A/N: I felt so guilty for not caring enough for dis story!

I thanked those who reviewed, faved and followed my story! U guys are the best! :')

So here is the next part! I hope u would like it!



Tenten opened her eyes as the first string of light tapped on her face. She sat up and stretching her back. The first thing that came to her conscious mind was the event last night. Tenten felt heat suddenly built up in her body when she remembered the embarrassing thing she did, to him. She covered her head with the blanket and let out a small yelp. The young brunette bit her bottom lip to prevent the image flooded back to her head.

Tenten kicked her blanket off; she jumped out of her bed and ran to the bathroom. A quick cold shower could maybe take her mind out of it.

After finished the bath, the weapon mistress stared intensely at her closet for a while. Normally, she would pick the first ones that come to her sight. She did not care much about her appearance. Why even bother anyway? She is a kunoichi! A kunoichi should be valued by her strength, not by beauty.

However, for some reason, she didn't want to wear her usual outfit today. She shook her head, then pull out a light green blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. Finished putting them on, Tenten gave her hair a new style.

Two loose braids hung freely in front of her shoulders.

The girl took one last glance at her reflection in the mirror. She smiled and nodded her head slightly. A change wouldn't hurt.

She came out and shut the door quietly then headed out to the street. She wanted to enjoy this beautiful day.

Tenten looked at her surrounding. The street seemed crowded. She had encountered many of her friends in past few hours. No wonder. It was a public holiday today after all. Ninja duties were not allowed during this holiday.

A couple miles ago, she spotted Naruto and Hinata in Ichiraku stands. Heh! Typical Naruto. What a romantic place for a date! She smiled to herself. She knew Hinata is not a picky girl. She loved the fox boy for who he is and she asked him to change nothing for her. Tenten was glad that the dense idiot finally understood the shy girl's undying love for him. It did take him a while but she was glad he did. The weapon mistress would whack him on the head if he didn't

Tenten wanted to say hi but she didn't want to ruin their moment.

Tenten decided to pay a short visit to her younger friend, Shikamaru. They had been quite close even before the Academy. Tenten was an orphan back then and the Nara's family was kindly enough and adopted her for a few years. She met Shikamaru and the two formed a sibling bond since then.

Shikamaru asked her to play Shogi with him in the garden, which she was gladly agreed. It had been too long since they last play this game together. And like always, Tenten lost. She usually playfully gave him rants about how his high intelligence helped him cheating. The Nara boy just smirked and muttered his catchphrase at his unrelated sister. The two chatted a little then Tenten bid him farewell.

She stopped by Ino's flower shop and saw the blonde girl working her ass off with the massive orders. Many people usually love to decorate flowers in their houses this day so that means no rest for the florists. Tenten came in, greeted her friend. Ino was so happy to finally see someone and not flowers. She gave Tenten a good bear hug and they got back to work after the brunette offered her help.

It took both of them a whole morning to finished the orders. Ino invited her to eat lunch with her family but Tenten politely declined. Family usually stayed with each other in this holiday and she didn't want to interrupt Ino's.

But she wondered what it feels like to have a family.

As soon as she went out of the flower shop, her stomach gave her a grunt. Tenten sighed. She looked around to see if any restaurants still open. The girl spotted a Chinese dumplings stall nearby. She was delighted.

Tenten ran to the stall. She was about to open the wooden door but was interrupted by a sight of the infamous Uchiha prodigy standing in front of her. She glanced up and met his dark eyes. Her cheeks redden a little. She had never seen the Uchiha up this close.

"Ah,…He-hello, Uchiha-san. Long time no see." she nervously greeted him

"Hn." He grunted in reply.

"So uhm, what are you doing here?" she asked him, trying to set up a conversation.

"What else would I do in a restaurant? " He smirked at her

Tenten blushed at her obliviousness. She gave him a nervous smile.

"Oh, okay! I'll go inside then. Nice to see you again, Uchiha-san!" she nodded politely and walked past him.

"Wanna join me?" he asked her behind her back.

Tenten turned around and stared at him "Ex-Excuse me?" she said

Sasuke sighed heavily. "Just go to the table outside the stall when you finished ordering." She turned his heels around and walked to a table.

Tenten was confused. Did he…? Did Uchiha Sasuke just ask her to join him luch?...

She shrugged and head inside.

Tenten walked out of the stall with a plate full of pork and red chili dumplings on her hands. She looked around for a seat but suddenly met the dark eyes of the earlier acquaintance. He motioned her to his table. Tenten nodded and walked up to his place.

He did ask her to join him, didn't he?

Tenten set her plate down on the table and find a comfortable sitting position.

"Hi!" she smiled "Do you usually eat here?" she asked

"Not really." He said, looking slightly at her.

Tenten nodded her head "Ah, I see! It's my first time here." she said, "What did you get?"

"Fish and shrimp dumplings." He answered bluntly, picking one up with his chopsticks.

Tenten stared at his plate. She hadn't try fish dumplings before but they sure looked yummy. Tenten smiled then picking up her own dumpling. She took a bite. Her eyes widen at the taste.

"Oh my Gosh!" she said, with a hand covered her mouth "This, is sooo good!" she swung her chopsticks up and down above the dish. She looked up at the surprised boy sitting opposite her. "Uchiha-san! You have to try this! These dumplings are super delicious!" without waiting for his answer, she picked some of her dumplings and put them on his plates. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her.

"Come on! Try it and tell me, Uchiha-san! Come on!" she encouraged him while chewing one in her mouth.

Sasuke smirked at the sight. She was always like that. The girl always nervous at the beginning of the conversation but as time went; she acted like they had known each other for a long time. He knew they hadn't talk much, but he liked having her as a company.

The Uchiha prodigy listened to her. He picked up one dumpling and stared intensely at it. He disliked food made from pork. He just can't stand the taste. He is the kind who preferred seafood.

Sasuke glanced at the girl in front of him. There was hope and excitement twinkling in her big brown eyes. He sighed, feeling defeated.

Sasuke lifted it near his mouth and took a bite. He closed his eyes, chewed slowly.

"How was it, Uchiha-san?" Tenten asked, giving him an encourage smile.

Sasuke nodded his head "Pretty good," he said "But spicy."

"Glad you find it tasty." Tenten widen her smile. She handed him a glass of water. "You handled spicy food way better than Neji, Uchiha-san."

Sasuke frowned at the mention of the name of that Hyuuga. The Uchiha prodigy and the Hyuuga did not get along. At all. Their usual conversation would usually filled of glares and insulting comments about each other clans and dojutsus. And because of Hyuuga Neji, Sasuke did not have many chances to form a closer bond with the weapon mistress, the one he surprisingly felt comfortable to be with. Every time he saw her, that Hyuuga was always accompanied her. Sasuke guessed Neji must had rubbed his hatred for the Uchiha prodigy on his female teammate somehow. The way she addressed him as 'Uchiha-san' was annoyed him to no end. It sounded foreign. Tenten did not address anyone by his or her last names. Only Hyuuga did that.

"I have a name, you know." He said annoyingly, leaning his back against the chair.

"I'm sorry, what?" Tenten asked, diverted her eyes from the dish to his face.

Sasuke smirked "Call me Sasuke from now on." He told her.

Tenten stared at him for a while. She seemed to be in deep in her thoughts. But nodded nonetheless.

"Okay!" she said "Sasuke!" Tenten shot him a playful smile.

He smirked. They continued to eat and chat for few minutes. Sasuke offered to walk her home but she politely declined, saying she had to go to the Hyuuga Compound. Sasuke shook his hand mentally. Can she live one day without the presence of Hyuuga Neji?

So then, he offered to walk her to the Compound. She accepted.

During their walk, the friends debated how weapon help the shinobi in battle. Sasuke thinks strength and techniques are more important, which Tenten strongly disagreed. She told him that weapons would come handy whenever the shinobi is in danger. She gave him many reasons. And somehow, they eventually switched their topic to gender in battlefield. Sasuke knew the girl hated sexist comments but decided to tease her anyway. And as he expected, the kunoichi got heated and ranting about how this world cannot live without women. He smirked at her little pouted face when she can't come up with any more answers. She said she hated him and doesn't want to talk to him anymore. But after being quite like one minute, she chirped to him about something else.

If the other girls had talking nonstop like this to Sasuke, he would feel annoying immediately. But however, with Tenten, he felt different. He understood and liked to listen everything she said. It was all new and strange to him. The feelings.

"You know, three of us worked really well together." She said, while skipping on the sidewalk's line "I usually cover the long range while Neji and Lee took care of the inside. Lee was okay but he's so fast sometimes, I can't keep up with him. So I usually tag along with Neji. He covered me in the battle while I covered us at the surrounding." She changed her topic to her teammates. And that name popped up once again.

Sasuke frowned his brows

"Hey, I wonder if you and Neji have a chance to spar. Who would win?" she suddenly asked

Sasuke chuckled "Me, of course." He said proudly

Tenten giggled, "Neji is not weak, ya know." She said "His techniques are very deadly. Internal damage was always more dangerous than outer wounds."

Sasuke shrugged, "But the Byakugan of that Hyuuga was no match for my Sharigan." He said stubbornly.

The brunette laughed at him "Okay, okay! We have to stop right there! You can discuss about that topic to Neji the other times." She said, patted his back playfully.

Sasuke froze at the sudden contact. Like, the Hyuuga prodigy, he always detested any physical contacts with others. It annoyed him. But when the brunette's hand touched his back, he didn't feel his usual annoying feelings. Just chills. Good chills to be corrected.

He looked at her smiling face for a while before asked

"What is in that Hyuuga make you admire him so much?" he asked. Sasuke wondered about that for quite a long time ago. He can't find anything about Neji that more superior than him.

He noticed her face redden a little bit.

"Well,…" she muttered, hands crossed behind her back. "Uhm,…He was,…very strong and, smart and very…responsible. He…uhm…" Tenten trialed off.

There were so many things about the guy that made her admiring him. She can talk about them all day without end. But it's just pretty embarrassing to talk about this with other people, especially Neji's rival, Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke smirked "You like him, don't you?"

Tenten eyes suddenly widen. She glanced up at the Uchiha prodigy. Her lips shaken "Wha-What? N-No! I don't! I don't like him! Okay?! I don't!" she yelled at him, but more to herself than him.

"Hn, you're lying." The dark hair boy chuckled.

"No! I'm not! I like Neji as a teammate! Nothing more!" she lied in loud voice, blushes soon took over her cheeks.


Crap! She knew that voice!

She turned around slowly and spotted her familiar Hyuuga teammate. He was dressed in his traditional clan kimono. He was still as handsome as ever. But there were something different. On his right side, his soon to be fiancé, wrapped her arms tightly around his. By the look of it, Tenten knew he was not happy about the contact.

Tenten gulped as she glanced around, wondered when did they arrived in front of the Hyuuga Compound. Turned her eyes back at her best friend, Tenten saw his pearly white eyes as cold as ice. She thought he was no longer has that look on his eyes since genin. But now, here it was. He was using it to look at her. She felt hurt.

If the girl noticed her company were standing next to her, she would had spotted a satisfy smirk formed on his lips. But she didn't, she was too concentrate at the one opposite her.

She wondered if Neji had heard her…

"I'll get going, then." Sasuke suddenly spoke; breaking the silence surrounded the fours. He lowered his head and whispered near her ears but loud enough for someone in front of him to heard as well.

"I had a great time with you. See you around Tenten." He finished. Tenten turned her head and stared at him. She then nodded slightly. Keeping her eyes on the ground.

Sasuke smirks still visible on his face as he turned to meet his rival. He saw Neji's Byakugan was activated and was glaring at full capacity at him. His hands were formed into fists and shaken. Sasuke hid his sudden fear creep on his neck. He felt like he was facing an untamed wild beast, not the normal pissed off Hyuuga he despised.

Sasuke was not a fool. He knew when to stop. He nodded acknowledged at Neji, then walked past him. The Hyuuga still kept his hatred gaze firmly on the Uchiha.

Neji was beyond pissed. He knew he was not always in the good mood but this was different. He wanted to kill. He wanted to stab and ribbed that cocky smirk out of that Uchiha. The son of a bitch! How he dared to mess around with his teammate.

'You are dead, Uchiha!'

Neji shrugged violently away Kikko's grip. The girl was about to protest but sensed the deadly aura around her Hyuuga fiancé, she shut up, not wanting to angered him further.

He walked forward but stopped when he was few inches away from Tenten. The brunette began to tremble when she felt Neji's presence in front of her. There is something inside her telling her to look up. Tenten scared. She didn't want to meet the Hyuuga prodigy's fury. But she still decides to glance up at him behind her lashes. Like she thought, the guy was extremely angry.

Neji glared at her like she was his worst enemy he ever face. He glared at her for few moments before process to walked past her. Tenten froze on her spot. She turned around. Swallowed her fear, she called out his name and ran after him.

Sasuke felt relieve when he was out of Neji's eyeshot. He sighed heavily. The Uchiha prodig did not want to encounter with Hyuuga Neji now. It was more liked suicidal to him and Sasuke was not planned to die, just yet.

The dark hair boy chuckled slightly. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. He was about to walked away when a sudden voice called out to him.

"You must be Uchiha Sasuke."

He turned around to look at the one who spoke his name.

He saw the girl in red kimono, who was hugging Neji's arms the moment before.

"My name is Kikko. Neji's fiancé soon to be." She said.

"What do you want?" he asked, glaring hard at her.

The girl laughed. Her sharp, small eyes still locking with his. Sasuke felt discomfort just looking at her like-snake eyes.

"You're interesting in that bun-haired girl, aren't you?" she chuckled, her eyes suddenly became devious "I will help you." She said

"I don't like her, and why do I even need your help anyway?" Sasuke snapped. He turned around and walked away. He was done wasting time with this girl.

"Because I need yours." She said softly. "That so called teammate of him was obviously in love with my fiancé. But by the end of this week, I will officially engaged to Neji. Do you mind if she felt devastated when her little heart all broken?"

Sasuke stopped his walk.

Kikko smiled and walked slowly forward, stopped only few inches from him.

"I need your help to separating them."


A/N: DUN DUN DUNNN! I hoped you don't mind SasuTen. I know I loved them. But not as much as NejiTen ;)

But dun worry, it will still be NejiTen. Sasuke was a bit OOC but I like him that way. He was perfect for the third person.

Do u like it?!

I will update soon!

Happy reading and thanks! ^^~~~