Chapter One

It was another day in Sereitei for Fon Shaolin better known and Sui-Feng, taichou of the Onmistukido. She was currently watching the sun rise over Sereitei thinking about a dream that had been plaguing her for many nights. It was as peculiar as a dream could be. It always started out the same with the sound of crying and someone whimpering her name, a woman. She was in the middle of giving birth to a child. At first Sui-Feng would try and go toward the sound but the closer she got the farther away it became until she could no longer hear the crying.

Then a woman would appear before her blocking her path. It was eerie how familiar this woman looked to Sui-Feng. Her black hair cascaded down her back and her eyes were silver in color. The headdress she wore was of a crescent moon on its side while she work the black and white robes of a captain. Then the color of the haori became inverted, black dominating the fabric only to be accented with gold. The most interesting thing about the woman was the power Sui-Feng could feel radiating around her.

Rather than disappear like she usually would, the woman attacked her violently and in quick succession. Before long Suzumebachi would disappear from around Sui-Feng's forearm leaving her without a means of protection from the striking blade of the woman before her. The mysterious woman raised her sword high above Sui-Feng's defenseless head preparing for a final blow.

"Forsake your emotions for they will be your failure." A voice rang out ominously echoing as sharp unforgiving steel descended.

Sui-Feng would always snap awake drenched in a cold sweat, gasping for air before the blow was struck. Then she would always get dressed and go to the same place overlooking the courtyard where she had first met Yoruichi. She did not know what to make of these dreams and whenever she tried to seek counsel from Suzumebachi, the zanpaktou was always silent on the matter. Sighing at her predicament and hoping that eventually these terrible nightmares would go away she decided to return to her quarters to prepare for the start of another day.

Shihouin Yoruichi was in Sereitei on her way to a curious meeting with Kyoraku Shunsui, Sou-taichou of the Gotei 13. Old man Yamamoto had retired not long after the Winter War much to the surprise of everyone. He had made Kyroraku his replacement much to the man's dislike but while everyone knew Ukitake was better suited for the job the silver haired captain's impending illness left too much to chance.

Yoruichi had received a summons from the new Captain- Commander days before referencing to the meeting. Kiskue had gotten one a week earlier but made to mention of what had occurred so Yoruichi figured that he'd rather keep it to himself. It wasn't like she wasn't about to find out anyway. Passing the Second Division barracks on her way to her final destination she decided to stop in to see her old protege.

Arriving at the current Captains step she noticed that the doors were all pushed open which was very unusual since her little bee didn't leave entrances open for someone to easily slip in and cause problems. Not that Sui-Feng wouldn't destroy anyone who foolishly tred into her territory.

"Little Bee!" Yoruichi called out making her presence known, walked inside taking a look around. Sui-Feng was nowhere to be seen. Yoruichi stopped for a moment blinking at the fact that she had never been to Sui-Feng's quarters since she had left Soul Society with Kiskue all those years ago. It's spartan walls where typical for any soldiers barracks but what made it worse was the sparse furniture that sat in the rooms.

'Keh', Yoruichi thought, ' She's about as serious with her decorating as she is about her job. She really needs to loosen up.'

Shrugging because she knew that was just how the girl was. All work and no play could make any girl into a stiff. Walking into the kitchen Yoruichi opened the fridge to grab a glass of milk before she left to make it in time for her meeting. There wasn't much left and knowing she would feel cross if she left nothing but swallow in the carton she poured it all in her glass. Taking a drink she sighed contently into her glass before setting it down. She could feel a familiar reiastu approaching her position quickly and knew it was her little bee making her way home.

'How about a little fun?' The Goddess thought as she suppressed her own reiatsu and transformed into her cat form. Crawling out of her clothes she waited with baited breath for Soi to enter the kitchen.

When Sui-Feng arrived back to her chambers she went straight for her bedroom intended on taking her sweat soaked sheets to the wash. However when she got there she could feel that someone had there not long before. Not just anyone, Yoruichi. She shrugged since she couldn't feel the woman's reiastu anymore and continued on to her room the grab her sheets. After placing them in the wash for the one maid she did allow, she went to the kitchen only to noticed the half empty glass of milk on the counter. Frowning since she knew it wasn't something she left she walked over to it and touched the glass. Seeing that it was still cold she went to walk around the counter top to the sink when a blinding flash of light appeared and next thing she knew her face was in between two warm pillows. Reaching up and squeezing with her free hand, she felt a small nub harden under her hand.

" Why little bee I never thought you would take the initiative." Yoruichi purred before Sui-Feng jumped back startled. Unfortunately the Captain ended up spilling the milk on herself in the process.

Yoruichi knew the girl would freak and probably try her best to resemble a tomato, which never ended in amusing the Goddess. Her former bodyguard's reactions to her presence both served to amuse and perturb her. She knew for years how far Soi's "admiration" went for her but she wasn't sure how to broach such a sensitive topic with her former protege. So she never did. Instead she opted for the reactions Sui-Feng gave her hoping that the girl would lose control and one day throw her across her desk or pin her against a wall and have her way. It was hopeless she knew, even if Soi was able to push aside the fear she felt in telling her former master how she felt, she still would never touch her. Soi just wasn't like that.

"Yo-Yoruichi-sama! I beg forgiveness b- but could you please put on some clothes?" Sui-Feng managed to stutter out turning red by the second, accompanied with the beginning trickles of a nose bleed.

Yoruichi sighed as she decided that she had made the poor girl suffer enough and began to dress. Sui-Feng placed the glass in the sink and turned away to give her former master her privacy. She was still blushing and she knew it, but she had touched her Goddess in a place that was off limits to her. While there relationship hadn't been at a master and servant level in years Sui-Feng still kept in mind that Yoruichi was still a noble. That meant that at some point the woman was sure to come back to Soul Society and take charge of her clan as its head and that Sui-Feng would be made to take her place as her personal guard once more. It was a way of life that Sui-Feng knew and was comfortable with. She had always served under Yoruichi proudly never hesitating in placing her life on the line for her. The only time Sui-Feng had disobeyed the Shihouin woman was when they had fought during Aizen's Rebellion. She still hated thinking back to that day and the emotional weakness she had shown the woman. That was over now and Sui-Feng planned to make up for her disobedience.

Yoruichi cleared her throat letting the other woman know that it was okay to turn around. Soi peeked over her shoulder to make sure that she wasn't being deceived by the playful woman, seeing that the coast was clear turned to give her master a mask of indifference.

" Its an honor to see you Yoruichi-sama but is there something wrong" Sui-Feng said.

"Why would something be wrong? I don't always visit you when something is wrong do I?" Yoruichi answered with and eyebrow cocked.

"Well yes actually, that is the only time. Its usually when there's vital information from the living world or if there is need for reinforcements for a situation.." Sui-Feng trailed off frowning at the disappointed look Yoruichi had on her face.

" I'm sorry Yoruichi-sama but did I say something wrong?"

" No, I just never realized that I neglected you that much after I came back, I apologize." Yoruichi said as went to push a lock of loose hair behind Soi's ear. Sui-Feng flinched at the contact which made Yoruichi grimace. She had not wanted for Sui-Feng to continuously look at her as a master but knew that it was because of years of conditioning that would be hard to break.

"Um its okay," said Sui-Feng as she moved back around the counter toward the living room. "But what was it that brought you to Soul Society?"

"Oh no I'm late!," Yoruichi said hurriedly as she made her way to the door. " I have a meeting with the Sou-taichou. I'll be back after I'm done Sui-Feng." and with that she was gone.

Sighing as she felt the tension ease out of her body, Sui-Feng made her way to her bathroom the clean up and braid her hair. Yoruichi had acted strange after Sui-Feng confirmed to her that most of the time she did show up was for business. It hadn't bothered the former bodyguard at all that they kept everything business. What did was Yoruichi possibly changing that and the very thought scared her. Her relationship with the Goddess of Flash was good enough for her, why would Yoruichi want to change that? Sui-Feng was determined not to let her true feelings get in the way of her servitude.

Sui-Feng had found it strange but chose not to ponder on it too long and went off to taker her shower and finished her preparations for the day. She had troops to train and command. While it was currently peacetime in Soul Society, Sui-Feng felt that this is the time when your troops should be pushed the hardest seeing that the enemy expected them to slack off after the beating they took in the previous war and that would not do. She could care less how the other squads functioned on a day to day basis but she'd be damned if the Onmistukido and the Second Division was found lacking.

Yoruichi stood in front of Captain-Commander Kyoraku Shunsui's desk waiting for Nanao to finish making the man sign paperwork. Kyoraku didn't mind the responsibility that came with being the Captain-Commander, he didn't mind the long drawn out meetings, he would even goes as far saying that dealing with the long drawn out process of rebuilding Central 46 wasn't that bad but, the man absolutely hated paperwork. It was the bane of his existence. Everything else took considerably less time compared to the never ending task. Yes, it would take a while for Central 46 to be completely rebuilt but it eventually be done. Meetings had to eventually came to an end. Ah but, paperwork is ever eternal. Plus it was considerably more than usual at the moment because he was getting all the paperwork that would usually go to the 46th, on top of the usual paperwork he would get for the everyday problems that never seemed to cease in Sereitei.

Signing the last sheet of paper that was placed in front of him he leaned back into the chair and sighed as Nanao took it out from in front of him showing him the polished oak surface of his desk. He waited until Nanao left and reached into his desk pulling out a bottle of sake and two cups. filling them both he pushed the second cup to Yoruichi.

"Domo Yoruichi, so nice to see you again. How are things?" he said taking a drink of his cup relishing the feeling of its contents making its way down his throat.

"Quiet, which is fine since I think we've had enough doom and gloom to last us 100 years." Yoruichi replied showing a carefree smile. "But I'm sure you didn't call me here to update you on my life."

" Right, right, down to business hm?" Refilling his cup and swigging down the contents he placed to cup on the desk and placed his unusually serious gaze on her.

" As I'm you're well aware of, your clan is requesting your reinstatement in to Sereitei. While I have no problem with that there are terms and conditions I think you should be aware of. If I were to bring you back...I would have make you a captain or at least a lieutenant for a year. You would go back to training the Onmistukido. Plus your duties for your clan would take the forefront. You would be training to become the head The Shihouin Clan since your father is far overdue for retirement. The terms of the agreement are very generous if you were to accept however, if you to turn down the offer however the consequences are much more severe."Shinsui stated. Before continuing on he poured himself another helping sake.

" The next ten years is a very big part of Soul Society and it looks like the Shihouin Clan is looking to make sure they have a promising leader to bring in the new era above them." Shinsui swallowed another drink of his cup and looked at the serious look on Yoruichi's face a moment before bursting out in a ring of laughter.

"Actually your father said that last part I couldn't help but quote him since that was what my Father said to me since my brother had tried to leave that position to me."

The smile on the the Captain's face was sort of guilty which made it so his smile didn't match his eyes. Many had always dreamed of being royalty but few knew what really came with the package. It was like being born a puppet with no control of what you did, who you allied with, even who you loved sometimes. Shinsui knew because when he was 17 years of age his father approached him just after his birthday about taking his place as head. His brother, Yaru was 19 and the more responsible of the two; while Shinsui was content to chase after girls, drink sake, and sleep. Shinsui had been told since he was the 2nd male in the family with the ability to be the next head he would have automatically been chosen to be the next head of the Kyoraku clan. That would have practically been hell for him considering how he liked to live his daily life. Growing up as a son of the clan head of his time hadn't exactly been horrible, you only had to make sure you didn't bring shame to the family you were fine. But when you turned 18 and came into training to be the Clan head the fun stopped and a life of unending politics began. It was a little like the job he had now which he would have never been eligible to be the captain commander if his brother hadn't changed his mind and became the Head of the Kyoraku.

To this day Shinsui didn't know what persuaded his brother to change his mind and he didn't care. Personally, he felt that he might have run to the real world welcoming exile if it had come down to him. Since it hadn't come to that there was no problem if he was thought to be a bit lazy as a captain long before Aizen's Rebellion and of course the Winter War. He couldn't be noticeably lazy like he was before becoming head of the Gotei 13. However there was still time to himself.

Yoruichi had been raised to be the Head of the Shihouin since she could walk. Being an only child she didn't have a choice. There wouldn't be much of a problem for her adapting and since her exile the Onmistukido were practically trained the same if not better as when she was the captain thanks to Sui-Feng. Still any noble knew that if Yoruichi refused she may be hunted down if she ever set foot into Soul Society again. Her refusal would mean the End of the Shihouin Clan after her father passed and that meant death on the grounds of treason. It wasn't like she wouldn't take it. She had put her life on hold to help a friend in mortal danger. She had been given years of freedom and it was more than anyone could ask for. She was past the age she would have been but that was fine seeing as those of noble blood were known to have longevity.

The atmosphere of the office was a little tense. Yoruichi had expected something but she hadn't exactly been ready for this news. She didn't mind becoming a captain again. She just wouldn't be Captain of the Onmitsukido again; that was Sui-Feng's job. She wouldn't take away Sui-Feng's status as a Captain away just because her family wanted her to. Sui-Feng deserved the position she had and that's how Yoruichi had wanted it when she left. Her return would not change it and that's how it would stay.

"Well that not what I expected but I guess it was only a matter of time." She said placing the full cup of sake on the end table beside her, " I agree to the terms on one condition...instead of the being captain of 2nd squad I request to be made captain of the Hachibantai (8th division), your old squad." she ended with smile.

The commander's eyebrows rose at her final statement. His old squad had needed a captain for sometime and Yoruichi filling that position would be a political move for him that could not be contested by the Shihouin's by reasoning with safety. Making sure all divisions had a captain and that they were all properly trained was the most important order of business besides rebuilding Central 46.

"That's fine by me but why not your old job?" Shinsui asked.

"Sui-Feng is the Captain of the 2nd Division and the Corp Commander. It should stay that way. She earned it, I won't let it be taken away from her if I can help it." Yoruichi said with finality in her voice. Shinsui looked at her and shrugged with a smile.

"I don't see why not especially since you're right about Sui-Feng taicho. Her work has been phenomenal with the Onmitsukido. Other than that I just need to take care of the paperwork, call a captain's meeting to have them vote and you'll be all set."

"I'll take it."

"Taicho!" Omaeda yelled as he jogged cross the 2nd Division compound in search of his captain. As he rounded a corner he was neatly clothes lined knocking all the air from his lungs. Holding his throat while trying to oxygenate his starved lungs he failed to notice his captain looking down her nose at him.

"Omaeda," Sui-Feng began in a low hiss. "Why are you running around the compound like an elephant? Is that becoming behavior for my second in command?"

"N-no Captain- I -urk" Omaeda didn't get a chance to finish as Sui-Feng's foot greeted his face.

"Then why in hell are you doing it?" The captain growled out.

"Emergency Captains meeting!" Omaeda grunted out. while going purple in the face from fear and lack of oxygen.

Frowning Sui-Feng removed her foot and began to make her way the 1st Division.

'I guess Yoruichi-sama will have to wait.'

So this is the first chapter and I hope you all like it thus far. Notice that I am using two different variations for Sui-Feng's name: Soi and Sui-Feng. This story start centered more around her than Yoruichi and then things will even out. I am open to any ideas to make this better, and constructive criticism is always welcome. For those looking to flame...lets see you write a story and post it :). Until next time.