Hello everyone, I'm Marorin5 with a new story! Woohoo! This came out to my mind just a few days ago and I decided to create a fanfic about it! Please Read and Review!

Disclaimer: I don't own DB, DBZ, DBGT, etc, etc.




Notes: Please ignore any spelling mistakes; English's not my native language. Also this occurs in an A/U, so some characters are gonna be a little OOC, you'll see why in the story. I hope you enjoy reading this, buddies! :D

Note from the future: Hello there! As this says, this is a note from the future. I wrote this after I finished this story. I just wanted to say, I am sorry about how many errors this story has at the beginning. I was just beginning to write when I started this story. I know this has many errors—grammatical-wise and even plot-wise, a little—but please, don't feel discouraged to read. As the story progresses you'll see how much I've evolved in being a writer in the year I was writing this story. This—as you've guessed—is a Goku/Chi-Chi fic. I seriously think there are not enough stories for them these days so I decided to write my own. This occurs in an A/U. Though it is not that much different. It has to do with Goku knowing his Saiyan heritage. And Frieza didn't destroy the whole Planet Vegeta but its surface. Saiyans survived this by hiding in underground tunnels. Everything else is pretty much the same though. When it starts to diverge a lot is later, when Raditz and the others appear. But, anyways! If you want to know about this A/U before reading, or you just want to know what happens after this story in general, please go to my profile. I have written a whole timeline explaining my A/U. This is the first story that this A/U has ever appeared, so it is kinda explained in this chapter. Though when I wrote this I didn't exactly had my ideas a 100% straight at the time (reason of some of the—minor—plot-holes that does not really affect the story).The first chapters may remind you of canon, but what happens after never appeared neither in the manga nor the anime, so you don't have to worry about that! But enough A/N of the future! I hope you have a good time reading this story! ;)

EDIT!: Maybe you guys don't know this, but Goku's mother has been revealed by Toriyama-sensei! Her name is Gine and she'll appear in the bonus comic of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman that will be out on April 4. As I prefer to use canon characters tan OCs, I'll replace the OC I used as Goku's mother in this story (Tanipuu) and instead put Gine. I hope you guys don't mind, and I can't wait to see Goku's mother!

Also, in future chapters it will be said that Master Roshi destroyed the moon, and it was not brought back. In this A/U, that did NEVER happen. The moon's there. Goku had to deal with it until he went to train with Kami. Kami wanted to cut Goku's tail but Goku didn't want him to. In the end, Kami used a spell on Goku that prevented him to see and 'absorb' the Blutz Waves from the moon in order to stop the transformation, unless Goku is really willing to transform. Basically, Goku can decided wherever block the Blutz Waves or not. Kami used this spell on all the other Saiyans that lived on Earth, and the ones who came frequently to prevent giant monkeys in rampage on Earth. I hadn't thought about this by the time I wrote this, but neh... Minor detail xD

Son Goku, an eighteen years old teenager Saiyan, groaned as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and sighed. He had that same dream again.

He had dreamt once again of when he was sent away Planet Vegeta. His father had said it was for his own sake, but Goku didn't get it. Why couldn't he stay with his race? Though it was true he preferred living on Earth than living in underground tunnels. Goku didn't even know if his parents and friends were even alive or not! What about his parents? His brother Raditz? His friends Resu and Celga? Were they alive, or were they gone for good? He didn't know.

He had been adopted by a kind old man who practically saved his life. When he arrived on Earth, two soldiers that worked for Frieza—Kira and Sashin—attacked him. He believed he was going to die, but then this old man showed up and together they beat the evil duo. His name was Gohan. He was the reason he was the man he was today, and why he went by the name Goku instead of Kakarot. Grandpa Gohan had changed him. Yet he died by a virus when Goku was ten…

Goku also remembered the promise he made to his parents. His father had told him that he absolutely had to stay alive, his mother's words repeated over and over again in his head. "Listen to me, son. I want you to get out of here, and to have the second opportunity no of us had! Whatever the planet you arrive is, I want you to become part of it, its civilization, and to protect it. No matter what! I want you to promise me that!"

He was actually doing a good work with that one.

A year after his grandpa died when he was 11 about to be 12 Bulma came along and told him about the Dragon Balls. In that journey he met Oolong, Yamcha and Puar, also he met Master Roshi after he helped Turtle and received his faithful cloud, the flying Nimbus as a reward. If it wasn't for them and Oolong's underwear wish the world would've been conquered by 'the blue lil' troll' also known as Emperor Pilaf.

Afterwards he went off to train with Master Roshi, and met Krillin and Launch. He trained delivering milk, working on farms, etc., and went to the tournament, where he got to the finals, but lost against Jackie Chun. Who the hell was he, really? No one knew.

Afterwards he went looking for the 4-star ball his grandpa owned and ran with the Red Ribbon Army. He defeated them alone alright, but one of his friends named Upa's father died trying to aid him fighting Mercenary Tao. Feeling guilty, he decided the wish he'll make when collecting all Dragon Balls was to revive Bora.

After fighting all of Baba's fighters and meeting his grandpa again, he got the last Dragon Ball and Bora was revived. He said goodbye to his friends and went to train 3 years by himself.

Afterwards the 22nd martial arts tournament came, and they met Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu. They were first enemies, but turned into friends. What happened next was a total disaster.

His best friend Krillin was murdered. MURDERED! He was son damn angry; off he went to avenge him! He met Yajirobe, killed Krillin's murdered, and for his bad luck met King Piccolo, who got the shit out of the poor saiyan. Afterwards with Yajirobe's help he climbed up Korin's tower, just to learn Master Roshi and Chiaotzu died too. He drank the ultra-divine water, a water no human could ever stand to, but hey! He was a saiyan, and he actually survived! With newfound strength he went to fight King Piccolo and with some little help from Tien, he kicked his ass and killed him, but ending mortally wounded.

After getting a senzu bean he came to Kami's lookout to ask Kami to revive Shenron who was killed by King Piccolo. The eternal dragon killed…epic fail.

Kami agreed with the condition he stayed training there by him until the 23rd tournament as King Piccolo's recantation, Piccolo jr. was going to be there.

So there he was, tomorrow was the day he was going to come down the lookout. He couldn't wait to see Bulma, Krillin, Yamcha, Oolong, Puar, Tien, Chiaotzu, Launch, Turtle, Yajirobe, Korin and Master Roshi! To ride his Nimbus cloud and go to an adventure along all his friends. But first, he had to defeat Piccolo.

'There's no way I'll let Piccolo rule the earthlings and afterward destroy 'em! They're my friends now, and this is my home! I'll protect it with my life!' Goku thought, his tail moving back and forward with pure determination.

Chi-Chi was hanging onto the boy's arm as they flew on the yellow cloud. The boy looked back at her outfit and raised an eyebrow "You're just wearin' that? Don't you get cold sometimes? What a stupid question, there's no way you'll get cold with that mountain on fire!"

"You…You JERK!" Chi-Chi shouted pushing the boy out of the cloud. 'Man, that Goku has no manners at all! But he sure is cute, and strong…heeheehee!' she thought, blushing.

The boy named Goku was sitting on the car her father gave him and his friends waiting for his friends that Kami-knows-what they were doing at this moment.

"G…Goku…?" Chi-Chi talking to him trying to be brave "I was…just wondering… One day when we're older, will you come here to ask my hand in marriage?" she asked blushing embarrassed.

"Come 'ere to what?" Goku asked turning around to face her.

"Oh…Come on, stop fooling around! You know what I'm talking about…" Chi-Chi said blushing beyond embarrassed

"Actually, no… not really. But if you want me to come back 'ere I guess I'll do it." Goku said smiling, Chi-Chi blushed heavily and giggled, Goku looking at her confused. Were all female earthlings like this? For what he remembered female Saiyans never acted like this, not even his mother and she was a romantic. Then again both races were very different.

Chi-Chi woke up smiling. Once again she had dreamt with him. She still remembered the day she met him. She remembered his wild jet-black hair and monkey tail.

Tomorrow was day big day! Goku never came, probably because he was way too busy. What other reason could it be? Anyhow, she was bored of waiting. So, she'll look for him herself!

Chi-Chi was sure Goku was going to participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament, so she decided to go participate. She asked her father martial arts classes and although the giant was pretty shocked by her proposal, but he proudly accepted.

The eighteen years old teenager got up from bed, took a shower, dressed in her favorite blue Gi, that was actually her mother's and went down to the dining hall.

"Good morning Chi-Chi!" the Ox-King's booming but cheerful voice was heard as she entered the room.

"Good morning, Papa!" Chi-Chi answered happily, taking her seat.

"Are ya excited 'bout tomorrow?" The Ox-King asked

"Yes, I'm sure am! I can't wait to see him again!" Chi-Chi squealed happily. The Ox-King smiled, since Goku appeared Chi-Chi had made her mind on marring him. And the Ox-King actually liked the idea! He was shown to be a good and strong boy, and he actually was a pupil of Master Roshi! Yeah, he was sure he would be a great husband for his daughter.

Chi-Chi finished her breakfast and went outside to train some more. Just when she was in the middle of her training session her to best friends: Danielle and Rachel appeared.

"Hi there, Chi-Chi!" Danielle greeted. She and Rachel, just like Chi-Chi, were both princess of other neighbor villages, the difference was that meanwhile Chi-Chi acted like any other person in the world, she and Rachel acted like the princess they were! Rachel had less like for the 'low class' as she called them, though.

"Hi Danielle, Hi Rachel!" Chi-Chi greeted stopping her punches and kickes to the air.

"What are you doing, Chi?" Rachel asked.

"Training for the Tournament tomorrow!" Chi-Chi answered.

"To look for Goku?" Danielle guessed.

"That's right!"

"But, Chi-Chi, are you sure this is a good idea?" Rachel asked. "Maybe he forgot about you, besides, you know Bryan likes you! I don't get who you still want this Goku-guy when you can be with him!"

"Look, girls, how many times I got to tell you? Goku hasn't forgotten about me. Besides, I'm in love with him, not Bryan." Chi-Chi responded. Bryan was a prince of a neighbor village. He had brown hair, was polite and almost all the girls were in love with him. He had a crush on Chi-Chi, and always tried to win her heart, but always failed.

"If you think it's the right thing…" Danielle said defeated, she knew there was no way to convince Chi-Chi to forget about this 'Goku'. Who knew? She never met him, and she believed in her friend. Maybe he's as charming and nice as Bryan, or maybe even more.

Rachel didn't think like that anyways, she believed the right man for Chi-Chi was Bryan and this 'Goku' guy is a waste of time.

"I sure do!" Chi-Chi reassured her friend smiling. 'Hang in there, my darling Goku. We'll meet again in the Tournament!'

So there's my new fic! I hope you enjoyed it and I dunno when I'm gonna update. It hasn't even been a week of school and I already got homeworks and tests in my schedule...*sight*. Anyways, thanks for all who read and reviews both this story and "Who Will Fight Who?", 'til next time! :D