Disclaimer: I do not own Invader Zim or GIR or Dib.


Invader Zim

Author Final Note


Hey guys Invader Dib is started please check it out if you have time I plan to write it in my free time between some of my other stories. Most of my new fanfics are on a little hiatus until I get some motivation but please do check out Invader Dib when you get the chance. Also thank you so much for your support and I do hope you guys continue to support the fic all the way to completion. I'm so excited for the big reveal and the hidden little tresure trove of secret events that will take place as well as some that are not so secret. Hope you didn't forget the good ol' doctor and GiR. Excited!

Discord: discord dot gg (forward-slash) 4gPjubH

Excerpt from Invader Dib Second Book in this series:

Braitak, groaned as he listened to his mother, he didn't care about this dirt planet she kept talking about and he hated that she spoke so often about it. He was already coming into puberty and it had only been a year. All the smeets had matured as quickly, but apparently it was slower than normal smeets.

"When we get home to Earth you'll see," Zim finally said.

"Ugh… I'm going to my room!" he groused, before stomping off. He didn't care if it hurt her feelings she never considered his anyway. He wanted to stay on the massive and his mother couldn't stop him. He slammed his fist into the wall before bracing himself against it and sliding down until he was kneeling. A beep sounded and his eyes poped open a moment before he tumbled into the open space. His face hit the floor and he grumbled before looking around. It looked like a secret passage of some kind, but if it was here how did no one find it before? He's thinking was interrupted by near silent sobs, was it huanted? Braitak wasn't scared of a ghost, if that was what it was that is.

He looked around his room before crawling inside once his feet passed by the entrance it closed itself. It was dark inside without the light from his room. He frowned allowing his eyes to adjust before pressing forward to find the source of the sobbing. Braitak rounded a corner tentatively only to see a spectacular sight, she wasn't a ghost but she was the tallest irken he had ever met. Granted he hadn't introduced himself yet, but he wouldn't let that stop him. She was pretty with her long curling antennae and pale green skin, she was dressed in all black but her outfit showed quite a bit of leg and the top of her chest.

"What's wrong?" Braitak asked as he sat just inside the small room. The female flinched and looked at him, he was taken back by the soft orbs staring at him. He watched as her lips moved and couldn't help but gape at her, who was she? Her lips moved again but this time he realized that she must be talking to him. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She glared him.

"I said.. who are you and how did you get in here?"