Ash leant on the railing of the ship, hair blowing in the wind as the moon reflected in the water.

It had been a year since he'd last been here, since he'd recklessly jumped into the water, since he'd almost ended Misty's life with foolish behaviour.

He reached into his pocket and produced her necklace. He'd forced Dawn to keep it for the past year because he knew the temptation to return would be too strong.

A lot can change in a year, friends can become enemies, enemies become friends but he hoped a passion and love like theirs wouldn't dwindle, wouldn't have extinguished.

He held the necklace out towards the moon, feeling a strong sense of déjà vu, memories from the past flooding through his mind.

It had been a long time since he'd last seen Misty, life had changed, he had grown but he knew it would still be the same. When he finally got to see her again they would just fall back into place, as if they were never separated.

He knew the true test of a relationship wasn't the heartache and longing both parties felt when separated but, instead, acting as if mere hours had passed since they were last together when they were finally reunited.

Ash glanced around to make sure he was truly alone, that no couples on a romantic stroll or a few stragglers who'd yet to go to dinner were hanging around. Only when he was truly satisfied it was only he and the moon were there he climbed over the railing and dived into the water.

"Jesus." Ash muttered as the ice water nipped at his skin, shivering in both anticipation and cold.

He placed the necklace around his neck and felt the familiar tingle in his legs as he was transformed, transported back to a time where he'd felt reckless and excited in equal parts.

With one final glance back at the sky he slipped under the water, his newly developed tail pushing him, propelling him through the water.

As he got deeper the water got darker but Ash wasn't fazed, he knew about the sweet underwater grotto that awaited him if he just kept moving forward. The beautiful girl waiting for him.

Misty sat against the window, watching all the blissful people swimming around just outside, unaware of how close she had almost come to revealing their existence to the world.

"You need to get over that already." Daisy teased, as if she'd read her sisters mind.

"Easier said than done." She rolled her eyes in response.

Although it had been at least a year, and one of the longest of Misty's life, she was waiting until her sanctuary was broken, until humans came and destroyed their utopia.

With a sigh, Misty glanced up, straining to see the sky through the dark ripples of water.

"You should have stayed you know?" Daisy said, following Misty's gaze.

"It would have been too risky." Misty shook her head.

"They haven't found us for years Misty, they never will." She reassured.

"There's no guarantee of that." She disagreed.

"There aren't any guarantees in life." She smiled softly, reaching out to take Misty's hand. "But I can guarantee you will never find a guy like Ash again."

"Probably not." Misty laughed slightly. "I don't have the necklace anymore though"

"That was a stupid move on your part." She joked, squeezing the hand held tightly in her own.

"Tell me about it." Misty complained.

She really shouldn't have given Ash the responsibility of the reunion, the boy was bound to get completely distracted by his journey and his dream and forget to come back. She probably wouldn't see him again until she was old and grey, was she expected to wait her entire life for him? Because surely that was pushing it a little bit too much.

The pair fell into silence as they both stared out into the water, the excited voices of their other two sisters growing in the background.

"Misty!" Violet sang from her doorway. "Someone is here to see you."

With a sigh, Misty turned only to have all the wind knocked out of her. Never expecting the figure who floated sheepishly next to her sister.

"Ash?" She gasped, too shocked to move towards him.

"Hey Misty." He greeted, their eyes locking intensely, no longer aware of the other occupants in the room who were silently vacating it.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as he closed the distance between them.

"I'm here for you." He said, finally feeling her again after a year of absence.

Misty let herself be wrapped in his arms, burying her face into the safety and security of his neck.

Pulling away slightly, Ash gently kisses her, sighing in relief as he caressed her soft lips after only dreaming of them for so long.

"Come back with me." Ash whispered, resting his forehead against hers at staring into her eyes.

"I can't." Misty shook her head, despite every fibre of her being screaming to go with him.

Silently, Ash reached out and took her hand, moving it until it was placed over the necklace. The one thing that had shaped their entire destiny together.

"It's time to have our own adventure." He grinned.

Responding without words Misty gave Ash another kiss, accepting his suggestion and never wanting to let him go again.

After long goodbyes and promises the pair swam, hand in hand, towards the surface. Gasping as they broke through the water in time for the sunrise, ready to start their next adventure.

Okay I realise that waiting however many months for a small epilogue is probably disappointing for you all I am deeply, deeply sorry! It may seem like I am backing out and just trying to end this story quickly but this was always my intention I just never seemed to find the time to write it!

I want to thank everyone who stuck it out all this time, you guys truly are incredible. And for anyone who reads my other stories I promise to try – and I mean really try – to update these soon!