I read somewhere that JK Rowling had decided that Lily was pregnant when she and James were killed. What would happen if Lily lived and was able to raise Harry? What would have changed? and what would have changed if Harry had had a younger sister thrown into everything?

Here's the first chapter, I promise that the next ones will be longer.

Severus Snape had a problem. A big problem.

She'll die and it's my fault, because I had to go and tell Voldemort about the prophecy. Oh why couldn't I have figured out who it was and just warned her? He anguished as he walked. He suddenly stopped and looked around, how ironic. He thought. He had come back to the park where he and Lily had spent so much time together before their Hogwarts years. It was where he had first seen Lily, where he'd first fallen in love with her.

In the end it was her eyes that undid him. Her big emerald green eyes; who knew that at 10 years old one could find a soul mate and at 16 loose her. He couldn't help but think as he thought of the time, the one time where he'd slipped up and called her that unforgivable name.


He sighed, if he and Lily were still friends he'd just go to her house and warn her, but they weren't friends anymore, she wouldn't trust him farther than she could spit. But she'll do anything to protect her little boy. The thought occurred to him as he sat down at one of the park benches. If she gets wind of Harry being in trouble, she'll do anything to protect him.

Severus looked at his watch. 4:30 if he hurried, he could get to Godrics Hollow before James came home from work, but wait, did James even have a job? I'll have to risk it. He decided. He quickly got up and, after making sure no one was around, apperated to Godrics Hollow.

"You have to believe me!" Severus cried, his dark eyes flashing in frustration.

"Why? So you can turn us over to Voldemort?" James asked, clenching the hilt of his wand.

"No! So you, Lily and Harry don't die!" Severus roared, his fear of Lily dying making him angry. "You don't seem to understand." Severus spoke the next words like separate sentences. "Voldemort. Wants. To. Kill. You. Lily. And. Harry." He paused for a moment "Harry especially." He added.

"Why would Voldemort want to kill Harry?" both James' jaw and his grip on his wand slackened as he stared at Severus in shock.

"It doesn't matter," Lily's voice spoke from the doorway. Both Severus and James whirled around to face Lily who was white-faced in shock "We've got to do everything we can to keep Harry safe James." She said.

James nodded "I know that Lily, but…" he trailed off to look at Severus "How can we know if Severus is telling the truth?"

"We have no choice but to trust him James, Harry's life is at stake." Lily said. She clutched the boy in her arms until he started to wiggle, trying to get down. She set him down and looked James straight in the eye. "I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to Harry; James, you know that." She said.

James nodded, and looked down; the boy had waddled over to him and was now playing with the hem of James' robes. Harry stuck some of the material in his mouth, but then spit it out, apparently not liking the taste of the cloth. Harry then looked up at James and grinned, showing off the 2 teeth he had. James looked to Severus, his mind made up. "What do we need to do?" he asked.

"Lily! He's here!" James shouted he quickly grabbed his wand and apperated up to the bedroom. "Lily he's here, quick, apparate away! Take Harry, keep him safe!" James ordered.

Lily looked petrified, but she went to pick up Harry. Before she could reach him however, the door to the bedroom was blasted open and Voldemort stepped in.

James instinctively got in front of Lily, as if to protect her from the spell he knew Voldemort would be using on him.

"Move out of the way you silly boy." Voldemort's voice sounded cold and cruel.

"No." James said. He stood up straighter and brandished his wand at Voldemort. "I'm not."

"Move!" Voldemort ordered.

"No." James said again, he opened his mouth to cast a spell at Voldemort, but the latter got there first.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort roared. The green light hit James and he fell to the ground, dead.

The force of the spell knocked Lily to the side of the room, she started to get up to try to get in between Harry and Voldemort, but he turned his wand on Harry too quickly.

"Avada Kedavra!" he roared a second time, Lily saw the green light move towards Harry, almost in slow motion. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. The curse hit Harry and everything went black.

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