So, this is a new idea. I hope you enjoy it. Hetalia isn't mine. ;)

It was a bright and beautiful morning. The sun had just risen above the horizon and was all alone in the blue cloudless sky. It was already quite warm and the streets of Munich were filled with busy men and women on their way to work. A few early tourists made their way through the humming crowd chattering and laughing. Everybody was hurrying to their next destination. A museum, school, an office building or a nice café. Everybody, except for a brown haired Italian sitting on a bench watching the traffic and the people around him. He was smiling and enjoying the warm sunrays. A soft breeze was playing with his shining hair causing the peculiar curl on the left side of his head to slightly bounce up and down. "Ah, today's going to be a wonderful day. ~Ve." Italy sighed happily. "I'm sure that I'm going to find Germany's new summer house today." He sprang to his feet stretching his arms over his head and with a cheerful laugh he shouted at the blue sky. "Hear that sun? I can do it!" With that he took a step towards the cramped street joining the never-ending stream of people which led him towards the Isar River. After a few minutes the nation stopped in his tracks. He could identify some German courses after people bumped into his back but he didn't care. He opened his honey-colored eyes and looked around searching for any building that looked familiar. "Oh no, sun. I'm lost… Ci risiamo! ( ital: again)


After spending the last of his money on a delicious breakfast with coffee and apple pie in a street café Italy decided to ask the way. He didn't like the idea but he had to admit to himself that after walking through Munich for three days and sleeping in different hotels he had no other choice. The Italian was not scared of the German people, therefore he had spend too much time with Germany, but he was in Bavaria after all and the majority of the people didn't speak Italian and their attempts of giving him the directions in German or even English were incomprehensible to say the least.

"Sir, should I bring you another cup of coffee?" The young waitress, who had served him his breakfast, asked with a friendly smile. Italy looked up from his hands. "Mi sono perso." (I'm lost) Italy blurted out before he could stop himself. The outburst slightly startled the blond girl and she protectively hugged the tray, she was carrying, in front of her chest. Nevertheless her voice was still clear and confident as she asked. "Excuse me, Sir?"

"I'm sorry ~ve. I just… you know I can't find the house of my friend. I think I'm lost." He stared back down on his fingers which were playing with the tablecloth. "Really? Why don't you call your friend and ask him to pick you up?" the waitress said with a calm voice. Italy's lips started shivering as he looked up again with wide shiny eyes. "I forgot my phone."

"Well, then I will lend you mine and while you call your friend I'll bring you a cup of coffee." She laughed and handed the young man her mobile. "But I can't afford another one." Italy blushed. "Don't worry. It's on the house." She said and while going back inside to fetch the cup she thought "Oh, he's so cute, like a puppy."


Italy knew that Germany was angry just by looking in his face while he stood there leaning against the side of his black BMW but he didn't care. He was so happy to finally see his friend and he was pretty sure that it wouldn't last long because he always succeeded in making the tall blond smile if he had a foul mood. So he put on his brightest smile and slung his arms around the Germans waist. "Ve~ Ludwig I missed you so much." He buried his face in the black shirt under his hands breathing in the wonderful scent of sandalwood and rain which somehow unique to Germany. "Verdammt Feliciano. I was so worried when you didn't arrive on time. I called you 79 times and I promised myself if you didn't answer the 80th call I would find and kill you with my bare hands." Ludwig's voice was serious and the Italian could feel the vibrations of him speaking against his forehead which rested on the blonde's brought chest. "I'm sorry. I forgot my phone." Feliciano whispered. The taller man couldn't suppress a groan and massaged the bridge of his nose with the fingers of his left hand but besides that Italy registered the strong body relaxing under his hands. "Ok, it's alright. But I hope you have learned your lesson. Get in the car." He padded Italy affectionate on the head and opened the door for his friend. Before the door closed behind him he could hear a low chuckle.

It was a pleasant drive. Germany pointed out a few landmarks he could use for future orientation and Italy cheerfully talked about his "adventure" in Munich. He was glad to see the half hidden smile on Ludwig's face even though he still pretended to be angry about the Italians carelessness.

When the house finally came into view Feliciano took of his seatbelt with from excitement trembling fingers. He couldn't wait to explore each and every room, especially the kitchen. "You shouldn't do that while I'm still driving." Said Germany und and pulled him back into his seat. "But Ludwig we're almost there ~ve." The blonde just rolled his eyes which had the same color as the cloudless sky above the two storey building. It was a traditional half-timbered house with a huge balcony facing the street. "Wow, it's magnifica." Now, the German couldn't hide his smile anymore. "So, you like it?" he asked while parking the BMW in front of the property. "I love it!" Italy pushed open the door and ran towards the heavy wooden front-door which was decorated with floral carvings.

Right after slipping into the hallway before Ludwig had the chance to fully open the door the Italian was greeted with a moist kiss across the face by Berlitz, Germany's Golden Retriever. "Hey buddy." Italy laughed and petted the dog's soft golden fur. "He missed you, too." The fair-haired man chuckled and pulled off his boots.

"So you missed me, Ludwig? You never said that before." The small nation looked up into the German's face with wide happily shining eyes watching a deep red blush creeping on Ludwig's cheeks. "Well, I… you know…"

"Vater? Are you back already?" Italy whirled around towards the soft female but unknown voice coming from behind him. There in the doorway, that seemed to lead into the living-room, stood a young woman. He would guess she was about 18 or 19 years old. Her hair had the smooth color of liquefied chocolate and fell in soft curls over her shoulders. Her eyes had a dark green coloring like a forest in the evening. She was only a few inches taller than the Italian nation. While Feliciano was gaping at her, Berlitz trotted over to the girl and rubbed his head against her hip. "You must be the small Italy. Germany is talking a lot about you." She put on a smile that reminded him slightly of Ludwig. That's when said nation came into the paralyzed Italians view and gave the green-eyed girl a stern look. "Pala, stop it."

He cleared his throat which sounded dry and turned towards Feliciano. "Feli, that is Rhineland-Palatinate." She nodded her head in Italy's direction.

"Your… your daughter? I didn't know…" Feli stuttered.

"No! She's not my daughter." Germany interrupted.

"But she said…"

"She is one of the German federal states. They are part of the family but they are not my children. Before my time as the German Vaterland some of them even were smaller independent kingdoms."

Slowly Italy regained his abilities to speak and move. "So she is like my fratello who represents only a part of my nation? Ve~ Germany. Why have you never told me before?" Italy's gaze was still fixed on girl before him wearing Jeans and a green T-shirt that matched the color of her eyes and hugged her curves. "I guess it wasn't necessary. They live on their own most of the time."

Suddenly there was a huge commotion in the living-room. A high-pitched squeak was followed by Berlitz' barking and the sound of falling chairs and finally the loud smack of glass shattering on the floor. Pala rushed into the room grabbing for something in the air Italy couldn't recognize while Germany took Berlitz by the collar and brought him in the next room closing the door behind the dog. "Ve~ what was that?"

"That's why I told you to leave your Elwetritsche at home." Germany mumbled and crossed the room to pick up the remains of the smashed vase. Italy was confused. Her what? He turned from Ludwig to Pala and there in her arms was a small bird-like creature. Its feathers brown with a tint of red and green. The beak was long and flat like the beak of a duck and its eyes had a piercing yellow color. It snuggled into the girls shoulder. Pala's long elegant fingers smoothed down some feathers on the birds back until she noticed the Italians gaze. "So I guess you've never seen an Elwetritsche before, Italy?" He shook his head and his curl bounced slightly. "They are magical birds that live in the Palatinate forest. But it's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you after dinner." Pala gave a gentle smile. The young man noticed that he actually liked her beside the fact that they just met and he returned her smile. "You are a handsome man Italy. I see now what Vater is talking about." Her smile turned into a smirk as the green orbs of her eyes looked at something behind Feliciano. He turned his head to see what she was looking at when he felt a warm hand at the back of his head. "Ludwig… ~ve" "I don't want that bird in my house. He drives Berlitz crazy." Seemingly unwitting the German started twisting a strand of Feliciano's hair around his index finger and gently stroking the warm skin beneath. A warm shudder ran down Italy's spine causing his body to stir in a delicious way.

Pala didn't seem to notice. "Maybe it's your dog that drives my bird crazy, Vater." She sat down on the couch and crossed her legs demonstrative giving her "father" a daring look. The nation groaned and let go of the smaller man's hair. Italy wondered why he felt so disappointed by this. "You girls never listen to me." The blond complained taking on his military stance, like Italy called it, which he also used while lecturing his former ally, his piercing blue eyes fighting a silent duel with the strong forest-green eyes of his federal state. "So let me get this straight. I am not allowed to bring my bird while Saarland is allowed to play hide-and-seek with France in his bedroom?" Italy could almost feel the temperature in the room drop drastically.

Germany seemed calm but he knew him better than that. His fingers were twitching and his eyes turned a bit colder than usual. Italy reached out for his friend but he stopped before his fingertips could touch the fabric of his sleeve. He didn't want to be the reason for this sleeping volcano to erupt. Once again, he new Ludwig too well to make this mistake…again.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?" said Pala, her voice full of innocence. Now Italy could see clearly that she was also related to Prussia.

So this is an idea that came to me a few weeks ago. What do you think? I hope you got the clue that there will be more Gerita in the next chapter. Depending on whether you like the idea and want a new chapter. It could also be a one-shot. I'm not sure yet, but I kind of like the idea :) Please, please tell me what you think even if it's just to tell me that my English is too bad for this.

Love you guys :*