SM owns it.

Ham, Satan and Panda made this possible!

Mistakes are mine. I added like 1k to this so.


When we last left our zombies killers...

"Try again. You're fucking bad-ass now, remember that. Make it your bitch!" Emmett bounced around the other zombie, poking it and laughing, as I pulled the rod free from its neck.

I thought about Jessica as I reared back and with all my strength, and stabbed straight through its nose. The crunching sound that followed was the worst and Emmett didn't laugh, thankfully, when I threw up.

"Thank you," I panted when he carried me over to a water fountain.

"I'm so proud of you, dude." He patted my back, giving me a broad smile.

I was shaking all over, half fear, half excited at what I'd done. "My dad's gonna kill me."

"Not before I kill, Emmett." I didn't even have time to blink.

The crack in the linoleum was louder than anything I have ever heard, followed by the lockers screeching and caving in.

Edward had Emmett by the throat holding him in the air.

"Aww, did you miss me?" Emmett made a kissing sound with his lips before he was flung across the floor, sliding to stop next to me.

When Edward's glare was turned to me, followed by Charlie's booming voice calling my name, I knew I was in deep shit.



"You two, enough," Charlie shouted, stopping Edward, who straightened up quickly. "I don't care what the hell just happened, but you better be glad it's me walking in here and not one of my deputies."

Emmett and Edward turned wide-eyed toward Charlie.

"Shit," Edward swore and let go of Emmett.

"And you―" I could see the anger in his eyes as he glared at me. "―Isabella Marie Swan, just what in the hell were you thinking?"

"I am so sorry." Edward looked ashamed.

"Not a word out of you right now," Charlie seethed as he turned his attention back to me.

I stood tall, my arms crossed and my chin lifted in defiance as I stared at my father.

"Charlie, you can't keep me sheltered from this. Emmett just wanted me to stop feeling crappy about not helping."

"Helping isn't going into a building with your dead classmates walking around. Helping isn't taking a risk to get ambushed. Helping isn't going inside a damn school when you have no idea what you're dealing with." He shook his head and looked at three of us.

"I watched one those things, one of my friends, eat another." Bile rose in my stomach as the sound of Eric's teeth hitting bone resurfaced in my mind. " I know, Charlie, okay?"

"You know what they eat. You know what they look like. You have no idea how to really deal with one. How to escape. How to fight back." He took a step toward me, but I moved away. I wasn't finished yet.

"That's what Emmett was trying to show me. Don't you want me to learn?"

"No. What I want you to do is get your ass back outside..."

"Oh, you mean where one of those things tried to claw its way inside a car to get to me?" I laughed at him and turned to leave.

"Isabella Marie Swan," Charlie snapped and I froze.

"I was safe with Emmett. He wouldn't have let anything hurt me." I tried to step closer to Emmett, but Edward blocked me.

"Out in the Jeep, you're right. In here anything could get you, Bella. Emmett could be distracted and one of them could come around the corner and you'd be dead. His reflexes are better than ours, but that doesn't mean he can stop all of them." Charlie glared at Emmett.

"I had the right to be here," I shouted, pissed and embarrassed that he was scolding me in front of them.

"You had the right to sit your ass in the car and wait for me."

I knew I scared him by coming in here, but I couldn't stay in that Jeep. Not with those things outside trying to attack me.

"I'm not some little girl anymore. You can't protect me from everything." I wiped at angry tears.

"Maybe not, but I am your father. You will listen to me."

"Charlie's right," Edward sighed. "I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, but you shouldn't have come in here, Bella. If something were to happen to you..."

"Mind your own business, Eddie." I turned on him, ready to attack.

"You are my business. And you, Emmett, will be once we get home," he snarled at his brother who was pulling bits of flesh off his shirt.

"Dude, chill out. Your girlfriend's safe and a total badass!" Emmett laughed, finally picking himself off the floor.

"Girlfriend?" Charlie looked wide eyed between Edward and I.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I groaned as Edward stiffened by the lockers.

"Holy shit!" Emmett jumped from his spot, but Edward grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Don't move, Bella." His eyes moved from my face to something behind me.

I heard the groan as it moved closer. It's feet smacked the floor in wet, sickening steps as I froze in fear.

"What the hell is that?"

"Shut your eyes." Edward took a slow step towards me. All of his anger was gone. I couldn't read his face, but he looked afraid.

"Is it close to me?" A growl sounded behind me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. "Please just tell me!"

"It's too close. If any of us move, it could grab you. Right now it's just looking around. Probably confused by Emmett and I." Edward nodded to Charlie as he took another step, moving closer to me.

"What does that mean?" I looked between them, confused.

"Just stay still," Charlie whispered, and slowly removed his gun from its holster.

"Charlie's a good shot. Charlie's a good shot." I told myself over and over as I closed my eyes. I heard Emmett laughing in the background as a bullet left the barrel of Charlie's gun.

Edward's cold arms wrapped around me, pulling me away. He tried to stop me from looking, pushing me behind him, but I watched as it fell to the ground. It's head smacked the floor where I had been standing, and blood poured from the bullet wound between it's eyes.

"You're okay." He brushed the hair out of my face as I stared at one of my classmates, dead on the floor.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I turned away from them, wanting to see if I knew who it was, but the site of it made my stomach flip. "Oh god."

"Can you get her out of here safe? I need to check in with my deputies and then I'll meet you at your house." Charlie asked, pulling me from Edward and hugging me close.

"Yes, sir."


I fidgeted as I scanned the room. The car ride had given me time enough to breath and to calm down, but as soon as I stepped inside, I was all nerves again.

I was surrounded by vampires.

Seven to be exact. And all of them watched me as I twisted my hands and avoided eye contact as best I could.

Jasper had introduced himself, but refused to move from his spot across the room. I thought he was pretty damn rude, but I didn't say anything. I didn't miss Edward's smile either. Or the weird way Alice's eyes sparkled when they met mine.

Esme tried to offer me food while Carlisle gathered papers and supplies. Rose had smiled at me and offered a wave, but didn't say a word.

Edward stayed against the wall since the moment we walked in. He'd chuckle at something I hadn't heard, or would smile at Alice. From what Emmett told me in the car, they sometimes did that, and I was to ignore it.

It wasn't very easy, especially when I could feel their eyes on me.

"Stop!" I shut my eyes, trying to disappear, far away from here.

"I told you it was weird," Emmett laughed.

"Fuck off, Emmett. Alice is upset," Edward barked, making Rosalie laugh.

"I'm sorry, Bella." Alice turned in Jasper's lap. "I should have been able to see what happened today, and I feel horrible."

I didn't know what to say to her. I'd never been around a psychic, or whatever the hell she was before, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

"It's okay," Edward said. "She just feels bad. You could have lost your life."

I shifted in my seat so I could face her. "It's not your fault it happened."

"I know."

"Told you," Edward laughed making my stomach twist in a knot.

Charlie walked through the door then breaking whatever eye thing that was happening between Edward and I.

"So what did I miss?"

"Flirting." Emmett chuckled.

"What?" Charlie's eyes turned to mine and I shrugged. No way was I going to get into that with my father. Especially not anything that had to do with Edward.

"Charlie." Carlisle appeared at the opening of the living room in his white lab coat. "How is going out there?"

"Not good, Carlisle." Charlie took his hat off and sat down beside me. "Have you heard anything from the CDC yet?"

"No, but it's all over the news." Carlisle grimaced and moved to Esme who smiled up at him.

"The attack?" I asked.

"Yeah, but not just ours." Alice clicked on the TV and an emergency broadcast lit up the screen.

"Every state and every country has been hit. The government is already in talks to shut down our borders," Jasper spoke up.

"Why would they do that?" I felt like I was in a tennis match trying to figure out who was talking and when.

"To keep the infected out." Alice piped in. "Air travel has been grounded as well. There are roadblocks at every state line." I didn't like the sound of that. We'd have no way of escaping if they kept us shut in.

"How bad is it?" I asked. My stomach was in knots and I was beginning to feel trapped.

"It started last night in Wyoming. A farmer was found hunched over a cow he'd ripped apart with his bare hands. In Tennessee, an entire neighborhood was overrun. They showed a child on the news in Texas who had turned. She was on the windshield of a news van trying to claw her way through the glass."

"CNN has been reporting sightings all morning." Jasper clutched Alice's hand and wrapped one arm around her waist as he looked at me.

"They are tearing people apart. There was one man, no matter how many times they shot him, he just kept going. He didn't even have half his face and his stomach was sliced open. He didn't look real." Alice visibly shuddered.

"Technically they are dead. They shouldn't be able to move at all, but they are." Carlisle said as he watched the screen.

I stared at Carlisle in shock. "How… how is that possible?"

"We don't know how the virus works, Bella. It was brought here, we do know that, but beyond patient zero, we have no more information."

"So these things…" I started but Emmett cleared his throat.

"Zombies." Emmett had a very serious look on his face as he pointed to the game in his hand. He was sitting on the edge of his seat, watching the news broadcast.

"This isn't a video game." Edward shook his head but Emmett just shrugged.

"No, but that's what they are. The undead."

"You're gonna scare her, dammit," Edward growled from his corner.

He was wrong. Emmett wasn't scaring me. What Alice said before however, had.

"So these things just turn and start attacking people?" I turned back to Carlisle. He was the only one who seemed to know what was happening besides Edward.

No way was I gonna talk to him.

"Yes, which is why I think it would be best if you stayed here," Charlie answered and Carlisle nodded.

"I can't stay here!" I shot up out of my seat, ready to bolt for the door.

"I can't be with you at the house. You have to. Those things were shown breaking through windows to get to people." Charlie grabbed hold of my arm and every person in the room stared at us.

"They're vampires, Charlie. They eat people like me," I hissed at him and Edward doubled over in the corner, laughing at me.

I hate you. I seriously fucking hate you. I glared at him inside my head.

"I'd never eat you." Emmett smiled at me and Rose smacked his arm.

"We're quarantining the school, Bella, but that might not be enough," Carlisle said, pulling the attention away from me. "This is the safest place for you. I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"But if they're all inside..." Eric's face flooded my vision and I wanted to cry.

"We don't know that for a fact. You said some of them tried to get at you outside." Charlie pulled me back down on the couch next to him. I wanted to yank away, but I didn't want to see the hurt in his eyes. Not again.

"Edward killed those." My eyes fell to Edward, begging him with my eyes to say something but he had already turned away.

"He may not have got them all," Carlisle said, but my eyes were on Edward.

"You prick," I muttered under my breath, but I knew he could hear me.

"The deputies can only handle so much, Bella. A lot of lives were lost inside there."

"I thought you said days." I turned to Carlisle, feeling betrayed. I remembered his story, but none of them in the school took days to turn. Some of them only took seconds.

"Days?" Carlisle blinked at me.

"Before they turned." I sat forward in my seat. "You said days. Not minutes."

"I observed patient zero for days, but I have no way of knowing if any of the students were infected prior to today. I don't know how fast this could spread or if you were infected. We're concerned about the food poisoning, but I don't have any definitive answers yet." He looked at me with sad eyes and I wanted to scream at him.

"Is there a test?" I knew if there was I would take it. I needed to know. I needed to be okay.

"I need to see a few of the victims to be sure, but yes I believe I can test for it." Carlisle began taking notes as everyone else watched him.

I thought about the test. About the results. Everyone in the room seemed to quiet as I thought about how that thing felt when it touched me. How it watched at me.

"Yes, one of them did." Edward made me jump in my seat as his voice broke the silence.

"What?" I twisted in my seat to look at Edward.

"Carlisle was asking if any of them had touched you," Jasper said when Edward wouldn't answer me.

"I didn't hear him." I looked between them.

"Nah, none of us did. They have this weird brain thing going on." Emmett chuckled and Edward shook his head. "Kinda like what he has with Alice, only a little less backwoods."


Emmett rolled his eyes. "You do that all the time. It's weird dude."

"Did any of them break the skin, Bella?" I remembered one of them grabbing at my shirt. How its cold skin felt against mine

"No. I got away from them." Edward stiffened in his corner as I spoke, but he didn't say a word.

"Let us see how bad it is. If we can be absolutely positive there is no risk, then we can think about letting you come home, okay?"

I scanned the room, trying to feel welcome here. I didn't know any of these people. I didn't know how they acted, or if I had a way of protecting myself.

"They would never hurt you," Edward said. "None of us would. You'll be safe here."

"I'm a human in a house full of vampires." I laughed at him. How the hell he thought I would be okay with this plan was beyond me. By myself with him, sure. I trusted him.

Sort of.

Emmett had protected me, but the others? I had no idea if they'd leave me for dead or not.

"They wouldn't." Edward's voice was darker as he answered my thoughts.

"Stop that." I ground out.

"And none of us drink human blood. Even if we wanted to we choose not to." I could see the anger in his eyes, but I didn't care. I wanted sleep and to forget about this day.

"Do this for me, please?" Charlie gripped my hand and I sighed.

"Fine." I nodded, feeling defeated.

"So you'll stay?" Emmett asked, bouncing in his seat.

"Yes, Emmett. I'll stay, but I need some things." I turned to Charlie, not budging on this.

"I can get them, Bells." He smiled and I knew he was relieved.

"No. If you want me to stay here then I need to be the one to get my things." Charlie nodded, but made me promise to take Edward.

"Then Emmett comes too," I said, making Edward groan and me smile.

"Yes!" Emmett jumped off his chair and ran over to me, knocking me from the corner of the couch onto the floor.

"Dude!" I scowled up at him as every head in the room turned to us. Most laughed, but I knew the growl was coming from Edward.

"Emmett, she's human. Not a toy," Edward snapped and Emmett laughed, helping me up.

"I wanted to show her something." He shrugged. "I made something. You have got to see it."

Emmett held his hand out to me.

"He's not into anything weird is he?"

"I think you should stay down here and hear what Carlisle has to say." Edward moved away from the wall, his eyes on Emmett.

"It's okay, Bella. Go ahead." Carlisle smiled at me before turning back to Charlie. With both of them deep in conversation about safety plans and the town, I followed Emmett up the stairs and away from Edward and the other vampires.


"You know how I figured out the whole Zombie thing?" Emmett opened his door, not bothering to wait for me as he stormed inside.

I giggled at his enthusiasm. He was having way too much fun with all this.

"The video games?" I asked, as I tried to find a spot to sit that wasn't covered in paper and clothing.

"Yeah, that." He dug around in his closet, tossing out bags and shoes. "So I got this idea. Jasper thought it was great. I think he's excited as I am."

"Do you ever clean?" I picked up a stack of papers, trying to make out his scribbles.

"We barely use this room."

"What are you doing in there?" I tried to look around him, but he was too big for me to see anything other than his shoulders bumping and snapping the molding of the door.

"I made you something!" He turned and beamed at me, smiling like a kid with candy. "Check it out. We can use it when we go to your house."

"What is it?"

"No its not a gun!" he shouted, and I jumped.


He rolled his eyes and cleared off a spot on the bed for me to sit and fell down beside me.

"Here." He dropped a bag on the floor and rubbed his hands together.

I eyed the duffle at my feet. There was a yellow Hazard sign painted on the front and what looked like blood dripping down the sides. It was almost bigger than me and was definitely heavier.

"What is this?" I kicked the bag with my foot and Emmett smiled so wide at me it was terrifying. I'd never seen someone smile so big or have teeth so white.

"It's a gift. Open it!" His hands were under his chin as he waited.

"You don't have to do that." The door swung open and Edward stood there, once again glaring at Emmett.

"I'm blocking him." Emmett scooted closer to me with a smirk and I heard a growl from across the room.

"You're what?" I asked, confused.

"I'm sorry! I tried to stop him." Alice appeared beside Edward, scowling up at him. "Apparently Edward doesn't like sharing."

"Shut up and let her see what I did." Emmett huffed, making Alice giggle.

I ignored all of them and slowly unzipped the bag.

"Pop-tarts?" I snickered as I pulled out a dozen silver packs.

"Edward was bitching that you liked them and we don't have any in the house. Pretty soon there won't be any at all."

I dug a little deeper and tried not to look at Edward.

"Really, Emmett?" I pulled out a Lara Croft costume along with a belt of weapons. Throwing stars, a dagger, and nunchuks.

"What? It's almost Halloween."

I found a can of hairspray with the label peeled and "Zombie Be-Gone" written over the front, along with a lighter. There was even a first aid kit and bug spray.

I dug deeper and found water, kitkats, a tomahawk, tampons and condoms.

Lots and lots of condoms. Banana flavored condoms.

"Ummm… thank you?" I shoved the condoms deep into the bag, hoping they'd get lost inside.

"It's a zombie survival bag. I got the idea from the game." He beamed at me.

"The tampons?" No way was I mentioning the condoms.

"I read somewhere you can stop a zombie from biting you by filling their mouths with tampons. And hey, if you run into a vampire zombie, ya know?" He laughed so hard the bed started shaking.

"Emmett!" Alice started to laugh with him and the room filled with an unnatural, yet beautiful sound.

"Can't have little vampire babies running around, now can we?" I gasped and my hand went straight to my mouth.

"God damn it, Emmett!" Alice pulled me away just as Edward launched himself at his brother.

"If we're going to go to Bella's before nightfall, you two need to stop," Alice said as I stared in horror at the two of them wrestling in a blur on the bed.

Emmett untangled himself first and knocked Edward off the side of the bed, a smile stretched across his face.

"Let's do this!"

Feels good to be back!

LOTS of zombies are up next!

Do you have a favorite zombie movie?