Wow...My very first fanfiction. Da da daaahh! As you can tell, I'm pretty excited/nervous about this. All these years of reading all these wonderful fanfics motivated me to write on of my own.

Well, please feel free to review and critique my writing! But be gentle, okay? I'm still a noob at this.

I do not in any way own Naruto or any of its characters. All that belongs to Masashi Kishimoto! Lucky guy...

Anyway please enjoy! :)

Chapter 00: Hell Bound

The boy bit his lip, desperately trying to cover the whimper of pain that escaped his throat in an airy gasp. His hand grasped the open wound on his abdomen. Warm liquid overflowed through his fingers, staining his pale skin a deep crimson. The blood pouring out was no longer just a light flow but a disgusting gush. He crunched his eyes shut, chasing his blurred vision away. His feet shuffled under him like weights, each step threatening to be his last.


He ordered his body forward, despite its crying protests. He could feel his heart thrashing against his chest, each beat stealing his breath away. His throat burned, his eyes stung, his nostrils filled with stench of death. Snow began to tumble down from above, each icy particle falling like needles against his exposed skin.

"Fuck." He muttered as his knees buckled, causing him to collapse onto the frozen pavement.

He couldn't help but smirk at his hopeless situation. His hand twitched against the ground in a meager attempt to push himself up. Grunting at his failed effort, he simply collapsed to his back.

Who knew life could be such a bitch?

The cold moisture smeared the blood and grim from his beaten skin. He could feel his eyes threatening to close. He knew he once they did, it was game over. He would be lost in darkness forever and that will be the end to the existence of Uchiha Sasuke. It was as simple as that.

Was he really meant to die such a stereotypical tragic death? Alone. In the falling snow. His blood staining the white ground red. Gazing up into the sky. Resigning to his fate. Allowing death to gracefully carry him away?

Hell no

"Did you really think you could escape, my dear, dear Sasuke?"

"Never break your promise, Uchiha."

"Murderer. I'll kill you. I'LL KILL YOU!"

My eyes shot opened. My thoughts swirled in distortion as I choked on the fear that was lodged in my throat. Forced back to reality, the voices that screamed painfully in my head began to fade, until I could hear nothing but silence.

Sweat cascading down my face but as I tried to wipe the drops of perspiration away, numbness coursed through me and my arm refused to budge. An immediate surge of panic flooded through my mind as I desperately demanded my body to move. Then a sudden realization hit me.

Wait. I'm not dead?

I finally managed to push my disobedient body side wards causing myself to tip off the creaky bed that held me. Falling like dead weight, I hit the cold tile floor with a loud thud.

Ow. Yeah, definitely not dead.

I scanned my surroundings. The room was dim, with only a small desk lamp to provide the minimal amount of light. The room was adorned with only a wooden desk, a matching chair, and an old hospital bed. Judging from the amount of dirt and filth that lay scattered across the floor, the space was probably rarely used.

"Tch." I grunted, once again trying to force my immobile body into movement. After a few dragging minutes of struggle, my determination faded. I was obviously not going anywhere anytime soon.

Alright. Now what?

So… I made it off the bed and now I'm stuck on the floor. Now, that's progress. I stared blankly at the stained white ceiling, seriously debating whether if I should continue with my futile effort or just go to sleep. Suddenly the door slid open.

"Ah, I see you're finally awake." A masculine voice echoed, as a figure approached me in steady strides. Sensing my alarm, the man chuckled and continued, "Don't worry, Uchiha Sasuke. I'm not here to kill you today."

Today, huh? Well, that's real reassuring.

Bending over my paralyzed body, the man inspected my bandaged wounds intently. He appeared to be around mid –twenties despite the fact his spiked hair was completely grey. A surgical mask covered his mouth but I could still see the outline of a grin through the thin material.

"Well, you're healing quite nicely." he said, standing up, "Broken ribs, fractured limbs, internal bleeding, a nice good ol' stab to the gut, multiple deep lacerations to the skin…To sum everything up, you're pretty lucky to be alive. But I would expect nothing less from an Uchiha."

"Why?" I muttered.

"Why, what?" he framed cluelessness, despite knowing full-well what I was asking.

Why the hell did you save me?

He matched my glare with a wistful smile as his hand moved silently to his coat pocket, removing a vial filled with a clear liquid. Holding the liquid content clearly in front my face, his smile turned cold.

"I've injected you with a deadly neurotoxin. Fortunately for you, you're still in the earliest stage of the cycle. But…" he paused to glance at his watch, "You have approximately 15 minutes until you start suffering from intense respiratory problems. Approximately 20 minutes, until your internal organs start hemorrhaging intensely and… approximately 25 minutes until you die a nice, slow, painful death. "

I stared at him in disbelief.

Thanks for the break down, asshole.

Number one fact of my day: I'm going to die in less than half an hour. Pleasant, real fucking pleasant.

"But today is your lucky day!" he continued cheerfully, interrupting my thoughts, "Here in my very hand is the solution to your dire predicament." He playfully shook the vial causing the antidote to splash around. My shock immediately turned into suspicion.

"What's the catch?" My eyes' focusing on the glass tube gripped gently in his hand.

"Catch? Oh, what catch?" he chuckled. His satisfied tone caused my rage to rise. He knew that I would give in; he knew that he had already won.

"Don't shit with me." I gritted through my clenched teeth, "What do you want from me?"

His eyes narrowed as he smirked at my submission.

"I want to make a deal with you, Uchiha Sasuke."

So...what do you think?



HATE? (I hope not... Q.Q)



Hope you enjoyed it and stick with me for the next chapter! :)