"Ivan! IVAN! I'm sorry Ivan!" Isaac called, running around the
entirely of Vale. He, of course, blamed himself for the entire fiasco,
and could only hope that he found Ivan before the Jupiter Adept caused
some damage. "IVAN!"br
"Isaac!" Ivan glomped him from the side. Isaac made a funny
noise and fell over onto his side. Ivan, sitting on top of him, began
bounching. "Isaac!"Br
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow," Isaac said, somehow managing to push Ivan
off of him. "Ivan! Thank goodness! I've been looking everywhere for
"The bad lady tried to talk to me," Ivan stuck his fingers in his
"The bad lady...oh....sh....oot," Isaac remembered just in time
that in this state of mind Ivan still had virgin ears, and would probably
repeat anything vulgar that he said over and over and over again. And
then Mia would get mad at him and beat him with a frying pan or
something. "Arienne!"Br
"She's gone now," Ivan calmed his fears. "Made her go BOOM."Br
"Good job, Ivan," Isaac patted him on the shoulder. "But I have
the feeling we haven't seen the last of her...."br

The END! ^_^