A/N: Happens after Las Noches, and for the purpose of this story I've had to change a few facts. Aizen is dead but Ichigo never lost his Soul Reaper powers, and obviously he can still see Rukia cause it would be way too heartbreaking otherwise.

Chapter 8: The Calm

After weeks of exhaustion and anxiety Ichigo was gloriously happy to be back on Earth. He, Orihime and Rukia were standing outside of Urrahara's shop, on their way home. Consciously, he was keeping his distance from both girl, though try as he might he couldn't stop looking at Rukia. After everything that had happened at Las Noches and in the battle afterwards she looked pale, and tense. They hadn't had a moment to talk about anything yet, or maybe they were just avoiding it.

"I can't believe it's all over," said Rukia quietly.

"Yeah, that was the worst," said Ichigo under his breath.

"At least you're alright," said Rukia smiling at Orihime.

"I never even got a scratch, it was you guys who got hurt..." her tone sounded guilty but her companions were too tired to notice.

"We should go home," said Ichigo, purposefully talking to Rukia and not Orihime.

"Yeah, I guess we'll see you around at school."

Orihime nodded and bowed to both of them. "Thanks a lot for everything," behind her smile her eyes were full of tears which neither could ignore. However before they could say anything she had turned around and walked away, her skirt twirling in the wind.

"She doesn't seem okay," said Rukia quietly as they began the walk home. She had no idea what she was supposed to say. In general she avoided difficult conversations. It was always easier kicking someone than ask them how they were feeling, but this time she didn't think that would cut it. It was true that after all this time her anger over him bailing after their night together had subsided, but she still didn't understand why. He hadn't told her anything. And part of her wasn't sure she wanted to know. Maybe she should ignore all that had happened and act like they were just friends again.

Well that would be awesome, but a baby is going to be damn hard to ignore, thought Rukia bitterly. She was trying hard not to remain in denial about the pregnancy, but she just couldn't picture herself as a mother. Looking up at Ichigo she couldn't see him being much of a father either. Neither of them would be ready in the best of circumstances and this was just about the shittiest situation she could imagine.

"Do you think I should go back to the Soul Society?" she asked quietly as they walked on.

"What? Why would you do that?"

Rukia stopped and looked up at him through their comical height gap. "If things are going to be like this, you know weird and silent, then I'd rather go to my real home."

He sighed. "No, I'm really sorry about that. I'm sorry about a lot of things I-" he stopped and ran his hands through his hair. "None of this is what I wanted. Since that night we were together..." his voice trailed of a second time. Rukia alone knew how difficult it was for him to talk about his feelings, so she waited patiently for him to gather his courage. "You're all I've thought about," he finished very quietly, not daring to meet her eyes. "I was an idiot."

"Well, I always knew that."

His face lightened up with a smile. "I like reminding you once in a while."

"Once in a while is alright," she said going on her tipy-toes to put her arms around him. "But you don't have to do it quite so often."

He laughed and embraced her, suddenly feeling that no time at all had happened. How did Rukia always have this effect for him? How did she wash all his pain away? It was amazing. When he was with her, nothing else mattered, he just wanted to make her happy. The rest of the walk home, they held hands, Las Noches forgotten, Aizen forgotten, Orihime forgotten.

I've done everything wrong, and she still understands, he thought as they walked through his silent house back to their room. I've messed up everywhere I could and she doesn't pester me. She doesn't ask for explanations. She just knows that I regret it. Her violet eyes were stunning. He hand soft against his. Her small fingers intertwined between his own. What had he done to deserve someone so beautiful?

Rukia felt stronger with every step they took together. She never felt more like herself than when she was with him. It didn't matter if they were fighting or making love, now more than ever she was sure he was the person she wanted. What did I promise myself, after my fight with the 9th espada? I said I would tell Ichigo how I felt. I don't want any more of this avoidance crap. We have to talk about this, we have to talk about all of this. It doesn't matter that we're both shit with words, we have to get this over with.

She went into his room with that intent in mind. She was going to tell him what Isane had told her, and they were going to come up with a plan together. What dimension to live in. What to tell Byakuya. It wouldn't be pleasant but they needed to do this. And yet the moment the doors shut all of those thoughts went straight out of her head, and all she could think about was all that had happened last time they were alone in a room together.

"Are you still going to sleep in the closet," he teased, opening the door for her.

Rukia laughed. "I don't think so."

"Does that mean we're sharing a bed," his voice was quite low and there was a glint in his eyes that no girl could possible resist.

"I guess so," said Rukia as she moved tantalizingly closed to him but slipped gracefully away just as he reached to touch her. Her heart was pounding, and she could feel the blood rushing through her. He had left her wanting more last time, and now that want was of colossal proportions. She could barely control herself. All thoughts of the baby had gone straight out of her mind.

"Sounds good," said Ichigo with a wicked smile, as he lifted the covers of his bed. "Ladies first."

"I think you forgot something?"


"Don't you humans have a custom of wearing pajamas?"


"Well, don't you think you should get out of your clothes and put them on?," she said crossing her arms over her chest and looking him up and down.

He laughed. "You want me to strip?"

"You've done dirtier things, or do I need to remind you?" said Rukia feeling herself grow bolder.

Ichigo couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth or how much it was turning him on. She was taking complete control, she wasn't like Orihime who had to be lead and pushed, Rukia was in every way his equal. Nothing was sexier than that. "Do I get to request the same from you?" he asked as he began undoing the buttons of his shirt.

Rukia cocked her head to the side, fully aware of how adorable she looked. "No," she said firmly, as she watched his shirt drop to the ground.

"I thought relationships were supposed to be a two way street."

"Maybe in the human world... now get on with it," she said, pointing directly at his pants.

Ichigo wasn't sure if he should laugh or jump on her. The way she was looking at him was turning him on more than he could have imagined. Her purple eyes glowing in the darkness of the room, her little half smile, with the words: I dare you, written all over. Moving purposefully slowly he undid the button of his jeans, staring straight into her eyes.

"Are you trying to drive me crazy?" she asked, a perfect eyebrow raised.

"Nah, I'm just getting ready for bed," he answered unzipping his pants, but making sure they didn't fall bellow his hips.

"Don't make me hit you."

"You know I love it when you do," he answered as he lowered his jeans inch by inch.

His body was perfect. Lean, and muscular, with beautiful skin. It was the kind of body boys would kill to have, and girls would kill to use, and here it was for her and her only. Rangiku would be so jealous... she thought as he finally warmed his way out of his pants, and stood in front of her in only those blue boxers she had seen folded in his closet so many times. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she said somewhat impatiently.

"Your skirt," he answered. "In fact I think I want all your clothes, you know I wanna chuck them out of the window."

"Oh, yeah?" she said picking up the hem of her skirt and raising it slightly, to reveal more of her white thighs. "Well that's all your getting..."

"Are you sure about that?" he said taking a step towards her.

"My game, my rules."

"Well that doesn't seem fair at all," he said coming closer to her still. Rukia wanted to keep him away. She wanted to tease him. To make him want her as much as she had been wanting him all these long weeks apart. But she simply couldn't resist. The next thing she knew his mouth was pressed against hers, and his arms had literally lifted her off her feet. His body felt warm and delicious beneath her, and as things grew more heated she wiggled her way out of most of her clothes as his fingers travelled through the softness of her bare skin.

This time they never even got to the bed.

Instead he pushed her up against the wall, his fingers traveling quickly down her thigh to the center of her heat. Rukia leaned into his touch, her tongue tracing the bottom of his earlobe and her hands running through his hair. She felt hot and startled all over, her legs shacking in anticipation. Ichigo was fingering her slowly, treasuring her warmth, his mouth busy kissing her neck and the top of her breasts.

He wasn't as scared as last time, and he wasn't as clueless either. Before he had had the desire to please her, to bring her pleasure, but now he trusted himself to do it and much better than their first time together. As his fingers began moving through her clit she moaned loudly and repositioned his mouth so that it was against her own. Their kisses were wet and fast, Rukia body leaning towards him, allowing him full access and he in a delirium over her beauty. He was so hard he could hardly think of anything, all he knew was that he wanted her, he wanted her even more than the first time.

"Ichigo," she gasped into his ear, her legs now wrapped around his waist.

He kissed her neck slowly, understanding that single word to be an unspoken command. He moved his hands to either side of her hips and then slowly moved himself inside of her. Rukia inclined her head back in pleasure, a long moan escaping her glittering lips. He didn't waste a single moment as he pushed in and out of her, deeper than before, deeper than ever. She gasped and moaned beneath him, utterly overcome.

Ichigo felt her climax in waves, her lips moving eagerly through neck and then lost in his own ecstasy moved deeper inside her still. They stayed together, up against that wall for what felt like several minutes. Both breathing hard, and Ichigo still inside of her. "I love you," he said kissing her cheek.

Rukia smiled, but there were tears in her eyes. "I love you too."

As they moved apart she had the impulse to put her clothes on and discus everything they had planned. She needed to tell him, she couldn't keep it to herself anymore. But then he looked so happy, and he was holding her hand. And she couldn't think.

It was hours before they went to sleep. They put ever surface of Ichigo's room to use and only collapse back on the bed when they were too exhausted to move. Both were sore and wicked tired, but in the back of their mind a little thought haunted them in their last minutes of consciousness:

I have to tell.

A/N: Gotta admit I did miss writing these two. Thanks you to everyone that reviewed as always it is very appreciated, and I hope this chapter is more satisfying than some of it's predecessors. Next chapter is entirely Orihimeless.

H - E