A.N.1 : Hello everyone. This is my first time writing something other than Supernatural. And also my first comeback after a long hiatus - almost 5 years. This chapter is unbetaed but I found one. Chapter 3 above will be betaed

A.N.2 : This special note is for my followers. I'm so sorry for abandoning my stories for 4 and 6 years and yet I started writing again but not an update for my old stories. Same old problem. I know. I stop writing when I couldn't seem to find any free time to write since I started my current job in 2009. I'm still a busy woman but writing fanfic is always my love so after years, I started again. Unfortunately, to continue something you stopped for over 4 years is not an easy job. I don't have the original drafts anymore and I need to re-read my own stories because I kinda forgot the whole plots. So please forgive me dear readers who patiently waiting and waiting and waiting but still no update. I'll try my best but I can't give you any promise. I'm so sorry. So, as a safe move, I'll keep this story short, just in a few chapters (not sure how many but nothing more than 10 chapters). So, please read and review.

Summary : What happened when they needed to rescue one of their own. And what was coming afterwards. Severide-centric, mostly from Matt's POV.

Warning : Drug mentioned in later chapter. Heavy hurt comfort.

Disclaimer: Chicago Fire belongs to NBC. This is just for fun. Title was from The Jamestown Story's song, Flawed. Place's name might not correct.


Chapter 1

Matthew Casey pulled his car slowly into the parking lot. He was a little bit late today because he needed to run some errant for his sister. Next week was his niece's birthday and it was going to be a busy week. And, as good an uncle as he was, being late for the first time this year was not really a big problem. Besides, he was not really late for his shift, he just late to be early, unlike usual.

The parking lot was almost full but thankfully, it was not a problem since three spaces were reserved for the Batallion Chief and his two Lieutenants. His shift will started in 10 minutes, which was weird when the black Camaro was not yet filling the empty space beside his truck.

But hey, being late once in a while is not bad at all.

Casey smirked at his own monologue, defending his friend - and himself.

Kelly Severide was known for his best attitude and discipline in work field, always being the sole model used by Chief Boden to any new candidate signing up duties here. As long as he could remember, Kelly would always be around the firehouse at least 30 minutes before his shift started. And that kind of attitude was what placing his respect up high for his fellow lieutenant. The kind of attitude Andy Darden always secretly talked about in awe. And he knew that Andy always looked up to Kelly like a big brother – a bond he envied the most.

Andy Darden, he missed that fellow sometimes – no, not sometimes, always. Deep down his heart, he was still regretting everything that happened. Especially when thing became awkward between Kelly and him after the accident. But now, their relationship was getting better, not as good as when Andy was still around but at least, they could talk comfortably with each other now. His problems with his mom and Hallie and also Kelly's whole surgery somehow gave a new breath to their friendship.

Pulling his training gear from the back seat, he opened the door to get out of the car when a white vehicle drove by into an empty lot - Dawson's. The brunette walked out of her car, holding a small red backpack. Casey was about to call her when another figure stepped out of the car. He half expected the person to be Peter Mills but when a clear blond hair came to view, he gave his friendly smile.

"Hi Shay. Where's Severide?" he asked, hand fixing some unzip pocket on his jacket.

"Hi. Oh he's not here yet? We were getting our supply from the hospital so I took a ride with Dawson." she took out her phone from the back pocket, mumbling something incoherent with a frown plastered on her face.

"Everything's okay?" Dawson sounded concern, looking at her partner's expression. As they were making their triplet steps to the firehouse, she called her housemate, which clearly not answered by the look of her deepened frown.

"I'm not sure. He doesn't look so good this morning," greeting her teethes as she mumbled some more. "Shouldn't leave him alone… shouldn't do that…"

"Maybe he calls in sick. Last night job was a tough one. Chief Boden should know by now. Don't worry Shay." Casey said, left hand holding the door for the girls. Shay nodded with a sigh.

Their job last night was not in a pleasurable condition. Under the heavy rain, they needed to save a young girl from drowning when her mother's car jumped from the bridge, hanging dangerously there. While the car was stuck at the edge, the six year old girl was unlucky enough when she nearly fell into the water, if not held back by her own shirt. And as Rescue Squad's leader, Severide bravely saved her and pulled her out into safety. They went back to the firehouse soaked from head to toe. So it was possible to catch a cold or something.

The locker room was filled with morning shift's firemen, as they were switching shifts. Some were changing shirts while some others were just about to take a shower. Their last run must be something to do with the river since piles of wet shirt could be seen here and there. Matthew Casey was arranging his training shoes into the locker when the alarm went off.

"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Cars accident near Fairmont Hotel."

"Looks like a busy day man, a run within first five minutes." Henry Walker, one of morning shift's members shouted out from the back of his locker, poking out one eye to look at the lieutenant.

"Yeah, seems so." Casey nodded, corresponding to the statement as he walked out of the room.

He stumbled upon Dawson and Shay again while walking through the rest room. There was some uneasiness written down the blonde face. He was about to ask further but everybody was rushing out of the rest room, grabbing their work gear and head out to each truck. Casey jumped into his seat, while Cruz was ready to drive out of the firehouse.

"Lieutenant, just a heads up. The Rescue Squad is short of two men. Dave called in sick and Severide is not check in yet. Just so you are ready when they need our men." Christopher Herrmann hollered out from behind, fighting the loud siren with his rough voice.

"Yeah okay." Casey nodded, totally appreciating his member's awareness of the whole situation.

He focused back on the road, watching carefully as Cruz tried to avoid some other vehicles that gave their way to them. Fairmont Hotel was placed near the busy roads. He could see, the roads started to get congested with vehicles and he truly believed, the main cause was directly from the accident. Even though the early report said it was a three cars accident, he just hoped the accident was not too bad and everything would go smoothly today.

And somehow, his heart beat faster than ever…


Everyone was watching outside while Herrmann, Mouch and Otis were talking to each other when suddenly, they heard a panic cry from Casey.


"No no no… No!"

"Lieutenant, what's wrong?" Peter Mills asked, looking up from re-tying his boots and focused to Casey.

Everybody was eyeing their truck leader, following his intense gaze to the road. They were reaching the scene, and from far away they could clearly saw the accident – which was not a good sight from where they were.

Two cars were attached to each other. One had the front screen busted open – the front hood were covered in blood. It was not in a good shape anymore, while the other one was badly crashed to the left side of the first car. Alarm went off loudly. A man was lying on the road, apparently died on scene as he was already covered with a dark green cloth which looked like a shawl.

But, as much as they needed to process the whole scene right away, their whole focuses were fixed to the other vehicle – the third victim in the mishap - just a few feet away from the first scene.

Left side was crashed. Scrape of rubber tires printed along the road – told us that the car was totally skidded – and smashed right into the pole. And maybe bad was not sounded bad enough when the whole car was cramped down by the busted pole.

The car was none other than the familiar black Camaro they knew all along.

And it belonged to Kelly Severide.


Thank you for reading. Please review.