bit of anger, that it was the same as his father had described the mating pull.

This human woman was his mate? Shiro growled before stopping noticing how the hum-Naora had flinched at that. He knew that it wasn't unheard of for a yōkai to mate with a human, it was frowned upon, but not unheard of.

"W-why d-did y-you s-stop?" These words broke Shrio out of his musings and he looked down at the cowering woman.

He reached out and grabbed her arms, pulling her up, ignoring her flinching.

"I felt like it." he said.

"Oh…" she mumbled.

"Do you really not know where you are?" he questioned.

"N-no." she replied. "I-I don't, all I remember is waking up in the bottom of that well." she added.

"Bone Eater's Well?" Shiro asked. He had heard the rumors of the Well from the nearby village who used the well to dispose of the remains of yōkai.

"Why do you call it that?" Naora couldn't help but ask.

Shiro smirked and told her about the nearby village and what they used the well for. The rest of the day when by with Shiro and Naora sharing stories and learning about each other.

Shiro learned Naora was from a different time and Naora learned Shiro was was Inu Daiyōkai and many other things.

*YAWN* Naora couldn't help but yawn, before looking up and realized the time.

"Dear Kami!" she yelped.

"What's wrong?" Shiro asked, worried about his newfound mate. He hadn't heard anything other than them talking.

"It's late." she explained. "I don't even know how to get home." she cried getting up and rushing over to the well as it was the only landmark she knew, as she didn't want to brave the forest this time of night even if Shiro went with her.

Shiro followed after her slowly before he heard her yelp. He sped over to see that she had slipped on his ice and was falling backwards into the well.

"NAORA!" Shiro yelled trying to grab her hand but missing by inches.

"SHIRO!" Naora yelled panicked reaching out towards him.

*FLASH* A blue light swallowed her. When Shiro could see he was surprised to see the well empty. Naora was nowhere in sight.


Naora blinking away the spotting in her vision. She was in the well but she wasn't seeing the night sky, but rather the wooden roof of the wellhouse.

"Naora..." she began to hear faintly. Naora sat up with a start.

"MAMA? PAPA!" she yelled.

*STEPS* She heard footsteps pounding before a light was shined in her eyes.

Naora looked away for a minute, before looking up seeing the relieved faces of her parents.

"Naora…" her mother breathed.

"Stay here, I'll go get a ladder." her father said before rushing off.

Once, her father had come back and she had climbed out, Naora had found out she had been gone all day.


(Bone Eater's Well, Nōritān no Mori, Feudal Japan)

Naora smiled fondly remembering how she told her father what happened, knowing her mother was much more skeptic. The next day she had ending up in the wellhouse again after breakfast, before she had realized what she was doing she had jumped in the well.

She end up back in the Feudal Japan, Naora ended up spending most of the school holidays in the Feudal Era, just talking to Shiro and getting to know him. Much to her surprise she found herself falling in love with him and the Feudal Era.

Once the holidays had ended she had spoke with her father and had faked an injury to get out of school for a while and since her mother was busy with work she wasn't there to question it (3), decided to spend more time in the Feudal Era.

After about a year of living in the Feudal Era and going back every so often to get her schoolwork. Shiro had asked her once why she kept coming back, Naora had answered honestly telling him how she felt, much to her delight he felt the same way she did. Shiro had started courting her and proposed six months later.

After they had gotten married she had tried to drop out of school before her father had told firmly that while he had tolerated her lack of attending, he would not stand by and let her drop out. Her father had pulled some strings with a old friend of his who was actually the principal of the school she went to.

Two weeks later she had sat down and taken her final exams, since she had kept up her studies during her stay in the Feudal Era, and had done a ton of cramming for them.

Naora had passed. She then spent the next 10 years in the Feudal Era with the yōkai she loved, her mate, the father of her children, her Shrio.

"MAMA, HURRY UP!" Naora snapped out of her musing at Konami's shout.

Naora jogged up to the well before having one last look around before she jumped down the well letting the magic of it swallowed her and her daughters up.

(The Wellhouse, Higurashi Shrine, Tokyo, Modern Day Japan)


Naora looked up sadly and saw the roof of the wellhouse. They were back in her time. She looked around the well and tugged at the cargo net (4) to make sure it was stable.

"Don't worry pups it safe." Naora reassured her daughters who were eyeing the cargo net worrilly.

Naora picked up Kikiyȱ before setting her on the net.

"Don't worry I'm right here, think of it like your climbing in the mountains." she said calmly.

Kikiyȱ steeled herself before climbing, while Konami's eyes had lit up at the word 'climbing' and jumped up grabbing the net and started climbing quickly passing Kikiyȱ.

Kimiko and Kagome looked at each other before starting to climb up the net. Naora smiled slightly before climbing as well thankful that her father set up the net on all sides of the inside of the well.

Once all five of them had reached the top, Naora walked towards the doors of the wellhouse and slid them open revealing the shine where she grew up in (5). The shine that we now be her pups home.

Naora rested her hand on her still flat stomach silently mourning that her youngest pup would never meet his father and that her mate would never meet their youngest pup.

"Mama, Mama!" Naora looked up at Kimiko's shout to see her daughters exploring the shine. Kikiyȱ had wandered over to the storehouse, Konami was currently climbing the Torii gate and as half-way up, Kimiko had curled up under one of the Komainu statues staring up at it forlorn, Kagome was standing in front of the Goshinboku transfixed.

Naora walked over to the house and knocked.

"Coming!" Naora heard following by footsteps, the front door opened.

"Yes?" said the man who appearing in his late sixties. Naora smiled at him, her father had been 40 when she was born and was 68 now.

"N-Naora." Kantaro stuttered surprised.

"P-Papa." Naora sniffed. "H-he's g-gone P-Papa, m-my S-Shiro i-is g-gone." she sniffed once more before bursting into tears.

The young pups let out whines before rushing over to their crying mother, huddling around her and hugging her legs.

"Nao." Kantaro exclaimed as he frantically tried to calm down his crying daughter.

"I WANT MY SHIRO!" Naora cried collapsing, screaming and crying.

The pups stared at their mother in shock, they had never seen her act like this.

They exchanged worried looks and couldn't help the worried whines that escaped their throats.

Kantaro let his gaze wander from his daughter to the four little girls standing beside her, they looked alot like her.

"..." Naora had stopped screaming and had passed out.

"Come in, young one's." Kantaro shifted Naora into his arms and carried her inside.

The pups looked at each other, before following the man who smelled like their mother.

Kantaro carried Naora up to her old bedroom, with the pups following him. He juggled her to open the door before carrying her in and set her down on the large bed in the room.

The pups scrambled up the sheets and curled up beside their mother. Kantaro smiled down at the site. He carefully wedged the blankets out from under them and set it on top of them. The pups snuggled up in the blankets.

"Your Nao and Shiro's daughters aren't you?" he questioned.

"Mmm…" Kikyȱ mumbled sleepily.

Kantaro smiled softly down at the sleeping females.

~ The Next Day ~ (Naora's Bedroom, Higurashi Shrine, Tokyo, Modern Day Japan)

Naora stirred, waking up. She groaned softly twisting about trying to find the larger warmth of her mate, frowning as she only felt four smaller heat sources.

"Shiro?" she asked tiredly. Naora rubbed her eyes sitting up to find herself in her room, Her room in the shine… She jolted as she remembered what happened yesterday, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Nao?" came the voice of her father as he opened the door.

"P-Papa!" she scrambled out and rushed over to hug him.

Hours later, she had calmed down and mangled to explain everything to her father, she learned how her mother died.

"I can seal them." Kantaro commented suddenly.

"Huh?" she questioned.

"Their demonic side, they can grow up normal." Naora thought over what her father said.

"Can you really seal five hanyō?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Five?" he said shocked.

"I'm pregnant." she admitted.

"..." Kantaro thought it over. "Yes, but I would lose most of my powers."

"You would really do that for me?" Naora asked.

"You are my daughter and those girls are my grandchildren. I would do anything for them." he said.

"Wait until after this pup is born." she said.

~ Years Later ~ (Higurashi Shrine, Tokyo, Modern Day Japan)

Years had past Naora had given birth to a son whom she named Sōta, Kantaro had lost most of his powers after he had sealed his grandchildren's demonic sides.

The girls had grown up normal, as a side effect of the seal they didn't remember much about their true heritage, the seal had altered their memories of their father and made Shiro seem human and Sōta had the seal placed on him a week after he was born.

Kikyō, Konami, Kagome and Kimiko had grown apart. Kikyō threw herself into her studies and was attending one of the most prestigious schools in Tokyo, though she kept up her Aikidō lessons.

Konami ending up doing sports, any sport really, track, swimming, baseball, football, basketball, ice hockey, various MMAs, figure skating, tennis, boxing, puroresu, kyūdō, ekiden, K-1, kendo and somehow Auto racing. Naora honestly didn't know how Konami even got into motocross.

Kimiko ended up spending free time either working with Kantaro or animal shelters, though she had been spending a lot time with some of her friends of late . Kagome on the other hand spent time typically with her friends.

All was normal, until the day their 16th birthday, the day Kagome fell down the well. The day Kagome fell back into the past.

Author's Note:


Kuroi Inu Shiro (黒い犬城) ~ Black Dog Castle.

Hanyō (半妖) ~ Half-Demon.

Yōkai (妖怪) ~ Demon.

Reitō Shinju-Mura (冷凍真珠村) ~ Frozen Pearl Village.

Sekiei no Dōkutsu (石英の洞窟) ~ Quartz Caves.

Kōri no Mori (氷の森) ~ Forest of Ice.

Nōritān no Mori (ノーリターンの森) ~ Forest of No Return.

Goshinboku (ご神木) ~ The Sacred Tree.

Hyōzan Yama (氷山山) ~ Iceberg Mountain.

Konami's Sports.

Torakku (トラック) ~ Track.

Suiei (水泳) ~ Swimming.

Yakyū (野球) ~ Baseball.

Futtobōru (フットボール) ~ Football.

Basukettobōru (バスケットボール) ~ Basketball.

Aisuhokkē (アイスホッケー) ~ Ice Hockey.

Sōgō Kakutōgi (総合格闘技) ~ Mixed Martial Arts.

Figyuasukēto (フィギュアスケート) ~ Figure Skating.

Tenisu (テニス) ~ Tennis.

Bokushingu (ボクシング) ~ Boxing.

Puroresu (プロレス) ~ Japanese Wrestling.

Kyūdō ~ Japanese Martial art of Archery.

Ekiden (駅伝) ~ Relay Races.

K-1 ~ Kickboxing.

Kendō (剣道) ~ Modern Kenjutsu.

Motokurosu (モトクロス) ~ Motocross.

Reitō Shinju-Mura a village which lies at the base of Hyōzan Yama and is a harbourside village named as such because of the inu daiyōkai clan Kuroi's abilities over ice and the oyster farms.

1). Think of the Sun Pirate's logo from One Piece.

2). I can't really describe Shiro. But he looks alot like Sesshomaru, his outfit is similar to Inu no Taisho's but where his is white Shiro's is black, the black armor is a dark blue, the sash is dark purple and green, not purple and red and his 'fluff'/tail is black. The shoulder armor is still silver. The picture for the idea is shinseimori. Deviantart art/ Inu-no-Taisho- 89748639 (You know the drill, remove the spaces).

3). Naroa's mother Shioko 'Shi' worked as a stockbroker and during the time Naroa decided to stay in the Feudal Era Shioko was busy with work in China.

4). Think of the climbing net like what they have at a boot camp or the kind they have at parks.

5). In this Naora's parents are the ones who own the shrine, Grandpa Kantaro 'Taro' Higurashi is Naora's father. Her mother Shioko passed away when Naora was in the Feudal Era.