Mordor's child

The darkness of Mordor was frightening and dark as the half-elf ran passed the razor sharp rocks and the pools of damp dreary mud.

The half-elf had finally escaped the tower of Mordor, Barad-dur, and was running -in what he hoped was the right direction-to the woods of Lothlorien. He had heard of the goldenwood over the years and had came to a decision about two months ago to leave.

He had been the heir to Sauron. The Of course, had been-he would now be public enemy number one if he ever went back. His younger brother, Zequel, would now be the heir to Mordor and perhaps the world if Sauron ever got that far, though he hoped not. He would be dead for sure.

He had of course planned the safest time to get away. Just before the "last alliance".

The elves and men had joined together and had stormed Mordor. His "father" would be going to join the army of orcs and goblins and would, obviously, be too busy to notice he was gone.

He was 993 years old-nearing his 1000th year and would then be taken to the battlefield "to fight beside his father and all his glory" one servant -a dark elf- had told him many years ago. Not that he had never had any experience in fighting. He was taught at a young age how to kill soundlessly and quick and, also how to kill slowly and painfully. Even his brothers had been taught later than he had.

He blamed his race for loosing all his innocence and childhood at such a young age. It was because of his race that Sauron had wanted to "experiment" as another of his servants had put it. (He never found it necessary to learn the servants' names, most of them died within weeks, falling by the blade of their comrades.)

His brothers were breeds from dark elves and, obviously, Sauron himself. Each of his 4 brothers had long, straight black hair which they got from the dark elves and had dark almost black faces with blood red eyes which was from his "father".

But he was always different from the rest. Not just in his looks though but also in his soul. He had a kind heart, even if he refused to believe it at first, and his brothers did not. It was a simple fact.

Of course his looks were different to, he had blond-almost-golden hair put up into spikes. It was put into spikes because his brothers thought blond hair would never strike any fear into the heart of the creatures of middle earth so the put it in spikes. It was like they were coming right out of his head, his brothers even put streaks of blood in it, to make it more realistic.

It was like that now; even though he knew he was not a demon of Mordor any longer he still had it in that fashion-to scare off any unwanted orcs. He laughed at this thought. The orcs would be afraid of him anyway if they recognised him.

He had other noticeable features like his face was pale but from the lack of food these passed two months or because of his race he could never tell. They never had any mirrors in Mordor since most creatures hated looking at themselves anyway.

His eyes, though, were something he loved. They showed clearly his emotions, when he was feeling normal or happy his eyes would show a deep blue crystal colour. When he was angry or in a mood to kill his eyes would show the same blood red colour as his brothers but that could not be helped just like when.but he shoved that thought back into the pit of his mind from whence it came. When he was depressed or unhappy his eyes would shine like silver, which was what they were like now.

He signed and stopped beside a small pool of stinking mud and searched for some food. After a minute or so he grabbed what looked like some sort of mutant fish and quickly killed and ate it. He would have preferred it cooked but he didn't want to attract any unwanted attention with a fire.

That thought flew from his head though as he heard the beating of wings.

Without a further thought he dived into the pool of mud and lay still beneath its thick watery surface. He had recognised the beating wings at once. The Nazgul. He had stayed more than long enough to know how many types of steeds the Nazgul had on land and in the air. He would recognise the beating of them wings anywhere even in his dreams....or rather nightmares.

When he thought it was safe he slowly got out of the muddy water and looked around. He sighed and began running again with even more urgency to get away from the realm of Mordor.


It was obviously starting to become tough since I only slept every three days and only had one meal before nightfall.

It feels weird to know I might never get away from this land of darkness, and that weird feeling freaks me out more than anything does. It feels weird just like when I think about me hating and despising the home, which I was brought up in. The familiar orcish sceams' in the night and the cold draft of my room make me long to be home but the whips and daggers make me go on, running as fast as I can.

I had stumbled yesterday and instead of straitening myself immediately-I had fallen flat on my face. I feel like I am dying; though I never remember not feeling like that. Whither it be body or spirit I have always felt like lying down and sleeping forever.

I remembered when my teacher, yet another servant-this time named Jazukera, had told be to torture a young woman from Gondor. I had been taken to her by my teacher and given every type of weapon Mordor could provide. She looked at me with tear filled eyes that showed fear, hatred and agony. I could tell she had already been hurt. Badly.

I lifted a small dagger, one of the elfish types. She asked in a shaky voice "w-w-why d-do you hate u-us?" She asked in between sobs. I then lowered my mouth to her ear and whispered.

My teacher must of thought I was taunting her because he smirked and grinned with horrible glee.

But I told her not to be afraid and to just let go because she would go to Valar....And I would go to hell.

I told her she was lucky.

I killed her swiftly, swiftly enough that she would die without pain. She died smiling which was something I had NEVER seen before. I had actually thought she was in pain before I saw the look of happiness on her face. She did look at me with pity in her eyes, I wish never to see pity again and instead the makes me wonder what laughter is like. Not the hideous evil laughter my armies and me use on our foes but ones of mirth.

I was -naturally- beaten mercilessly afterwards -I still have the scars- but I felt more.more human-no more elfish then than any other time in my life.

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I saw the memory in my mind but wiped I angrily away. I would NOT cry. Even for a memory.

No matter how good it was.


I passed what I think was Auduin, the great river, a week ago and am moving up the west side. The food he is better here. Rabbits and NICE fish are easy to come by and I wondered why my brothers can stand the food they eat daily. It must taste horrible. That's probably all I deserve. I feel my eyes going silver, again. Ugh.


I am moving cautiously up a stream that seams to lead into the middle of a forest. I'm quite sure this forest is the Lothlorien -goldenwood- that I have heard about. It must be because the trees are so tall and beautiful. I actually stood for a while and gazed up at them.

That though seemed so ironic, the son of the all-powerful Sauron thinks his enemy's home is beautiful. I laughed a hollow laugh at this and knew at once my mistake.

I hear the moving in the tree's as whatever guards are in them search me out. So I stand ready but I do not go into a fighting stance because I am not in any sort of mood to fight, even with my "enemy's". Even if I was it would ruin everything wished to achieve.

In mere moment's, mere seconds even, arrows and elves surround me.

I smirk at their stunned faces, then mask my emotions and turn my own face to their obvious leader as he steps between two archers towards me.

He looks at me for a moment in curiosity and slight disgust before ridding his face of all emotion. Maybe all elves do that. It's probably an Elven trait.

I must look like some strange demon to them or just ugly like an orc.

I had washed my clothes, in the great river to rid myself from the mud that used to cover my body and stood clean and refreshed infront of them.

I had a dark green tunic on with black trousers (a/n do they wear trousers?) and a silver belt. On my belt I had attached two short swords and in my dark green boots I carried two daggers. I also wore a silver- tinted/black cape with a small, light grey bow (weapon) on the back with my quiver full of arrows. I also had a silver chain round my neck with small gems of every kind built into it, stolen of course from the dwarfs.

If my dark clothes didn't look suspicious my head was bound to be. My golden-bloody-spiked up hair with my red eyes (I was angry at the elves disgusted look at me) was bound to be.

Put everything together and you've got yourself a demon looking half-elf.

The elf spoke to me clearly in the common-tongue "Who are you?" he said. It wouldn't really matter what language he spoke to me I know almost every one and I am, obviously, fluent in the orcs and goblins languages.

I would answer him but that would get me into trouble. So I asked my own question, "Where am I?" But the elf wouldn't give it up and so he asked my again or more like demanded it, so I fell silent but after a second said, "am I in Lothlorien?"

He was getting impatient so he nodded and asked again, "who are you?"

"I..."I paused thinking, well they'd find out anyway, "I am Damninus (damn- in-u-us)...The son and ex-heir to the dark lord Sauron, the realm of Mordor and the tower of Barad-Dur."

There was silence before a outraged and disbelieving "WHAT!?" came from couple of elves, all spoken at once.

"You don't believe me?" I asked calmly but really shaking inside. I don't know how they couldn't, I had a quite a thick Mordor accent. "I suppose it would be hard to grasp that you enemy's "royal" son would come to the edge of you forest" Oops!

I probably shouldn't have said that. My journey had been rough and I was one full sarcasm mode.

They now hold their bows more firmly and I can feel the cold metal against my skin as a trickle of warm blood flow down the back of my neck. I say that I feel but really only my mind registers that fact numbly. I have been beaten to many times to flinch or feel anything close to pain anymore.

Suddenly the elf in front of my jumps slightly being caught of guard by Valar knows what and turns to me.

"The Lady would like to speak to you." He said that with confusion evident in his face but a mask concealed it once more. Yes, that was definitely an elfish trait.

I was then led silently (blindfolded-to my annoyance) to what I hoped would be the "Lady".

A/n thank u reviewers:

Panther-er..moer is coming

Legolas' sweetie-I'm continuing

Kris-again, I'm wrighting more Snapdragon- you probally guessed right but it's not finding out who the half-elf is that's important!!! Hehehe

Morpheus Blue- yeah but he'll meet her later.much a couple of thousand years later.

Springra-thanks, another chptr coming up soon

AsHIEE-next chap coming out soon


Tam-Yey! Someone likes my ideas!!!

Sattered Sky-there's no writer's block just computer block

ElvenChik99-wow 16 in total, that's like double of what I wanted, Yay!!! I'm not sure if I'm original but thankz anyway.

Lady Flame-thankz

Liana Greenleaf-er.more coming

Jade Kaiba-HELL YEAH!!!