I have to tell you that I've enjoyed your devotion and patience with this story. It's a bit quirky, and sometimes the haters have caused me to stall, but you, my favorites, have stayed true, and I appreciate it. This is the final chapter with the brief epi at the end. Thank you for sticking with me!
SMeyer owns all. I only borrow and never infringe.
Shall we see how this ends?
21. Acceptance, Finally
"Everybody, let's settle down. We need to get started," I ordered as I banged the gavel on the table to get their attention. It was the emergency Town Hall Meeting regarding the cable issue and the library. I'd circulated a flyer around town with a brief description of the agenda, and I was actually happy to see most of the town had shown up.
I prayed they'd all agree with the proposals. I hadn't been able to actually have a meeting with the town council before the town meeting, but I knew Emmett was in support. I hoped Charlie would be supportive as another member. My mother was on the council, and I knew she'd go along with it because it would be beneficial to the Inn. Fern Watson was the wildcard because she was the most averse to change. She'd voiced her concerns at my birthday party, and she wasn't supportive.
"Okay, since this is an emergency meeting, we'll save old business for the regularly scheduled meeting at the end of the month. I propose we skip to new business. All those in favor?" I saw a nearly unanimous show of hands.
"Good. Let's start with Emmett. Em," I urged. He stepped behind the podium and began the proposal regarding the benefits of luring Volturri Communications to our little town. After forty-five minutes, he began the question and answer section, and I braced myself for the push back.
Thankfully, there wasn't much. Most of the business owners were actually supportive. The fact they'd have to tear up the streets to bury the cables wasn't met with as much complaining as I'd imagined. There was a request that we solicit the company to hire people from our community temporarily for the work, and Emmett said he'd approach them and make it a stipulation.
Just when I thought everyone was on board, Fern stood up from her seat at the table. "I've got a question you didn't answer. How will this actually help the town? I don't have an interest in any of those things you've mentioned, and I sure don't want my street torn up so they can bury wires. Some of us are older, and we don't use the internets. We pay taxes too, don't we?"
I looked out into the audience to see a lot of little old ladies and men shaking their heads in agreement. Suddenly, Jasper stood up in the back of the room. "I'd like to put forth a motion that we don't take a vote until we hear from the new librarian. I've had several discussions with Miss Swan, and I believe if you hear her proposals for changes to be made at the library, things will be a lot clearer to everyone."
I heard Emmett second the motion. "Okay, the chair recognizes Miss Swan," I announced. I knew she was nervous, but I'd reviewed her proposal, and it was sound. She walked up to the stage and stood behind the podium.
"Brady, would you please help me out?" she asked. I saw Brady carry a screen up to the front, setting it up for her. After it was secured, she nodded to him, and he dimmed the lights. She cleared her throat and began speaking.
"Good evening. I, uh, I'm here tonight to submit a proposal for changes at the library which I believe would be beneficial, not only to the town, but to the school. We're living in a day and age when children are learning on many different formats aside from just the regular text book. If we want to attract young families to our little town, we need to be able to compete with the surrounding towns and cities which are more technologically advanced," she began.
She outlined her idea of establishing a media center at the school as well as the one the library supports. She mentioned that Makenna had a background in computer science and had agreed to offer classes for every age level, which would allow some of the older citizens to communicate over the internet with their children and grandchildren who no longer lived in Evening Shade.
She expounded on her announcement at my birthday party regarding wanting to offer various activities at the library after school and during the summer for kids in town. She mentioned that several parents had already volunteered to come in to assist her, be it teaching a craft class or simply assisting someone who was offering a specific class.
As she spoke, I noticed that there were a lot more young families in town. I saw on the faces of the younger residents they were in favor of the changes. I sat back and smiled proudly as she continued to speak, knowing she was the breath of fresh air for not only me, but the whole damn town. She was polished, but not snooty, and she was able to capture her audience's attention.
I watched her maneuver the minefield that was the question and answer portion of her presentation, and she wasn't condescending in her answers, nor was she intimidated when some of the older citizens complained about the construction that would be necessary. She was the perfect complement to Emmett's proposal, just as much as she was the perfect complement to me. As I watched her win the room, I had another idea circling my brain. I wasn't sure how I'd talk her into it, but I knew in my heart, she'd be perfect.
"So, let's take a vote," Edward called as I took my seat next to Brady and Mak.
"This is all very 'Gilmore Girls' you know," Makenna observed quietly. I cracked up because she was spot on.
"Yeah, it is, but it's our Stars Hollow. Did you watch Charlie when I gave my presentation? Did he seem to buy in, or is he going to piss and moan about it like the old women?" I whispered as Edward answered a few more questions.
"I gotta tell you, Daddy Swan had a scowl on his face when you started, but as you worked through it and answered questions, I could see he was proud of you, Belly. I'm proud of you." I took her hand, the one Brady wasn't holding tightly, and squeezed it. She was quite supportive of my suggestions, even volunteering to help out with everything, and I was truly happy she'd shown up in town. Based on the look on Brady's face as he watched her, he was happier than me.
"Okay, any more questions?" Edward asked. Seeing him acting in his official capacity as the mayor turned me the fuck on. There was absolutely no denying it. I couldn't wait to get him home.
He looked up and smiled. "May?" I turned to see my grandmother stand from the back of the room. I didn't even know she was in attendance. I'd assumed she skipped such things, based on a comment she'd made the day everyone was decorating the town for the Memorial Day parade.
"I'd like to say something to my friends in town. I've lived here a long time. My Charles was from here, and everyone knows he loved this town as much as anyone. He's the reason we came back, and if he was here, he'd support these changes. We're not an island here in Evening Shade. We have a close-knit community, but if young families don't move in and we don't try to grow with the times, we'll be left behind. I'd much rather have the inconvenience of having my street torn up for a few months in the spirit of progress than to see U-Haul trucks pulling up in front of houses where young families decide they have to leave in order for their little ones to be able to compete in school.
"If we don't grow, we'll begin to shrink, and the only people left in this town will be the residents over the age of seventy-five. I'll remind you that without our young people, who's going to run the grocery store? Who's going to cut our grass or come by to check on us when the snow is waist high?
"You might not want the changes, but I'd like to remind you that if we don't embrace the changes, the McCartys, the Whitlocks, the Cheneys, and even the Cullens will eventually have to leave town so their children will be able to attend a school where they can have access to the tools they'll need to be productive members of society. I, for one, don't want to see my grandchildren have to leave town so their children can attend a school where they'll get a better education.
"I don't understand computers or even care about cable, but families in this town do. In the spirit of drawing in young people so Evening Shade doesn't become a retirement community, I support this. I'm willing to pay whatever taxes become necessary in the spirit of progress. Fern, wouldn't you like your granddaughters to come to visit with their families? You said they don't like to come to town because it's so backwoods. Well, I say we change it."
Gran sat down, and one could have heard a pin drop in the room. I looked back at her and saw her wink at me. I blew her a kiss, thankful for her support. I knew a lot of people in town respected her, and I hoped her little sermon had garnered some support amongst the older members of the community.
"Anyone else?" Edward asked with a smile. Clearly, he enjoyed Gran referring to him as one of her grandchildren.
"I'd like to say something," my father announced. I was truly worried about what he had to say.
"The chair recognizes Sheriff Swan," Edward responded.
My dad rose and looked around the room. "I'm not one for fancy gizmos and gadgets, but I understand that we, as a town, need to be open to change. I believe the changes Emmett and Bella have explained would benefit our community. I know we could sure use more consistent internet access at the station. We could also upgrade our emergency notification system, which affects everyone in town. I'm one-hundred percent behind it. Thanks."
He sat down looking in my direction with a warm smile, which shocked the shit out of me. With a wink in my direction, I knew my father had finally given me his blessing. He wanted me in town, and he was actually proud of me. That meant more to me than anything in the world.
One Year Later…
"I don't understand? I'm not a politician," I bitched as I sat at the table in Esme and Carlisle's kitchen. It was Sunday dinner, and Edward had insisted we show up early so his parents could have time with us before the rest of our extended family invaded.
Since the wedding in Esme's lovely garden, we'd been living in a love fog. We'd married in August after only knowing each other for months. It wasn't smart, but we were very much in love, and we didn't waste time. The wedding was attended by nearly everyone in town, and it was quite lovely.
We'd gone to the Wisconsin Dells for a honeymoon. Edward rented a house for us, and it was absolutely incredible. Brady took care of the library…Mak took care of the bookstore…Emmett took care of the town. That was what convinced me he'd be the next mayor after Edward announced he wasn't going to run again.
"Over the last year, you've brought more change to this town than any of us have been able to get through in nearly twenty years. The last big change that happened in town was when my father pushed it through that Main Street be paved and add the sidewalks. It was a dirt road for a long time, Bella. It took a lot for him to get it done, but that was the last big change in town. You're a born leader," Carlisle insisted.
"Dear, when I was the Mayor, I expanded the library from just a one room disaster. That's been years ago. What you've accomplished in the year you've been in town…amazing. Please, consider it." Esme was quite convincing, but I wasn't a damn politician.
"You guys, I know nothing about politics. I don't know anything about budgets or taxes or any of that business. I'd never be a good mayor. Emmett should run," I replied.
"Babe, Em and Rose are expecting again. He won't have time for town business because Rosalie is suffering from morning sickness, and he's got his hands full with Lizzy, overseeing the cable expansion, and his clients, in addition to town business. Right now, we can't ask him to take it on," Edward explained. I got it, but there were other people in the family who should take a turn.
"What about Alice or Jasper?"
"Jasper has his hands full with what's going on at the school. Alice is capable of many things, but focusing on the business of the town isn't one of them. You're the logical choice, Bella," Edward pushed.
I wanted to slap him, but when I looked into his gorgeous eyes, I simply caved. I'd always hate myself for it, but the man could certainly coax me to do anything he wanted. That would likely haunt me for the rest of my life.
That night after the dinner and much discussion regarding me as the potential mayor of Evening Shade, we went home. Charlie's support had surprised me the most.
"So, let's not talk about any of that mayor business. I'd really like to make love to my wife," Edward requested sweetly.
I'd never be able to deny the man as long as I lived. "That's perfect," I whispered as he kissed me gently.
He carried me back to our bedroom and gently placed me on the bed. The one thing I could say about my husband unequivocally was that he never hesitated to show me through his actions how much he loved me. He was gentle and loving and tender. It was nothing I'd ever experienced in my life, and in the beginning of our physical relationship, I wondered if it was an act. Over the time I'd known the man, I learned it was simply his nature.
He'd bring me lunch at the library when he knew I was busy. He'd come by during story hour and sit with me while I read to the little kids, taking all of us for ice cream after the story was finished. He'd helped me establish a special section in the library for the controversial books I'd found in the basement, even repairing some of the shelves and donating a couch and a few chairs so people could simply sit and read. I still liked the bookstore better, but the library was becoming quite inviting. My life was quite lovely, and having my husband make love to me was simply a cherry on top.
"Bella, I love you," he whispered, just as he always did when he pushed inside me.
"I love you more," I whispered in return as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist.
"God, you feel…fuck," he gasped softly as he began moving slowly inside me. He could be slow and gentle, and that man could pound into me sending me into an entire different stratosphere. I loved every mood he had.
"Ahh…" I gasped as he pushed in deeper. His cock was a glorious thing, and I'd most definitely hold it in high esteem for the rest of my life.
After a very respectable amount of time, about which he'd always gloat, my body exploded, not for the first time since I'd known him. He followed me soon after, and as he rested on the bed next to me, he chuckled. "What?" I asked as I pulled the blankets over us.
I snuggled into his side, just as I always did after we made love. He pulled me closer, just as he always did. "If you don't want to run for mayor, that's fine. I suppose I can take another turn, but if I let you off the hook on this, I want something in return," he proffered, ever the negotiator.
I lifted my head, and shifted my position so my hands were crossed on his chest with my chin resting on top so I could look into his gorgeous green eyes. "Well, Your Honor, what's your demand?"
He chuckled as he moved his hands behind his head so he could see my face. "Well, I'd be willing to run again if you'd agree that we start trying for a baby," he issued.
I was about to protest, but I took a deep breath. He was thirty-eight. I was twenty-five, soon to be twenty-six. I could see his logic, and while I might have liked to have had him to myself a bit longer, I knew with the age difference, he wanted to still be young enough to enjoy having children. I knew he wanted them…he'd told me about Samantha and his desire to have children, so it wasn't a surprise.
I prayed I'd be a good mother, and I responded, "You've got a deal, Mr. Mayor."
His head popped up, causing his abdominal muscles to flex, which reminded me just how good of shape my man was in. I was really fucking lucky. Our children would be smart and beautiful.
"You're serious? You're ready?" He was so fucking cute.
"Sure, Mr. Mayor. I'll go off the pill, and we'll begin fucking like rabbits in hopes of having our own little bunny," I teased.
On our one year anniversary, I was able to tell my wonderful husband I was pregnant. Eight months later…in the spring…we were blessed with a little girl. Eight pounds of beautiful. Edward's hair and blue-grey eyes which I was certain would change. Charlene Esme Cullen was the newest resident in Evening Shade, Nebraska. Brady was already working on the new sign.
Three years later…
"Daddy, whewes Mommy?" Charlie asked me as we walked down the street from the book store to the town square. She was three. She was inquisitive. She was as beautiful as her mother.
"She's taking a nap. Growing your little brother makes her tired. So, should we find Uncle Brady?" I asked as we made our way to the library.
"Whewes Aunt Mak?" she asked as I hoisted her onto my shoulders.
"Aunt Mak's at Aunt Alice's store." We went to the library to find Brady inside looking very, very nervous.
I put Charlie on her feet, and she ran toward him calling his name. When he saw her, he smiled happily. "There's my girl. Where've you been?" he asked as he scooped her up and placed her on the counter. He was absolutely incredible with the kids in town. He had such a tender spirit to relate to them while he was smart enough to steer them from trouble. The guy was incredible, and we were actually best friends.
"She wanted to come see you. Can you get away for ice cream?" I asked.
He looked around the library, seeing it was empty. He'd been busy repairing books as I could see by those spread out on the counter, but when Charlie showed up, he always made time for her. "I think I can put up the sign for a while," he responded as he pulled a tent card that stated he'd be back in thirty minutes. He placed it on the counter and the three of us ambled down the street to Tanner's for ice cream.
"Are you ready for Saturday?" I asked as we slowly walked toward the ice cream shop.
"I've gotta tell you the truth because that's one thing we've always done is be honest with each other. I never, in my whole life, thought I'd meet a girl like Makenna. I surely never thought I'd have a girl like Makenna love me, and I never in my life thought I'd have a girl like Makenna agree to marry me."
"I've never asked, but how'd you propose?" I asked as we ordered our ice cream. Charlie went behind the counter, just as she always had to stand with Wendy. She picked her topping, and when she toddled from behind the counter with her mini sundae of chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, neither of us were surprised.
Brady ordered his butter pecan, and I got my usual vanilla with caramel sauce. Wendy pulled Charlie up on the counter and the two talked as Brady and I took a seat at a table.
"I've love that girl for years. I just had to make sure I was good enough for her. She helped me get my GED, and when I got the paper, I felt like I was good enough. She's so smart, but she doesn't make me feel stupid, ya know? She listens, and when I get confused about silly things, she explains them to me. We were having dinner one night, and I knew I wanted to marry her. I didn't have a ring then, but she didn't care. I don't have a fancy ring for her like you gave Bella, but she told me she doesn't want one. She just wants to be Mrs. Brady Smith. I never thought I'd hear those words in my life."
I felt my heart in my throat. He was such a great guy, and he was quite honest if anyone ever asked him a question. That was truly one of the things Bella loved about him, and I could understand it as we sat together.
"Has she heard from her dad?" I asked. From what Bella had told me, Phil would never approve of Brady, but she knew Mak didn't care. I hoped the Dwyers never found our little slice of heaven. We didn't need them, and I certainly didn't want them showing up to ruin the wedding day.
"She talked to him, but he's not coming. They don't get along any better than Bella does with her mom. Mak says it's what she expected. I feel bad about it, but there's not much I can do to make it better. So, best man, are you ready to give your toast," he teased.
I laughed. "Yeah, I am. I'm going to tell the whole town how you freaked out the first time Mak gave you a blow job."
He cracked up. I was relieved he knew I was teasing because the guy could pummel my ass into the pavement if he wanted. Thankfully, he didn't appear to want to hurt me, so I was in the clear.
"I'll tell the town about the sounds Mak and I hear coming out of the house, Mr. Husband-of-the-Mayor. Your wife's a screamer," he teased right back.
It was my turn to laugh. "Hey, you and Mak aren't exactly quiet. Have you found a place to live? You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Bella and I want you to stay at the cabin," I reiterated.
"I know, and we appreciate it, but we need to find our own house. Miss Fern mentioned she's going to move to Des Moines. Do you think I could afford it?" he asked.
I finished my ice cream and made a decision I knew Bella would go along with in spades. "I'll talk to her and we'll see what she wants for it. Let me run the numbers, okay?"
He nodded, and when Charlie finished her ice cream, she ran over to our table. "Can we go home?"
"Yes, baby girl. Come on," I responded, seeing her eyes a bit droopy as I rose from the table.
Brady smiled. "Hey, do you think Mak would ever?" He pointed at Charlie with a smile on his face.
"Remember when we talked about having a discussion with your girlfriend? Well, I'd say you need to have a discussion with your fiancée. I'd bet the bookstore you'll be happy with her answer, but you need to ask her.
"I've learned over time that when I don't know what to do or say, if I ask Bella, she gives me good advice. I'd say you need to do the same thing with Makenna. I'll see you later," I told him as I picked up my daughter and carried her to the truck, placing her safely into the car seat. She was sound asleep, which wasn't a bad thing. She was as beautiful as her mother when she was asleep, and how could that ever be a bad thing?
I was standing at the square watching the decorations being put up for Brady and Mak's wedding. It was a town event…that was to be sure. Bella was the matron-of-honor, and I was the best man. Our daughter, Charlie, was the flower girl, and Emmett was performing the ceremony, God help them.
"Hey, you could help, you know," I heard shouted at me as Alice strolled across the square to where I stood outside the bookstore. Charlie was napping inside and Bella was at the Town Hall meeting with Mom, Aunt Liz, and Charlie regarding the Memorial Dayz celebration. We had a reason to celebrate this year instead of just remember…two of our soldiers were coming home.
Seth and Leah Clearwater, Sue and Harry's kids, were coming home. Seth was a Marine, and Leah was in the Army. She'd been in longer than her little brother, but they'd both decided not to re-enlist, and they were coming home to Evening Shade. Bella had asked me what I thought about having them be the co-Grand Marshals instead of her, and I agreed with her one-hundred percent.
"I've got to stay right here, you crazy planner-zilla. My daughter's inside napping, and our Mayor is at a planning meeting for the parade. Where's the bride?" I teased.
"Sadie's fitting her dress for the final time. Mak's gained a little weight, and it needed to be let out a bit. Where's Brady?"
"I'm not sure. I'd guess he's around here somewhere. It all looks great, Alice," I encouraged, seeing my sister looking worried.
"You think? It's not too much, is it?" Well, for anyone other than Makenna Dwyer, it would likely be too much, but I was sure it was exactly as Mak would want it.
"I think it's great. As long as the weather holds, it should be perfect. Where's Jasper?" I asked.
She laughed. "I had to send him to Lincoln to pick up the damn aisle runner. It's monogrammed, and it took extra time. They couldn't get it here fast enough, so I sent Jazz to pick it up. How's Little Charlie handling the news that she's going to have a little brother?"
"She's still a little iffy on it because she doesn't understand what's exactly going on with Bella's stomach. I've explained there's a baby growing in there, but she doesn't get it. I guess that's to be expected. She's so used to being the center of attention that I'm a little worried about when he's born. I don't want her to feel like she's second best, you know?" It was a worry I had because everyone in town loved our daughter, and I was worried she'd be jealous when her little brother made his debut.
Alice chucked me on the shoulder. "Edward, everyone in this town loves you, Bella, and Charlene. I can't imagine that she'll even notice a difference. I've gotta run. Maybe you should go to the library and check on Brady? I'm a little worried about him," Alice suggested.
"When Charlie gets up, I'll go look for him. See ya," I called as I walked back into the store.
A half-hour later, my little angel came wondering out into the store where I was busy stocking shelves and dusting. "Daddy, whewe's Mommy?"
I walked over to where she stood rubbing her eyes. "Let's go find her. I'd bet she's ready to go home."
I closed the store, seeing there was still a lot of work going on around the square. I walked over to the Town Hall, finding it empty. I made my way back to Bella's office, finding her asleep on the couch. I hated to wake her, but her neck was craned in such a horrible position, I was sure it would be aching.
I put Charlie down and walked over to the couch, leaning down to kiss my wife gently. When her eyes opened, I smiled. "Little Momma, you ready to go home?" I whispered, seeing her sweet smile.
"Hmmmm. My sexy husband," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss her again.
I pulled away and responded quietly, "And your daughter." She giggled as she used me to pull herself up. She wasn't very far along, but she had that fucking glow about her that I remembered from when she was pregnant with our little girl.
"Mommy," Charlie squealed as she threw herself at Bella, getting a big hug and kiss from her mother.
"Let's go home. I'd like to have some chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. How does that sound, my girl?" she teased as she tickled our daughter, tempting her with her favorite breakfast.
"Yay!" Charlie called as she ran toward the door.
"Hey, do you mind taking her home? I haven't seen Brady all day, and I'm worried about him. I'll be home in a bit. Save me some pancakes, will you?" I asked as I pulled her from the couch.
She grabbed her purse and smiled at me. "We'll definitely save you some pancakes, and maybe you and I can have a little soak after Charlie goes to bed tonight?" I saw the spark in her eyes which made me quite happy. She was in her second trimester, and it was my favorite.
"I can guarantee you that I'd love to take a nice soak with you, Madame Mayor. I'll be along as quickly as I can," I promised. I placed Charlie in her car seat and helped Bella inside, clasping the seatbelt over her with a gentle kiss to her lips.
After I waved good-bye to her, I walked to the library, finding the door locked. I knocked and knocked, not hearing any movement inside, so I climbed into my truck and drove out to the fishing hole, just to check. I wasn't really surprised to find Brady sitting on the ground with a fishing pole.
I climbed out of the truck and wandered over to where he sat, dropping down next to him. "So, how they biting?"
He didn't look my way. He looked completely bewildered, and I was immediately worried. Hell, if he was freaking out about the wedding, I didn't know what I'd do. I was sure he understood it, and if he was having second thoughts, that wasn't good at all.
"The hook's not even baited. I just needed to think. How's everything in town?" He still hadn't looked at me.
"It's busy. Seems there's a wedding tomorrow, and everyone's wondering where the groom disappeared to. Do I need to be worried he'll show up tomorrow?" I asked nervously.
I couldn't begin to contemplate how Mak would react if he was having second thoughts. Fuck, the whole town would go into a panic. It was the hell of living in a small town.
Brady chuckled a little. "Have you ever been scared about anything?"
I thought for a minute and decided to be completely honest with Brady because I truly respected the man, and he'd only ever been honest with me. He'd also saved my wife from a horrible crime years prior, so I owed my happiness to him as well.
"You know I was married before Bella. My wife, Samantha, got sick. When I watched her go through the medical treatments that didn't work, I was scared to death. When she died, I was scared whether I'd ever be able to get over it. Then, Bella came along, and she helped me learn to love again. When Charlie was born, I was worried about being a good dad, but, as I've learned over the years I've been married, Bella's there to help me and keep me from worrying too much. Mak's like that too, you know," I told him.
"Do you think you can pass on being stupid to your kids?" he asked as he tossed the pole aside and continued to gaze at the river.
"Brady, you're not stupid. You're one of the most intelligent, honest men I've ever met. You just didn't have the opportunities a lot of us had. Why, I'd guess you could go to college if you wanted, and I'd also say confidently that you'd do very well. Hell, you run the library, help Mak at the bookstore, and you've got plans to buy Fern's old house and remodel it yourself. Why on earth would you think you're stupid? We've talked about this before. You're not stupid," I confirmed with a nod of my head.
He turned to me with a worried look on his face. "Mak's gonna have a baby. My baby. We were careful, but she still got pregnant. That makes me stupid because I forgot one time to use a condom."
I was a bit surprised, but I still laughed. "Brady, you're no more stupid than many men in the world. Women, well, they have a power over us to make us stupid sometimes. Just because Mak's pregnant, that doesn't make you stupid. Are you not happy about the baby?"
He chuckled a bit. "I'm happy about the baby. I'm just worried it'll be stu…it won't be smart."
"Look, you judge yourself far too harshly. I…well, I'm happy for you, and I think your baby will be lucky to have the two of you. I've been in your shoes, and I'd strongly urge you to come with me. I'll take you home. She's probably missing you, so let's get you home. After the wedding, I'm going to teach you to drive. You'll need to be able to get back and forth to the stores during Mak's pregnancy, and I know for sure you'll be fine. Come on, Brady," I ordered as I gathered up his fishing equipment.
"The rings?" Emmett asked. I reached into the pocket of my tux and pulled out the two bands Brady had entrusted me with just before we lined up in the gazebo.
Mak looked lovely, and as she walked down the aisle with Charlie, of all people, escorting her, I could see she loved Brady very much. Hearing his gasp as he saw her for the first time had Bella and I both smiling.
He took her hand so gently and kissed it. That was when my wife lost her shit. She began sobbing, finally requiring Emmett to hand her a handkerchief. I chuckled from my spot, but I never took my eyes off of her. She had a small belly, but in the blue dress, she was stunning.
"Makenna, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed," Emmett instructed as he held out the small band for Brady to place on Mak's finger. She was crying just like Bella.
"I love you. With this ring, I thee wed," she responded.
"Brady, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."
"Mak, I love you, too, with all my heart. With this ring, I thee wed," Brady whispered. I looked at Bella and smiled as I touched the ring on my left hand.
Emmett smiled brightly. "By the power vested in me by the State of Nebraska, I happily pronounce you husband and wife. Go on, kiss her."
Brady wrapped his arms around Mak and picked her up to kiss her. I remembered something similar at my wedding, and I resisted the urge to take my wife in my arms and kiss her as well.
The changes that had come to our little town since Bella Swan had sped into it were surprising, if I thought about them. When I considered the changes she'd brought to my life, it was mind-boggling.
There was a time in my life not so very long ago when I believed I'd die alone. I'd actually resigned myself to it.
When she smiled at me, it was like I'd finally seen the sun again after a long, cloud-filled storm. She had that way about her to bring sunshine to the people she met. That was something I'd always admire about my wife.
So, if you ever find yourself an hour northwest of Lincoln, Nebraska, take County Road C for about twenty-five miles. You'll get to a little crossroads with a Quik-Mart on the right. Make a left, and look for the sign… "Welcome to Evening Shade."
Brady's going to have to update it again because there are two new members of our community who will need to be accounted for, but I'm sure after he and Mak settle into their new life, he'll get to it.
While you're in Evening Shade, stop by the bookstore. I'm sure I'll be there with my daughter as we wait for her mom to stop by so we can go to Tanner's for ice cream. We always love to meet new people. Ask my wife, the Mayor.
The End
This has been a lovely journey for me. I love this story so much, and as I stated, I love that many of you love it as well. This one's done, but I've got one more in the hopper before I check out. I understand why some authors leave the fandom, but I have enough good friends here to give you one more. Keep me on alert if you're interested.
Thank you for reading…rec'ing…reviewing…and nominating it. I can't tell you how much that means.
Till next time…xoxo