Author Note: I Don't own Harry Potter, I do own Evy the character.
Evy woke up in the morning to her alarm ringing. She slowly turned over and raised an arm to shut it down, the silence that followed was removed when she heard the shouting words of her mother telling her brother and sister it was time to wake up and go for training.
Evy turned in her bed, stretched then put her hands behind her head, with a sigh she started thinking about her life. She was a 14 year old elite gymnast, put into it when she was just a little girl and her parents had seen her exhibition for PE class at school. She had done a several tricks she felt like learning just for fun, she had done one flip and her parents were sold, they had even gone to her coach and asked if she like her brother and sister who were sporty in tennis for her brother and hockey for her sister.
Evy came out of her thoughts at her mother telling her to wake up as well, so she got up to start getting ready for her training time. It was like a routine and she knew gymnasts needed a time table like this so she stuck to it because she planned on making it to the Olympics in 1996, something her parents and also her wanted, she wanted it because she wanted to be the best gymnast in Britain and then the world, but maybe by winning her parents might like her more than her siblings. Evy went down and had the food her mother set up for her, once that was finished she got into the car, as her mother would be dropping her off at the training center club. Evy sighed at what her parents were telling her siblings. It wasn't nice being so ignored except getting instructions about her gymnastics. As her mother was taking her to the club where she trained, Evy was thinking about her friend Harry Potter.
She still remembered the first day she had seen him, he was being bullied by his cousin who was the resident bully with his gang of mean cronies, and right then she had decided to be Harry's best friend and he was going to be her own. Evy giggled as she remembered making a plan of attack and how to make sure his relatives didn't have a problem with her being his friend. She even had a log diary, finally the day came when she saw her chance, she got up where she was watching the spectacle. Evy walked over to them then suddenly jumped in between Harry and his cousin. She started acting like an idiot, pretending to be a ninja, she asked him his name, he said Dudley and to beat it, Evy said no can do, she was an assassin and someone asked to have him removed, then Evy started moving towards him, she did the ninja act again and added some cartwheels before the boys ran off. She started laughing at that and turned to Harry who looked rather surprised and slightly amused but put up a front of shame. Evy said you're welcome, Harry said he didn't need her help, now he was going to be in trouble at home. Evy smiled as she stood before him and said well that's what friends do, so if he wanted they can be friends, ninja friends. Harry smiled amused at her then she added that he has a day to decide, and could meet her at the school library, she liked hanging out there, Evy smiled one last time then got back into ninja mode and was off for class since lunch should end soon. All night she was wondering if she had carried out the plan right. But the next day it had worked because Evy had been approached by Harry, she smiled as he shyly said he would like to be friends. Evy said not to worry about it they would be best friends soon. Harry had this hopeful look on his face. So Harry and Evy had received their first friend in life.
Evy smiled thinking about it, from then on her and Harry's friendship had started at a difficult point, she would only get to meet him some times, like at school, in the evenings at a tree she had dubbed theirs, neither Harry nor Evy wanted to take the other to their homes. Harry would ask Evy many questions about herself or random things he didn't know about, she would ask him some questions but she understood he had some background he didn't want to tell her so she respected it by avoiding the talk, she would spend quite some time roll playing just for fun since it is their favorite game, Evy would bring some of her toys to play with him like a small soccer ball to keep around as they talked, or playing cards, they would sometimes have fun running from Dudley by roll playing which made it a fun sport, Evy would scare them off by going all crazy ninja which Harry had a joy laughing about, they would do their homework together, she realized Harry was smarter than what he showed in class so she said in her work as they work he could be satisfied by the grade they receive, Harry was for it though he had some convincing from Evy. Then there was a very important day for them, it was Christmas and Evy had to go with her family to meet her relatives, Harry like always had a bad time, but that changed about three days after Christmas when Evy had taken him to the Church, there she sang carols while the preacher played on the piano, she smiled seeing the emotion on Harry's face. That look intensified when she had given him a kid sword, it was small but she thought of the games she and Harry played in which he chose to be the good guy most of the time. Harry had been really happy with it and swung it around like an amateur, still good though, Evy had the ninja thing down, she told Harry that sword was his and only his now, she showed him where she had in an ugly script had carved his initials near the hilt. Harry had been so happy he had hugged her for the first time, after which they hugged a bit more often when Harry or Evy were so happy. That first Christmas of their's had become a ritual, he would always come to the Church during Christmas and after a few days Evy would sing there every night, he would get a present from her and she would get him to do something for her as a present, it was a good deal and made Christmas so much more bearable, they would play in the snow, Harry was however very grateful that for some reason weird things didn't happen when she was around. Her parents knew not whom she hung out with and didn't care till Petunia told her mother about Harry but Evy was so good at manipulating her parents when it came to Harry. Anyway they met at six years of age and now it was five years later, they had become very close, Evy had friends in the form of girls on the club she joined at the age of 7, Harry never failed to encourage her about continuing with gymnastics, he would even watch her and learn with her, for him it was easier something she didn't understand besides maybe his weight. On his birthday's she would make him a cup cake since that was all she could make by herself, he loved it and the look always made her smile brighter, her mission since then had been to make Harry as cheery as her when with each other.
Middle school finished and Harry was to go to the public high school which they heard only bad things about while she would be now completely home schooled since she would have to spend the next ten years of her life in a fixed regiment of training, home schooling, and anything else that excludes dating while keeping in health and the other usual rules. However about a full week before Harry's birthday many letters and owls were seen around his place, she didn't understand it as Harry said he didn't except that the letters all had his name with his address right down to his sleeping place. Evy had already known that Harry slept in the room under the stairs, she was really pissed off by it by Harry had grown used to it and she didn't want him to know that his cousin had leaked this information to her, she knew Harry would run then. Then on a Sunday while Evy was at church and went to see Harry he wasn't there, no one was there, in fact they had left. They never took Harry with them so she was worrying slightly. About three days later the Dursley's were back, Evy had spied on them to see if Harry was with them, by climbing a tree she could tell he wasn't in his room either. There wasn't an owl in sight anymore. Dejected she had gone home and not talked in her brooding. But two days later Harry was back again, he seemed so much happier and she tried asking him what had happened and what was making him so happy. He told her his parents had signed him up for a school they went to and wanted him to go also. He told her it was called Hogwarts and a boarding school so he wont be back until a year later. Evy had been really sad about that and ran away crying. Harry had followed her enough till she wont respond to him so she left to her home, cried in bed, ignored her brother and sister teasing her about something stupid. Evy didn't leave home for about three days before finally Harry had come looking for her, she had spent the next few hours being convinced by Harry about how they could keep in contact, the main being by owl post, he said he got one as well and how it's a trained owl called Hedwig. She smiled saying she liked that name, they were okay then. Evy had made him a cupcake the next day to make another wish but also celebrate with her, she had given him the job of sharing many calorie food so she had only some of it, better to keep maintaining. Evy was so tearful the day he was leaving, her partner in crime was going away, she would be left with all the other normal teens, her best friend was leaving. She had hugged him tightly as he told her he would miss her and that she better be able to do more tricks when he comes back, she promised to show him the medals she got from upcoming meets.