Just a sweet little idea. Maybe slightly AU, but hopefully nothing too drastic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Les Miserables, or anybody you recognise from it. Of course.

I try my best to hide my long, dark hair beneath my hat, tucking it in a little more at the back and tugging a few of the shorter locks out at the front, as I head down the road. It's easier to run away in trousers than it is a skirt, but if I'm going to dress as a boy, I've found the long hair tends to have a negative effect.

Also, if anyone's out looking for Eponine Thernadier, they won't be looking for a boy. There's lots of things I know, you see.

The sky is spitting water at me. It's not exactly rain; it's too light, too infrequent, and it certainly isn't going to soak me to the bone. Still, the road is damp beneath my bare feet, and far too cold for comfort.


Instinctively, I whirl round, fists balled, expecting a threat; perhaps a drunkard looking for a fight, or one of father's friends, though how they'd recognise me in my almost fool-proof disguise is beyond me. Instead of something terrible, I'm instead met with an empty street, stretching out the way I've just come.

Must be the wind, I think, as I relax my stance slightly and turn back the way I was heading before, though how long the wind has made the noise 'Eponine', I have no idea.

"Oi!" Well, that most definitely is not the wind.

A hand grabs my left wrist. My right hand automatically forms a fist and I raise it, turning to face my 'attacker'. I immediately lower it again. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I 'ad ya scared then, didn' I?" Gavroche beams proudly.

I shake my head. "No."

"I did." He insists.

"If you say so."

My little brother throws my wrist away from his hand like it burns; God forbid he be seen in public holding hands with me! Biting back a teasing comment, I instead fold my arms and look at him pointedly.

"I," Gavroche says slowly, with heavy emphasis. He's clearly proud of himself. "Have a plan!"

Shaking my head and raising my arms in defeat, I set off down the road again. "I'm not getting involved."

"Aww, but Eponine!" He complains, hurrying after me. Somehow, we find ourselves walking in perfect step along the cobbled road as he looks up at me with wide, brown eyes. "It's a really good plan."

I snort.

"I mean it this time!" It must be evident that I remain unconvinced, because he adds, "An' I know I said that last time, too. But I swear, this time, it will be really funny!"

My arms remain folded as we continue down the dampened road. "What's in it for me?"

Gavroche stops walking for a moment, to think. It takes a moment for me to realise. When I, too, come to a halt, it's a few feet away from him. Still, I doubt he's aware of it at all. "It involves Marius."

The grin's on my face before I can stop it. "I'm in."

We stand, waiting, in an alley that feeds off the main road. At this time of day, it's fairly busy and, since our meeting yesterday, Gavroche and I have everything planned out. Well, so he says. I actually have no idea what I'm doing.

Later on, there's a meeting at the Cafe Musain with Enjolras and the gang. Marius will be going, as usual. This road is the quickest route there. He's certain to pass by any moment… And that's all I know about that!

"What are you planning to do?" I ask suspiciously. "While I'm distracting him, I mean."

"Nuffin' too bad." The boy answers cryptically.

Before I have chance to question him further, he's shoving me out of the alley and into the road. Staggering a little, I regain my balance and look around. Someone walks into me, and I've pretty much already guessed who it is. Who knew my brother had such good timing when it came to these things?

"'Ponine!" Marius smiles politely. I find myself grinning like some sort of idiot. But when Marius smiles at you, you can't not smile back; it's literally impossible. "I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

"It's such a strange coincidence." I pretend to agree. "I just thought the weather looked great today, and figured I'd go for a walk. You?"

"It's raining…"

"Exactly!" I feign cheerfulness. "Beautiful!"

Marius presses a hand to my forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Mhm." I hum in confirmation, not trusting my voice at this precise moment in time. His hand is warm, and his, and it's touching my face! It may not exactly be in the most romantic of ways, but it's still happening, and it's still enough to make my heart beat a little faster.

He pulls his hand away, and it takes all my self control to restrain myself from asking him to put it back again. That would be one sure-fire way of losing my best friend. How creepy would that sound? Wait, do you think you could put your hand back on my head? It was nice. He probably already thinks I'm crazy; that would remove all doubt.

Where is that little brother of mine? I glance back at the alley, but he's no longer there. If this was all a trick… I will get him for this later…

"I should get going." Marius tells me, drawing my attention away from the alley and back to his lovely green eyes.

Reaching out, I grab his arm to prevent him from leaving. "But I… I want to talk to you! We hardly ever get chance to just chat anymore." Gavroche, hurry up. This is becoming a really forced conversation.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" Marius asks anxiously. However, much to my disappointment, he does not raise his free hand to feel my forehead.

I nod; I'm not sick. Although… Maybe if I was, he'd stay? Oh, where has Gavroche got to? I'm not sure how long I can keep this up.

My grip isn't exactly powerful, and someone as strong and wonderful as Marius can easily shake it off. "I'm off to l'ABC." He tells me. "Feel free to come."

"No," I turn him down politely, ignoring that sinking feeling in my stomach. "I'll just carry on walking. Alone."

He grins. I grin back (damn his contagious smile!). He sets off…

…And falls flat on his face.

I hurry over to his side, helping him into a sitting position. "Are you alright?" I ask anxiously.

He nods. "What the heck happened there?" He asks.

As my eyes follow his legs, down to his boots, I see the problem fairly quickly; someone's tied the laces of one to those of the other with a series of very tight-looking knots.

"Who could've done that?" He wonders aloud. "Surely I'd have noticed if someone was tying my shoes together like that."

I think I have a pretty good idea of who did this. I'm not sure whether I should kill him or congratulate him. Maybe both.

This was originally meant to be a one-shot but, it seems like people like this, judging by the reviews and favourites. So I've done another chapter, and edited this one slightly so it flows better.