Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock and this is my first attempt at publishing a Sherlock fic. I've written a couple others but haven't always liked the results. This is just a bit of a drabble that was prompted by another. What is going on in Sherlock's head in this scene from "The Reichenbach Fall"?

Work work work work work, have to find the solution to this. Have to, have to, have to… I O U…

"What are you?" I mutter. Stare into the microscope. There has to be a solution to this. Has to. Checking checking, keep checking. Does Molly have to be right next to me right now?

"What did you mean, "I owe you"?" she says. I must have muttered it without thinking. Have to keep a lid on that. Can't have people knowing. John is walking across the lab. I can't believe he's still here. And if it's the last thing I do I'll make certain he gets clear of this.

"You said, "I owe you"," she says again. "You were muttering it while you were working." Stare into the microscope. Got to stop muttering. Even Molly has noticed.

"Nothing. Mental note." Can't let her or anyone know.

"You're a bit like my dad. He's dead. No, sorry." Why can't she shut up? Can't yell at her here though, John would get upset.

"Molly, please don't feel the need to make conversation. It's really not your area." That should shut her down.

"When he was ... dying, he was always cheerful; he was lovely – except when he thought no-one could see. I saw him once. He looked sad." I have to figure this out. Why does she keep talking?

"Molly ..." I have to make my voice mean. I have to shut her up so I can work.

"You look sad... when you think he can't see you." *thunk* The wheels just stopped turning in my head. How the hell did she do that? He's over there. He can't hear. I hope he can't hear. She's still standing here looking at me.

"Are you okay?" I'm- "And don't just say you are, because I know what that means, looking sad when you think no-one can see you."

"You can see me." That should stop her. I just disproved her point.

"I don't count." *blink blink thunk blink* How did she… what have I done to her that… "What I'm trying to say is that, if there's anything I can do, anything you need, anything at all, you can have me." What? "No, I just mean ... I mean if there's anything you need ... It's fine." Could she really…? Is there a way out of this…? The wheels in my head still aren't turning correctly. That's a dull thunk in the back of my head.

"What-what-what could I need from you?" Did I just stammer? I haven't stammered since primary school. Why the hell did I do that? Damn Molly Hooper. Making my brain stop working and bringing back an age old and defeated stammer.

"Nothing. I dunno. You could probably say thank you, actually." Thank you… for what? Because… because she saw… and she won't tell. And she'll help however I need her to.

" ... Thank you." Did I just say that? I did, didn't I? She hasn't even done anything… but she has.

"I'm just gonna go and get some crisps. Do you want anything?" I should say something. Say something so she knows- "It's okay, I know you don't."

"Well, actually, maybe I'll ..." I have to say this. I have to…

"I know you don't." She walks out of the room and she's gone.

Molly Hooper; the biggest surprise of all. She saw through it all. She saw through everything. I can keep John at a distance because I need to protect him but I forgot about Molly. I didn't think. I underestimated her in the worst of ways. I thought she wouldn't see. Maybe… maybe… she can help me. John's saying something. Have to work. Have to work. Have to work... have to find a way for Molly Hooper to help me stay alive.