I do not own Mobile Fighter G Gundam or the charecters from the show

Tragedy Of The 14th Gundam Fight

Chapter 1: Life With Out The King Of Hearts

Two years have passed since that tragic day of when the King Of Hearts was lost trying to save his queen. Not a day has gone by since that Rain has not thought about him. Rain has spent the most part of the two years staying with the rest of the Shuffle Alliance and their crews. Every other month they would swap were she was in case what was left of Seiji's men were still following her. They were all living up to what Domon had asked them to do in his final letter which was to help watch over Rain when he was gone. Rain on the other hand had trouble with what he asked her. In his letter he asked her to live a happy life with out him. In Rain's heart she knew that Domon was the one and only for her so she could never truely be happy again.

Not one day has passed that Rain has not thought about that day. What she remembers most is the final moments she shared with him.
Before he let Chibodee take her away, before she left they sat there for a few minutes huging and telling each other how much they love each other, and one final kiss.

Every day she would look at her wedding ring and think even moe about her and Domon's love. There were a few times during the past years were Saette ran into her and attempted to get with her. He was always left there alone. Rain had no intentions of finding someone new.

Rain was currently staying with Chibodee and his girls. While his girls were out shopping he stayed home with Rain. He herd some crying from her room. He knocked on the door and went in.

"Hey Rain, what is wrong?" Chibodee asked.

Rain looked up at him and said "Today is the two year aniversary of when Domon died."

Feeling stupid because he should have known Chibodee replied "I am sorry. I did not mean to disturb you."

Rain said "It is ok. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure what is it?" Chibodee asked.

Rain then told him "They say that it is easier on you if you give int to the fact that they are gone. But that is hard to do when you have lost everything like me. I lost my mom at a young age. My dad got killed trying to save me. Also Domon gave his life to save me. It seems like everyone I love is taken from me in a cruel way."

Chibodee was not ready to hear something like that. He told her "All I can tell you is what my mother told me, Life is tough. There is those who it is not so bad for, then there are those whos life is just terrible for them. But you have to keep going."

Hearing his advice she thought about it but it was still hard to get over Domon dying. Chibodee then said "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Rain answered.

He then asked "Is that something that brought you two closer? The fact that you both knew what it felt like to lose someone so close."

She replied "I suppose it did help some. After we had been married for some time we started talking about my parrents and his mother and brother and Master Asia. I felt so bad for him because he lost so many in a short time. Almost everybody would not want to hear the story of his time with Master Asia it is a long one with alot of dull moments, but I listened intenty to every word. There were times he would just go on about something that was very obvious that I would not know about but I still listened. Domon loved that even though he knew that I did not understand a good bit I would listen and he would try his best to explain."

Chibodee said "I can only imagine how long that story was."

Rain then continued her story "But the fact that he shared that story with me is not what suprised me. What suprised me most was how well Domon listened when I was talking about my mother and father. He listened as intently as I did to him. He did not listen to meny people but he would listen to me. He would open up to even less people but he trusted me enough to open up to me."

"Sounds like you two were made for each other. Well I just noticed the girls get home so I will talk to you later." Chibodee said.

As chibodee was helping them get all the stuff they bought in the place he owned he noticed that they went cloths shopping to. Cath said "We got a bunch of nice cloths. tehe."

Janet added "We got Rain a few cute things to wear also. Lets see how they look on her."

In an attempt to stop them Chibodee told them "Hey can you guys wait to make her do all of that tomorrow?"

Bunny asked "Why is that? What did you do?"

Chibodee said "I id not do anything. I herd Rain crying in there a little bit ago and went to ask her why. Today makes two years ago Domon died to save her."

Cath said "That is right. Maybe we should wait until tomorrow."

Later that night just before Rain was about to go to sleep she was looking at a book she had. It was a picture book which was filled with pictures of her and Domon. There were pictures from their wedding day and of others taken from their time they were married. All she could think about was how happy they were together. Rain wished more than anything that they could be together again.

Author's note: Ok that is it for the first chapter but do not worry this is going to be a good length story. Please feel free to let me know what you think.