Alright guys!
Last chapter!
It's been fun writing this story I hope you all enjoy!

"Alice? Alice? Wake up, come on."

Groaning I opened my eyes, my body in so much pain. Looking into the worried eyes of Hansel.


He sighed, running a hand down my cheek.

"You're ok."

I nodded, slowly sitting up realizing I was being stared at by Gretel, Ben, and the troll from earlier.

"What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

I shook my head slowly.

"She won't let me see."

He nodded before kissing my cheek.

"It doesn't matter, you're safe."

"Tell me Hansel."

He sighed, pulling his vest to the side revealing a deep bite mark.

"I bit you?"

He nodded slowly.

"Oh, my God. I am so sorry Hansel."

"It's fine, it's fine, at least I have someone to teach me."

I smiled at him as he kissed me on the lips, pulling back I smiled at him.

"What about the witches?"

"We killed them."

I nodded, listening as the group explained what happened.

"So now what?"

"We move on."

I nodded, letting Hansel help me up as he sniffed at me, causing me to laugh.

"Your senses are already becoming stronger."

He nodded, giving me a strange look.

"What's that smell?"

I smiled lightly while glancing down.

"I'm pregnant."

He looked at me in shock for a moment while Gretel smiled.

"I guess we might have to take a break for a few months."

"Just a few, I'll be able to fight until the last month of my pregnancy and I can start fighting again the month after."

Gretel nodded while Hansel was still in shock, Gretel hugged me.

"I don't think he knows how to react."

"Give it a few minutes."

We started laughing as a huge grin appeared on Hansel's face.

So what do we think of the final chapter?
Thanks again to everyone that supported this story!