Well guys...all great things have to come to an end. Review if you want another story to be like a second part to this or not. BUT READ IT BEFORE YOU REVIEW! Also, if any of you like to read Wattpad, I'm writing a story on there, too. The user is the same and the title is 'This Type of Ice Doesn't Melt.' So...yeah. I love you, all 13,000 of you! 3 3 3 Here's the Epilogue to Save Me. And I warn you, this is a fairly short epilogue.

So, graduation rolled around and I was pretty glad that I didn't really kill myself with that gun a while ago. I didn't know what I was going to do now, but I knew that it was going to be with Sebastian. He wanted to marry me right after I got out of high school, but I told him that I would rather wait a while before I was going to make a permanent commitment.

"Ciel! We should go to college and major in business degrees! Then, we can start back up the Phantomhive/Trancy business!" Alois bounced into the living room, closely followed by Claude.

"That's what I was thinking. Then, Sebastian and Claude can be our Secretaries or something." I winked at Sebastian who sat next to me, rubbing my back.

For the rest of that night, we just sat there and talked about stupid stuff and watched the news. Lately, it had been one of the first times I'd actually seen Sebastian smile. It was nice, considering that demons weren't supposed to love or show any form of happiness. It was all too nice for me. I hated it, and I loved it at the same time.

"I love you." Sebastian said before turning off the light. I rolled over and smiled to myself. Well, not technically to myself...Sebastian always knew when I was smiling.

1 Year Later

'So many days ago, I saw you cry,

When nothing went your way, and nothing was right.

But, you've grown so much bigger,

You've grown so much stronger,

And I think now is the time to say goodbye.

So goodbye, don't cry and smile.

Your love is needed tonight.

Your love is needed tonight.

So goodbye, don't cry and smile.'

I'll have to admit, Sebastian is a pretty good singer. And, he even wrote that song for me. I know what you're thinking, 'That song is so heartbreaking and sad. He's saying GOODBYE!' Well...yeah...but it kind of explains our love-life right? I continued listening to his song, sipping coffee and humming along.

'So many years ago, I saw you smile,

When you were an innocent little thing, and nothing was vile.

But, you've grown so much bigger,

And you've grown so much sadder,

And it kills me inside.

But, now, is the right time to say,


So goodbye, don't cry and smile.

Your love is needed tonight.

Your love is needed tonight.

So goodbye, don't cry and smile.

We've had so many months,

So many memories, that we can remember,

Time after time.

And, it just warms my heart.

It's makes me want to cry.

So goodbye, don't cry and smile.

Your love is needed tonight.

Your love is needed tonight.

So goodbye, don't cry and smile.'

Sebastian left the stage and came over to sit with me. I have to admit, I had become a little bitch since I'd started dating him. Right now is a little example. A couple of teenage girls kept pointing over to him and giggling. This, of course, automatically irritated me to the limit.

"Hey, kids! Take a damn picture, it'll last longer! No? Get lost!" I said loudly and Sebastian squeezed my hand.

"How many times have I told you to be nice to my small group of fans?" He chuckled a little and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and stood up. It was time for my next class. Yes, I was involved in college and Sebastian was, too. All of us were, actually. And, I was happy about that. I was finally allowing myself to be happy with everything I did. Everything I was. I no longer needed anyone to save me. But, that doesn't mean any of you have rights to touch Sebastian...he's mine. He'll always be mine. He'll always be the one saved me. Forever and always.