HI this is my first ONE SHOT not to sure what it is I just know it's a short story. hopefully I'm doing it right. it would be nice to get some reviews on this story cause I might consider writing more than just one chapter depending on what ppl say.

Leah's POV
What the hell did I do last night? my head hurts like shit. Oh god where am I? I looked around the room and realized I was in my room.
Oh thank god. *cough... cough* what the hell was that? I turn to look to my side. OH MY GOD!
"AHHHH!" I screamed as I saw Jacob Black laying next to me half-naked. I jumped out of bed waiting for him to do the same. That's when I realized I wasn't wearing any clothes. I grabbed the covers off the bed and covered myself. "Jacob Black what the hell are you doing in my bed?" I yelled.

"Leah shut up!" he said back while putting the pillow over his head.

Oh lord please tell me we didn't have sex!? I had only ever had sex with Sam when we were together. He had been my first I didn't want to give myself to anyone else until I was married. Could I have really of had sex with Jacob? I know I was drinking last night, and it was one of the few times I ever drank, but could i have really gotten so drunk that I had ended up in bed naked with Jacob? So many questions and no answers. Jacob still hadn't got up out of my bed so I hit him with one of my pillows. He groaned and turned over facing me. He opened his eyes and finally realized what was going on.

"Leah, whats going on?" he said in a tired voice while rubbing his eyes.

I'm guessing he didn't know what had happened last night either. *sigh* "Jacob look at me, I'm standing here naked covering myself with this blanket and you're in my bed in just boxers. What do you think happened? Cause I have no clue but I have some theories." he had a puzzled look on his face then he looked at me and jumped out of my bed and ran out of my room.

"Sorry Leah, I really am." he shouted as he ran to the bathroom. He must have realized what had happened or possibly happened last night.

I shut the door to my room and quickly got dressed in some simple cut off shorts and Tee shirt. I went to the bathroom down the hall and knocked on the door to see if Jacob was still there. "Jacob are you still here? please come out we need to talk about last night." I heard dead silence. Please don't tell me he jumped out the window and ran off. "Jacob?" nothing but silence. I ran outside to see if I could find his scent. There was a trail of his scent headed out to the forest. I followed it in my human form just in case so none of the other guys would hear my thoughts. i wasn't too sure if Jacob was in wolf form or human. I just followed the trail all the way to my brother Seth's house. Seth recently moved in with his imprint Luna because her parents had gotten into a tragic accident and didn't survive. He wanted to be close to her during this sad time. they had just had a party last night to try to lighten up the mood around here. Maybe Jacob came here to ask Seth if he knew anything of what might of happened last night.

Jacob's POV
oh god I can't believe I was in her bed half-naked. what did I do? did I take advantage of her last night? or was I just there because I passed out when I was taking her home. I really should have stayed to talk to her about this but I couldn't. I was so mad at myself for something that probably didn't happen. how could I be so stupid. I was on my way to Seth's house to ask him about last night. I didn't want to tell him anything about me being in bed with his sister so I tried to be discrete about it.
"Seth do you know what happened to me last night? I can't remember anything after having that first jello shot with you and Leah." he walked over to the kitchen table where I was sitting and sat in front of me.

"You really don't remember a thing do you?"

"No I don't. not a thing. So I'm guessing you do remember?" I asked looking at him with my most serious eyes.

"Well I'll start from when you got to the party. I saw you walk in with my sister and run straight to cooler to grab a beer. You chugged down like five of them in less than 3 minutes. I walked over to you and Leah and handed you a few jello shots and we took a few and then me and Leah started to have an argue meant about how I had invited Edward and Bella. They didn't even show up to the party so I don't know why she was getting so mad. Maybe it was just all the alcohol. Anyways you tried to break up our little fight and Leah asked you to walk her home. I told her she could stay but she didn't even listen. You grabbed a few more shots and walked out the house with her. you guys were stumbling out of the house and Leah almost tripped on the stairs. that's all I know."

wow I never thought I could get so drunk. the heat in my body always burned off the alcohol before I could get drunk enough to feel it. damn it I need to know what happened after I left. "Seth do you think anyone else at the party might know what happened after I left?"

"I don't know Jacob. why? did something happen? Is Leah okay?" he asked frantically.

"I'm fine Seth don't you worry about me." Leah said as she walked through the front door.

oh god she's here. she walked over to the table and sat right in between Seth and me. I wonder what she was thinking and if she knew anything about last night. ugh! i need a drink. " Hey Seth do you have any more beers or something? I really need a drink right about now." he walked over to the fridge and grabbed a few beers for us. "Thanks man." I opened my beer and chugged it down as fast as I probably did last night with all those shots. I was so hung over I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Here Jacob you can have my beer." Leah said while handing it to me. "I think I might of drank too much, I've got this bad hangover. I can't even remember anything after those first few drinks."

damn she didn't remember anything either. or maybe she did but didn't wanna say anything in front of Seth. I need to get her alone with me so we can talk about this. "Uh Seth we have to get going now, me and Leah are going on a quick patrol around the Cullen's house to check for any unwanted bloodsuckers that maybe wandering around." we really weren't going to patrol their house I just used it as an excuse to get her to come with me so we could talk.

"Jacob you didn't tell me about patrolling around the bloodsuckers house today!?" she said in a mean voice.

I knew she didn't like the Cullen's but I just needed an excuse to get away from the reservation for a while so we could talk. The Cullen's still lived in town but they would occasionally leave to visit family in Canada so their house was empty. They'd given me a key so I could come and go as I pleased. I took Leah there so we could talk uninterrupted.

Leah's POV
why the hell were we here? I don't like the Cullen's and he knows it why would i patrol around their house if he knew I didn't care. "Jacob what are we doing here? really are patrolling or what?" I asked while he unlocked the door to the Cullen's house. As he opened the door the stench of the leeches flew right into my face. ugh damn him! I so want to leave now.

"Don't worry Leah we wont be here long. I just wanted to talk about last night. I had asked Seth what he might have known but all he said is that you guys got into a fight about him inviting the Cullen's and how we got super wasted."

I knew it! I knew I drank too much. ugh hopefully this didn't lead to any bad decisions. I plopped down on to the couch and sat there thinking. I felt like I was getting my memory back.

"Leah?" he said.

"Shh... wait a sec I'm thinking. I think I remember something about last night after we left."

flash back: Leah and Jacob leaving the party after having too much to drink, they walk to Leah's house which she shares with Claire and a few other girls from the reservation. Jacob helps Leah walk to her room. Leah asks him for help to unzip her dress so she can get into her Pjs. after slipping out of her dress she slips on her rug and falls into Jacobs arms. they stare into each others eyes and Jacob picks her up and kisses her on her lips and lays her on the bed.
end flash back.

fucckkk! I guess we did it. we had sex... I had sex with Jacob Black... I never thought those words would come out of my mouth. "Jacob I think we might have had sex, or maybe we just made out for a while." I told him what I saw in my flash back but he kept quiet. "Jacob?" I said while walking over to him and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry Leah, I was just thinking about something that I just remembered." he said with a worried look on his face.

what could he have remembered? did he remember if we had actually had sex or not? or is it just something else totally random. "what is it Jacob?" I asked with curiosity.

"um this might sound a bit odd but do you take any birth control?" he asked.

why did he want to know that? it's not like it was his business. "why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Well cause I just remembered that I wasn't carrying any condoms with me last night. i hadn't expected to have sex with anyone so I didn't bother. I was thinking that maybe if we did have sex we could have been protected if you had taken birth control." he said.

oh no... I knew where he was going. I just remembered I didn't have any condoms at all and I never took birth control because I wasn't planning on having sex with anyone. Oh hell no there was no way I was going to be having his baby! Jesus I hope we didn't have sex... please lord let it just have been few innocent kisses... I stood there frozen I was having another flash back.

flash back: Leah on top of Jacob completely nude riding up and down on him in a fast pace. Jacob flips her over and he's on top now but from behind. she's on all fours and he's on his knees on the bed pounding her harder and harder till they both finally climaxed. he slides off of her and she falls onto him. they lay there in each other arms for a few minutes till Leah gets back up and starts to ride him backwards. They climax again and they fall to the bed and fall asleep right away.
flash back

oh no... I didn't see a condom on him not even a condom wrapper anywhere. god dammit. why? why with Jacob Black. yeah we're friends but he's the one I dislike the most out of all my pack brothers besides Sam. "Jacob..." I said with a soft whisper.

"what is it did you remember something else?" he asked.

I turned to look at him but before I could answer I turned away with tears in my eyes. " Jacob, I...I don't... use birth control and uh.. I didn't see a condom." the tears started to over flow when Jacob grabbed my face to make me look at him. He held me as I hugged him as tight as I could without breaking his bones. I looked up at him with tears covering my face and he wiped them away for me and kissed my forehead. "It's gonna be okay Lee Lee." he said. no one has called me that since my father passed away a few years ago. I never felt so safe with him. I was afraid and happy at the same time. It felt like we were meant to be here. Together...

i hope you all liked it. please review i would like to know if you all would want more of this story so i can keep writing. PLZ leave a review saying you want more so i can make another short story for this. I appreciate all the views and reviews. :)