Thanks to everyone who reviewed this story. I appreciate it a lot and I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again!

When Night Turns to Day:

Chapter 7:

B.A, Ray and Murdock stopped after what seemed like hours of running. They managed to stay together,assuming Hannibal and Face were right behind them.

"Where's Hannibal and Face?" Ray asked looking around and catching his breath.

Murdock and B.A also looked around,shrugging.

"Thought they was right behind us." B.A said.

"You think they are down? We should go back." Murdock said, already heading back in the direction they had just come.

Ray stopped him and shook his head.

"We can't Murdock. You heard Hannibal, he gave us a direct order. We keep going. Maybe they just fell behind.

B.A was torn. On one hand he couldn't defy a direct order, but another part of him was screaming that no one got left behind, even if it was too late for them. No, B.A was going to get Hannibal and Face, even if it was just their bodies he would claim.

"I'm goin back. Ray, you and Murdock, keep goin. Do what ya can to signal one of our birds and get some guys down here. I'm not leavin without both of them fools."

Ray locked eyes with B.A and nodded.

"Come on Murdock, B.A will find them, let's get goin."

Murdock hesitated then agreed. B.A watched them dissapear into the jungle and took a deep breath, heading back towards the camp.

Hannibal couldn't tell how long he had been running. Face had collapsed awhile back, and Hannibal had been carrying him over his shoulder since. He stopped and sat Face down. He checked Face's pulse,and was relieved when he felt a light flutter, however weak it may be. The gunshot wound on his side was still bleeding, but had slowed, and the wounds on his chest and stomach were oozing puss and were puffy and red.

Hannibal hissed in sympathy and pulled Face's shirt back down. He looked around for any danger, seeing none he allowed himself to take a short rest.

His eyes immediately snapped open when he heard a slight movement in the jungle ahead of him. He trained his gun in that direction and was more than surprised to see B.A emerge.

"Sergeant I gave you a direct to tell me why you disobeyed it?"

B.A looked right into Hannibal's eyes and spoke calmly.

"No one gets left behind."

His eyes then shifted to Face's unconscious form and panic flooded through him.

"He dead?"

"No, but if we don't get him medical attention soon, he will be."

"What the hell happn'd? He was right behind us."

"He disobeyed a direct order too. He stayed behind to insure our escape, by taking out the entire camp. If I hadn't returned when I did, I would be dragging his corpse along with me. Where is Ray and Murdock?"

"Sent them on ahead to look for a chopper."

Hannibal nodded.

"Let's keep moving, we'll take turns carrying him."

B.A agreed and carefully picked up Face and easily slung him over his shoulder.

They had been walking for hours and it was nearing night. Face, in his fevered state was becoming delirious.

"Didn't tell them anything colonel, I swear I kept quiet." Face kept repeating.

Hannibal sighed and motioned for B.A to put Face down.

"Face, you did good kid, I'm proud of you. You've got to keep quiet now ok?"

Face focused his glassy eyes on Hannibal and nodded.

They came to a large clearing and Hannibal stopped.

"B.A we need to keep moving, but he can't go much further. We don't have a choice to stay here for now. We'll rest for a couple hours then continue."

"Alright man."

Face quietly moaned and tosed most of the time they were there. It was near time to leave and Hannibal was packing up when Face's voice stopped him.


Hannibal rushed over, not believing Face was lucid.

"Face, I'm here."

"Hannibal, leave me here, slowing you guys up. Not gonna last much longer anyway."

"Face, listen to me. We aren't leaving you. You can make it. That's final,understand?"

Face nodded and gave a slight smile.

They were about to continue on their way when they heard the distant sound of a chopper.

"Is it ours?" Hannibal asked looking up.

B.A hesitated,waiting for it to come closer.

"It's ours!"

B.A and Hannibal quickly waved their arms in the air and fired their guns. They almost collapsed in relief when they saw the chopper turn back and begin to land.

"Face we'll have you out of here in no time kid!"

The chopper landed and Hannibal ran out to meet them. They quickly ushered Face into the chopper and Hannibal and B.A climbed in next.

Within forty minutes Face was laying in the medic's tent at the base camp. Hannibal and B.A already been checked out, where at Face's side.

Murdock was currently under observation and Ray was being released.

Face remained out of it for nearly two days. Hannibal had been told that Murdock was teetering in the verge of reality. He debated on sending Murdock back to the states for treatment, but knowing Face, he would want Murdock here with him.

He was right.

When Hannibal told Face of his plans, Face lost it. He refused to eat or drink anything unless he got to see Murdock. Finally after a day, the doctors gave in and Face was realeased into Hannibal's care.

"I''m telling you Face, Murdock would be better with professional help. He's in a dark place kid."

"I don't care Hannibal, take me to him now!"

Hannibal relented and a few minutes later Face was sitting by a comatose Murdock.

"Hey buddy. You need to come back over to this side. Hannibal said he is gonna send you back to the states. I need you here, with me. Please Murdock. You were so strong back there, I need you to be even stronger now."

"Come on Face, you need to rest, you can come back tomorrow."

Face sighed and allowed Hannibal to help him out of the tent. Both of them missing the look on Murdock's face as he watched them leave.

Hannibal was about to turn in for the night when he got a message to come to the medic tent, fearing the worst about Murdock, he took off at a run. He got a surprise when Murdock was sitting up in bed smiling, asking where dinner was.

He smiled and immediately tore up the paperwork that would send Murdock home.

"Welcome back captain."

"Thanks colonel, it's good to be back."

-The End.