
"Who was that?"

"I don't know."

"Oh my gosh!"

"Aww yeah!"

Each of the Rangers looked onward as another ranger figure landed in front of them.

"With the... with the... with the WHATEVER of a Narwhal! Megaforce GREEN!"

A green ranger? Since when? He looked almost like a Green verion of Noah, except his helmet, where Noah has Shark Jaws, this ranger had Narwhal horns.

"Surprsed to see me"

The ranger pulled out his morpher and card.

"Summon, Narwhal Horn!"

As soon as the "mouth" of his morpher closed, the Green Megaforce Ranger held what looked like a large Green and Silver Horn, almost as long as Troy's Dragon Sword. His hand was inside the horn, as it was held much like The Pheonix Blaster.

"Well, are you all just going to sit there, or are you going to defend this planet?" the Ranger said.

He ran into battle, slashing the Mantis beast again and again.

"He's right! C'mon Rangers!"

Each of them grabbed ther weapon and ran after the Green Ranger.

"Emma! Let's both shoot it at the same time!" Gia said.

"It won't be strong enough!" said the Green ranger. He pointed his horn and the tip of it launched off like a missile and "hit the monster.

"It's not like we can combine our two weapons!" Emma said.

"But WE can combine our THREE!"

The Green ranger landed near the girls and pulled out his hand, still gripped on to the hidden handle, which came out and revealed a Card placement spot, and a link up center for the weapons.





The three weapons linked together. The Narwhal Horn took the point, as the Tiger claw gripped into the side of the horn. Emma's Pheonix Blaster linked behind the Tiger Claw and acted like the triger.

"Victory Charge!" the Three rangers said in unison as they placed their cards down. The Narwhal horn began spinning like a drill as the missile tip turned a bright white.


The tip launched a missile made of pure energy at the Mantis beast. The Beast split back into individual Loogies as Jake and Troy used some of their power cards to form a stone dome to quarintine the Loogies.

"20 down... 7 BILLIION" to go. Troy said.

The Rangers teleported back to the Command center. Not only to report their discovery of the Loogie's new ability, but to also discover the identity behind this mysterious Green Ranger.