Keen amber eyes watched Aizen intently, looking for the perfect moment to attack. The Amur leopard was full of rage, seething to attack the man before him. Aizen was cold and calculating as he lifted the gun in his hands, aiming to kill. This time around Aizen had no intentions of letting the leopard go with his life. The leopard, also, had no intentions of letting the man before him live. So, the two danced a deadly tango around each other in the destroyed living room.

The room had once been luxurious and lavished with the best that money could buy, but now looked like a tornado had torn through here. The couches knocked over, tables splintered and overturned, lamps lying on their sides casting deadly shadows across the room, and pictures splintered and shredded. In all the room was destroyed.

"It's a shame that you refuse to be a good pet," Aizen said, his lips curling in disgust, "and that you're willing to forfeit your life for a worthless panther. I had such high hopes for you, Fifteen."

With the gun leveled and aimed to kill, Aizen pulled the trigger as the leopard leapt at him, claws extended and teeth bared. The only sound to be heard was the bang of the gun shot followed by a heavy thud.


Two weeks earlier

Ichigo missed their old home up in the mountains. He and Shiro had been forced to come live with their father's crazy brother, Kisuke Urahara, when their family had been murdered by humans. So, they now lived in Karakura Town, a noisy city compared to their home up in the mountains. Shifters had only made themselves known to humans two years ago, so there were still many revolts against Shifters yet, which was why their family was killed. The humans in the village had found out that they were shifters and had killed their family, while Ichigo and Shiro had been away hunting. Well, his adoptive family. Ichigo had been abandoned as a baby and Shiro's family had taken him in. Shiro was a snow leopard shifter, while Ichigo was an Amur leopard shifter. The Amur shifters are a dying breed, with only about fifty of them left in the world. Luckily for Amur shifters, Ichigo is submissive, which means that he can get pregnant. Unfortunately, he doesn't plan to help repopulate his breed.

It's been several months since they had moved here and Ichigo has heard about a group of shifters, called the Espada, that are revolting against laws segregating shifters and humans. Sōsuke Aizen, the man that had taken control after Yamamoto, had made these laws as soon as he had gained control. It was rumored that Aizen collected exotic shifters, but no one knew what he did with them. With the segregation laws in effect, the shifters had been regulated to one side of the town and the humans on the other side. Shifters were also treated inferior to humans in every way possible, for example if a shifter wasn't careful he could be sold as a pet.

Ichigo had been walking through the back alleys and hadn't noticed when he had accidently crossed onto the human's side of town, until a group of humans had cornered him. Cats hate to be trapped or cornered and are known to lash out on occasion for that reason, and Ichigo was no exception to this. Ichigo gripped the bags in his hand, prepared to use them as soon as an opening presented itself to him.

One of the more muscular humans stepped forwards, eyeing the gothic number fifteen on the inside of his wrist. "Don't you know it's dangerous for a shifter, such as yourself, to be on the wrong side of town, especially one as beautiful you?"

Ichigo snarled in warning as one of the humans took a step closer to him, but backed away at the sound of the vicious snarl.

"You do know what happens to those shifters that are caught on this side of town, don't you," the biggest human asked, taking another step closer.

As Ichigo was prepared to swing the grocery bags in his hands, a black panther landed in front of him, startling the humans for a brief second before they charged forwards. The panther was a blur of claws and teeth as it easily took down the humans surrounding them. One human had managed to get around the panther without the panther's notice, which Ichigo knocked out effectively with the bags of groceries in his hands. With the last human taken care of, the panther turned to take in the sight of the orange haired teen behind it.

"Grimmjow," a voice called, catching the panther's attention.

The panther shifted into a naked man with light blue hair and cyan eyes, before calling back, "Nnoitra, you slow bastard, you missed out on the fight."

"You asshole," Nnoitra snarled, finally coming into view. "I told you to leave some for me."

"You took too long," Grimmjow stated, before turning back to Ichigo.

Ichigo had been staring at the gothic six on Grimmjow's back, while the two had been talking. Now that Grimmjow was facing him, he couldn't look at the gothic six anymore.

Grimmjow looked the young shifter up and down, before asking, "Don't you know what happens to shifters that wander onto the human side of town, bitch?"

"Of course I know what happens," Ichigo snapped, angry at the other for calling him a bitch.

"You're pretty aggressive for a bitch," Grimmjow commented thoughtfully, enraging Ichigo even more.

Blinded by rage, Ichigo swings his bags full of groceries at the arrogant shifter, hitting him in the head, before storming home. Grimmjow laid on the ground, watching the aggressive submissive leave the alley in a huff. Nnoitra was cackling in glee at having watched Grimmjow have his ass handed to him by a submissive. Tonight definitely wasn't his night Grimmjow thought, as his head throbbed in agony. What the hell did that beta have in those bags?

Ichigo had stormed the whole way home muttering about arrogant, blue haired dominants. He even stormed up to his bedroom, without eating. Awhile later Shiro opened the door cautiously to see Ichigo asleep. Shiro snuck into the room and lay by his adoptive brother, shifting into a snow leopard so that he could cuddle closer, he fell asleep easily.


Ichigo woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock screaming at him. He groaned and tried to get up, only to find that a massive weight was holding him down. Opening his eyes, he saw Shiro's slumbering face inches from his own.

"Shiro," he yelled, attempting to wake his brother.

Shiro didn't move, besides twitching an ear. Ichigo sighed before stretching his neck, so that he could lick Shiro's nose. Shiro startled awake, glaring at Ichigo in annoyance as he jumped off the bed in a huff. He chuffed at his brother before he wandered out of the room to get ready for school. Finally able to get up, Ichigo turned off his alarm clock, before he also started getting ready. Ichigo was out the door in record time, with a piece of toast dangling from his lips. Shiro was walking along beside Ichigo, humming an off tune version of some song that Ichigo didn't know. Since Ichigo's eighteenth birthday was coming up, Shiro had decided to stick to him at all times. On a beta's eighteenth birthday, they start going into heat for the first time, which for Ichigo was only in a week.

"So, Ichi what happened last night that put you in such a bad mood," Shiro asked.

"I ran into an arrogant alpha," he mumbled around the piece of toast in his mouth.

"Did he try doing anything to you," Shiro asked, going into full blown big brother mode.

Ichigo sighed, regretting telling his brother the truth. "No, Shiro."

Ichigo's answer didn't really sooth his brother as he was already in big brother mode. Shiro believed that every dominant was after his little brother. So, when he got started there was no stopping him. In the end, Ichigo end up ignoring his brother the whole way to school and until class started. Hell, even between classes he still had to ignore Shiro. Today definitely wasn't Ichigo's day. And his day really spiraled downwards during his English class.

The English teacher, Ulquiorra Schiffer, was an emotionless man that didn't understand many things, namely emotion and references to the heart, which is weird considering that he's a teacher. It was also his first year teaching, too. There was, also, controversy among the female students about what he shifted into. Ulquiorra has never made it known what his animal counterpart is.

"Everyone open your books to page," Ulquiorra began, only to be interrupted as the classroom door banged open.

Through the door walked in the man from last night: Grimmjow. The blue haired man walked into the room, completely ignoring the classroom full of students, up to the monochromatic teacher at the front of the room. Ichigo sitting near the back of the room, kept his head down hoping that the dominant shifter didn't notice him.

"Nel forced me to bring you your lunch," Grimmjow said, holding out the bag containing the other man's lunch, "which you forgot."

Ulquiorra took the bag from Grimmjow, his expression remaining as blank as ever. "Now get out of my classroom."

Grimmjow flicked him off, before turning to leave the classroom, only to stop suddenly. He was sniffing the air curiously, before grin light his face up. Turning in Ichigo's direction, Ichigo could see a bruise coloring one of his cheeks.

"Hey, bitch," the older male said tauntingly. "I didn't think that I'd see you here."

Ichigo growled low in his throat, resisting the urge to attack the man before.

Ulquiorra stepped up next to Grimmjow, his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Grimmjow quit harassing my students," he said, his monotone voice never varying, "and get out of my classroom," he said, kicking the panther effortlessly out of the class room. "Now open your books to page twenty-one."


Ichigo walked out of the school by his self, Shiro had been forced to stay after school for detention. As he walked away from the school's main entrance, he didn't notice Grimmjow until he heard his voice.

"Hey, bitch," the arrogant voice of Grimmjow's came, grating on Ichigo's nerves. "You owe me for yesterday."

Ichigo swiveled on his heel to face the man behind him, his amber eyes snapping in fury. "What the hell do I owe you for?"

"For this," he said, jerking his thumb at the dark bruise on his cheek before stuffing his hand back in the pocket of his leather jacket. "You ruined my good looks."

"On the contrary, I think I fixed your face," Ichigo said, happy with his self. "And how the hell do you suggest that I pay you back for that?"

Grimmjow grinned, before gripping the back of Ichigo's head and slamming the younger's lips against his. Ichigo couldn't help but notice how soft Grimmjow's lips were, only to grow angry with his self and bite the blue haired man's bottom lip harshly, drawing blood. Grimmjow drew away from the younger, licking his bottom lip with a grin.

"I'm sure you'll think of something," he said, before jogging off towards the gleaming black and chrome motorcycle parked by the curb.

As Grimmjow speed away, Ichigo noticed a blue panther painted onto the side of motorcycle's gas tank. Growling, Ichigo made his way home in a bad mood again. For once he wished that Shiro had been with him. From now he definitely wasn't leaving school without Shiro.

A/N: Hola, readers. I've started another story as you can tell. What do you guys think? I'll be posting Spin Me a Fairytale and Dance with the Devil sometime during the next couple days. Reviews and all that good stuff greatly appreciated.

Ichigo: Great, now I'm able to get pregnant.
Author: Your still kick ass, even though you can get preggo =)
Ichigo: I hate you.
Author: Your so mean to me, Ichi-berry DX