A Strong Bond, Sesshomaru X Rin

Five years have passed since I have been living with Miss Kaede. It's been really peaceful. Sometimes, I do miss Lord Sesshomaru, but he always come to see me once and awhile. Maybe one day… I will travel by his side again; and this time, it would be for good…

Chapter 1

Birthday Girl

Rin woke up to the sweet smell of Miss Kaede's cooking. She yawned and stretched out her stiff muscles to wake them up.

"Ah, good morning child."

Kaede said, smiling at Rin.

"Ah Miss Kaede, I am not a child anymore." Rin said, sitting at the small table in the middle of the hut.

"Oh that's right, ye are sixteen today. Don't think I didn't forget."

Kaede said. She served Rin her breakfast then went into the closet to get something.

"What are you doing?" Rin asked, as she was curious to what the old priestess was up to.

"This is your birthday gift. I was saving it until this day." Kaede said, handing her the parcel.

"What is it?" Rin asked, looking at the gift curiously. "Why ask? Why don't ye open it?" The kind old women said, smiling at the girl. Rin unwrapped the box to find a beautiful butterfly clip, with pink roses in the middle.

"Wow is this really for me?!" Rin asked, with a bright smile on her face.

"Of course, who else?" Kaede said, smiling brightly once again.

"Oh Miss Kaede, it's wonderful! It will go great with the Kimono Lord Sesshomaru got me recently." Rin said, giggling and looking at the beautiful present.

"Oh? So ye have finally grown into it I see." Kaede said, folding her arms across her chest, smiling again.

"Yes! I hit a growth spurt! Isn't it wonderful?!" Rin said, spinning around the room like a school girl.

"Yes, why don't ye wear it today? After all, isn't Sesshomaru coming later today?"

"Oh, but I cannot do chores in it, the cloth will be ruined." Rin said, frowning.

"Ah, take the day off. Why don't ye see what Kohaku is up too?" Kaede replied, putting the dirty dished in the pot of hot water to wash them.

"OH Kohaku is here?!" Rin said, getting to her feet rather quickly. She and Kohaku were rather close friends ever since she started residing in the small village.

"Yes, he arrived last night. He seemed very tired." Kaede replied, drying the dishes and putting them away.

"Is he at Lady Sango's house?" Rin asked.

The old woman nodded and spoke. "Possibly, go child. I am sure he wants to see ye."

"Oh thank you Miss Kaede!" Rin said. She hugged the old women and got dressed in her new Kimono, along with the new hair clip she had just received. She couldn't wait to see Kohaku again!

Later at the "Crazy Residence" (Ahaha)

"Girls! Get off you brother, he is not a mat!" Miroku said, yelling at his twins who were tackling their little brother. "AWW Come on dad he likes it!" They said, practically squishing the boy. "Ark! Can't breath!" The little on said, trying to escape from his sisters who were dog pilling on him. Kohaku was on edge and wanted to escape for a while. Kohaku sighed and spoke.

"Uh sister, you don't mind if I step out do you?"

"No, not at all." Sang said, with a faint smile. She had a feeling he was annoyed. He would never say it out loud.


'That voice, could it be?' Kohaku thought. Kohaku ran out to find Rin running toward him. He smiled and shouted out to her "Rin! Is it truly you?!" She nodded with excitement. Kohaku caught up and hugged Rin. He then pulled away and spoke.

"It's been far too long Rin."

Kohaku said.

"Yes, yes it has."

Rin replied, beaming a bright smile once again.

"Hey Miroku look." Sango said, whispering to her husband.

"Hey, it seems him and Rin are very close."

Miroku said with a smirk.

"Ah, my brother has grown"

Sango said proudly.

"It would seem that way."

Miroku agreed.

"DAAAD! SISTER SAYS I HAVE NO MIND!" "It's true, you don't." "I'LL KILL YOU!"


Sango said, rubbing her temples.

"I know, I know. Girls, calm down."

Miroku said, pointing at the twins.


"I started nothing, I was stating a fact…"


As Miroku was in a dire situation, Sango looked at Kohaku talking to Rin. 'Finally, my brother can have a normal teenage life.'

Meanwhile…. Down by the lake…..

"So, I heard it's your birthday today." Kohaku said, sitting on the grass next to Rin.

"Yes, I am sixteen now." Rin said profoundly, feeling proud of herself.

"That is great, I see you have finally grown into your gifts Sesshomaru gets you all the time." Kohaku said, as Rin was definitely all grown up.

"Yeah, all three kimono's fit me perfectly now." Rin said, agreeing to Kohaku's comment.

"That's great, oh I got you something too." Kohaku said, as he pulled out a gold bracelet with an ornamental feather on the end of it. Rin was speechless!

"Kohaku, I don't know what to say." Rin said, as the gift was something Rin did not expect.

"You don't have to say anything, ha-ha." Kohaku said, sitting back slightly, laughing.

"How could you afford such a gift?" Rin asked.

"Well, there has been a lot of demons running around lately, money has been good." Kohaku replied, patting his weapon.

"Oh, that's great Kohaku, well, not for the villagers though I -"

"It's ok, I get what you're trying to say." Kohaku said. He smiled and laid down on the grass to watch the clouds. As Rin joined him, she spoke once again.

"When are you leaving?"

"Oh, in two days. Why do you ask?" Kohaku replied. Rin sighed and replied as well.

"Well, Lord Sesshomaru never stays that long. He stays for an hour or two then leaves."

Kohaku rolled his eyes and spoke again.

"Well, he wants you see what living with humans is like. I mean you were on your own for a while there, then you started living with Lord Sesshomaru. He is a demon, not a human. He wants you to see what it's like to live a normal life."

Rin rolled her eyes and spoke sitting up crossing her arms on her knees.

"Kohaku, I don't want a normal life, I want to live with Lord Sesshomaru."

"Rin, what are you trying to say?"

Kohaku asked, sitting up as well.

"What I am saying is, I want to make Sesshomaru happy. I want him to live a normal life, with me."

"Rin, he's a demon after all. He is always wandering, how can you be sure he will be good for you? "

Kohaku asked. Rin rose to her feet and spoke again, putting on the new bracelet Kohaku gave her.

"I don't care who he is, or what he does. All I know, is that I want to be Lord Sesshomaru's one and only companion; until the day I die." "Rin, I don't understand." Kohaku said, rising to his feet as well. Rin chuckled and spoke with a smile.

"It's simple, I love Lord Sesshomaru, and I'm going to help him to love me too."

Kohaku sighed, and replied. "Hmm, I see. Well if you change your mind, I'll be around." Kohaku kissed Rin's forehead, than made his way back to his sister and brother in law's house.

Rin smiled and went back to Miss Kaeade's house to wait for Lord Sesshomaru. What she didn't know, was that Sesshomaru's heart was already tied to hers.